Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wanna win a HALLOWEEN Giveaway????

It's time...be afraid, be very afraid!!!!! I LOVE this SpOoKy Holiday, and to get ya all in the ghostly mood, here's what is in the fun package that will be sent your way.......
To Enter...
1 entry...leave a comment.
2 entries...follow my blog.
3 entries...post about this giveaway on your blog.
(come back and let me know!)
How easy is that!?!?! Not ScArY at all, right?
I'll pick a winner at midnight on Monday, September 7th.


shortmama said...

This is such cute stuff! I am going to opt out not to enter because I dont decorate for Halloween since we get no trick or treaters here! In our town all the kids trick our treat down the main road.

Anonymous said...

Halloween is my ABSOLUTE favorite!You make the cutest stuff in the world!!I REALLY hope I win! And I have been a follower since the beginning :) and Im posting on my blog.

Heidi Boos said...

Holy smokes, girl! You do love yourself some Halloween!! Look at that giveaway. This means you're REALLY going to love this month's craft challenge! ;)

Heidi Boos said...

And, of course I'm a faithful follower! ;)

April said...

Pick me, pick me!!! ;)

April said...

I am most definitely a faithful follower!

April said...

I just posted about your SPOOKY giveaway on my blog...spreadin' the word!

Kelly said...

Tanielle- you never surprise to amaze me with your craftiness! I would love to win!!

Kelly said...

of course I follow your blog!

Kelly said...

I posted about your giveaway on my sidebar

Kelli said...

Wow, look at all of that stuff. I love the magnets!

Kelli said...

And I follow you...ha, ha, ha, ha, haaaaa!!!

Cassie said...

I want to enter. that stuff is so cute!

Cassie said...

I already follow you :)

Jingle said...

This is super fun! I'm starting to really get excited about Halloween this year!!!

Jingle said...

I follow your blog!!!

Melissa said...

Yes, yes, I do want to win!

Melissa said...

I am a follower. :)

Amy said...

This is so awesome. Please enter me... I love all of the fun stuff you have to giveaway.

Amy said...

I follow you. So here is my first entry...

Amy said...

I love stopping by and following you. I love the stories, crafts, and can't wait to see the next little one you have.

Entry 2 for following you.

Sheila said...

OMG! You did an AWESEOME job - totally dig your give away! You rock star!

Dawn said...

I love the Halloween frame you made. Cute stuff!!

Dawn said...

I'm a follower!!

Brandy@YDK said...


Brandy@YDK said...


Amanda said...

Love all the pumpkins especially that frame! All these Halloween decor posts are really inspiring me. My son would love those skeleton hands and skulls! Boys...
Have a great day, what a great giveaway!

Amanda said...

I also follow......

The Booth Family said...

So glad I recently became a follower to your blog! You have some of the cutest ideas. Halloween is my favorite too! Awesome givaway! I hope I win! Happy Haunting!

Jules said...

Oh, I'm SO happy it is time for holiday decorating. PERFECT giveaway for my mood (=

Jules said...

Oh, and I have been a follower for a while now (=

Life, Love And Lola said...

I LOOOOOOVE Halloween!!! Pick me Pick me!!! Found you through SITS.

Jules said...

And I blogged about the giveaway on my sidebar (=

The Royal Family said...

ok first entry leaving a comment cute stuff

The Royal Family said...

i already follow 1

The Royal Family said...

following second entry.
i will try to blog later and come tell you about it.

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Ooooh Fun! We love decorating for Fall and Halloween around here :)

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

I follow! :)

Lyryn said...

I want to win…. And I already follow your blog!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great contest, love the items.

Sarah Miller said...

How do you come up with such adorable things?? You are too good at this for your own good!

Macey said...

Okay, so I'm the 42nd comment or something and I'm so not gonna win, but I want it!!! Want it want it I'm gonnawhineifidon'twinagain....

Macey said...

And I'm a follower...your most favorite right??? Just kiddin'....sorta. ; )

Sarah Miller said...

I am now a follower of you!!! Lead me where you want me!! Just teasing!

Anita@Theycallmejammi said...

I love me some fall and Halloween too....enter me please, also a follower.

Claire said...

SO CUTE! So hoping I win!!

I'm also a follower of your blog... do I need to post seperate comments for those two enteries?

Stephanie said...

Adorable! I love the sign!

Jaimie said...

HOLY COW...I LOVE Halloween! That is a ton of the most exciting things I have ever seen! I love it!
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com

Jaimie said...

I follow you... sounds spooky, huh?
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com

Tammy said...

Those are so stinking cute! You are so creative! I'm following you and posted a link on my blog. What a great giveaway!

Bonnie B. said...

you've got to be kidding me....this is an awesome giveaway!!! count me in for sure! i'm so excited!

Bonnie B. said...

i thought i was already a follower. now i am!

Desert Rose said...

I just recently became a follower of your blog...and now I am entering for the giveaway, my first giveaway entry ever. Pretty exciting!

Unknown said...

SO cute!! You make the cutest stuff!!


Unknown said...

P.S. I am a follower!


Connie said...

Lots of fun things for your giveaway! I'd love to have some of your crafty Halloween treasures!

Connie said...

I'm a proud follower of your blog.

Kristy Skoy said...

Your blog is SO CUTE! I love your halloween stuff!

Anonymous said...

Definitely count me in! How festive.

Unknown said...

right on Tani. I love the stuff you make for holidays, so talented. Throw my name in!

Bobi... said...

Tammy said on her blog that I should enter your giveaway. Oh my heck- such cute crafts! I am totally going to follow your blog, and I am putting a link on my blog for your giveaway! This is fabulous!!!

Bobi... said...

Okay, I posted your link. I hope luck is on my side! I can't wait to find out! :o)

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

It is SCARY how cute all of those things are!

I would love to be entered. Thanks Tanielle!


Tiffany said...

I'm a follower of you, I'm leaving you a comment, and I've posted on my blog, so PLEASE enter me, thanks!!!

Lindsey said...

I would love to win! Besides Christmas, Halloween is my favorite holiday!

Mama-Face said...

Pick me; I'm extra special. And a follower. Now to the linkee part. :)

Momza said...

This would really be fun for our annual halloween party! What a fun idea!

Unknown said...

I am following! Yay

Unknown said...

Pick Me!! Pick Me!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

Unknown said...

I just blogged out your giveaway!!

Tamara said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOOVEEEE Halloween and all the decorations that come with it!!

Tamara said...

I am now a follower and look forward to keep up with this blog

Natalie Jane said...

Halloween is my very favorite! Would love to win this.

Natalie Jane said...

I follow on google reader!

Natalie Jane said...

I mentioned this giveaway on my blog here:


Lisa said...

Fall is by FAR my favorite season. What a great giveaway! lisalovely123@yahoo.com

The Griffin Crew said...

What a great giveaway that is such cute stuff!!

The Griffin Crew said...

I am now a follower what a great blog!!

Lundholm Fam said...

Super cute stuff. I am definitely follwing your blog. I love to find new and fun blogs out there with such creative ideas. I will blog about it on my blogs. Thanks a bunch.

Angie said...

CUTE fun stuff!!

Angie said...

I already follow you!

Gwen said...

Ooh, I could use some cute Halloween decor! Sign me up!

(Also, I'm going to leave a link on my blog.)

Shelley said...

I'd love to win. Thanks for the chance.

Shelley said...

I'm already a follower.

missy said...

WOW....great giveaway!!!!!!!
i love fall!!!!!!

Valerie said...

Well, just look at all that cute stuff! You are so talented!

Valerie said...

I'm already a follower!

Valerie said...

And I'll blog about it right away!

Anonymous said...

I can't pass on a Halloween giveaway!

ammonmommy at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm a followin!

ammonmommy at hotmail dot com

Michelle said...

Oh so fun! I love Halloween, too :)

Michelle said...

I'm a new follower :)

Michelle said...

I blogged about this FUN giveaway!

Mama-Face said...


I linked you like you told me to, so I win right?



But Please?

lori said...

Hi Tanielle! How funny I should come across your blog! I love you Halloween things!
Here is my blog if you're interested.

Stacie Aho said...

How cute!!! I LOVE Halloween; maybe it's because it's the day before my birthday.


Brianna Tuckett said...

So you don't know me but I saw your giveaway on Bobi Babcock's blog and decided I need to enter and I posted this giveaway on my blog too :)

Brianna Tuckett said...

I forgot to tell you that I am now following your blog too :)

Erin said...

What a cute blog and fun items!

Erin said...

I am now following you and I posted about your giveaway on my blog! So excited :)

Gurr Family said...

I love your stuff, so cute!!!

Gurr Family said...

I posted it on my blog and I am now following you.

Amy said...

Hi I so blogged about this. I hope others do not come by because I really want to win. Joking. I do hope you get some new friends.


CB said...

What a GREAT variety of fun Halloweena and FAll stuff!! LOVE IT!!!! I want to win :D

CB said...

I follow you!!

CB said...

I am putting your giveaway on my blog right now!!

Thanks !!

Kyla Armstrong said...

I adore Halloween and can't wait to decorate. This would be fabulous!

mormishmom at gmail dot com

Kyla Armstrong said...

I'm a follower.

mormishmom at gmail dot com

Kyla Armstrong said...

I blogged about the giveaway!

mormishmom at gmail dot com

Aimee said...

Halloween is so much fun! My daughter is having a halloween bday party this year so this giveaway sounds great! I'm going to follow you and post about it too!

kado! said...

that is so super cute!! I love it all!!

kado! said...

i follow you! ;)

Joanne said...

How many points does Mama-Face get for posting on her blog and me coming to mention it? Or she can have my points for my comment.

Georgia Girl said...

How cute is that giveaway....

Where did you get Pumpkin Heads Diner? If by chance I don't win I would love to get me one of those...please share?
I am a follower now!

Anonymous said...

What an adorable giveaway & blog!! Love it!!

I'm now following as well:)

Chapmans23 said...

you are just so cute, and have so many ideas. I wish i was even half as creative as you. Good luck on your pregnancy!

Chapmans23 said...

Okay i left it on my blog and FB since i am on their all the time as well. Thanks for the happy thursday message. lol.

Stacy Mike and Thalia Talbot said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your stuff! I want in on this giveaway! (Pick me!)

LyndiLou said...

What a cute giveaway!!! Please count me in! Thank you... *LyndiLou*

beaverloadingnun at msn dot com

kimert said...

What a completely awesome giveaway!!!! I follow you and I am about to post a little snippet about this on my blog!! :)

Kristy said...

Way cute stuff for Halloween!

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

what a fun package to win,, count me in. Thanks

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

I'm a new follower too!

Rhonda said...

Girl I love it! WOW...you inspire me and amaze me! What a great giveaway! I adore the Welcome to the Patch! Hope I'm the lucky one! ;O)


brant and katie said...

I found a link to this giveaway on my sister in laws (tammy dixon) page. I couldn't turn down a giveaway. Your things look so cute.

Sarahie said...

I just discovered your blog...so cute! I'd love to enter your giveaway!

Sarahie said...

I'm following you now!

Krissy said...

I LOVE the new header!!

Krissy said...

I'm most definitely a follower!!

Susanne Holland Spicker said...

Tanielle, All I can say is that your blog is simply "SPOOKTACULAR!"

Susanne Holland Spicker said...

Oh, and did I mention that I'd LOVE to win your Halloween giveaway? The gift package is absolutely BOO-tiful!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

how fun. i love halloween.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

how fun. i love halloween.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

i'm following the blog

lauren51990 at aol dot com

Camille said...

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays as well - especially with cute little decorations like these! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Camille said...

Following your blog :)

Shawn said...

Look at you, 138 comments! WOWZA!

I love Halloween too, it's a sickness I think!

I'll do my best to post about it tomorrow...


Haley said...

so cute! here goes my entry!

Jaci said...

Oh it is fun to read your blog. My friend Jenny Jenny loves you too, and she is who "introduced" me. Polk a dots and daisies are two of my most favorite things too. Cute cute name.

Crossing fingers. ;)

Jaci said...

Adding myself as a follower. So fun! :)

Vicki said...

What a fun blog you have... I'm so glad that I "stumbled" upon it today... Thanks for sharing all of your creativeness! Huggies! Vicki

Vicki said...

What a fun blog you have created! I'm so happy that I "stumbled" upon it today! Thanks for sharing all of your creativeness! All 3 requests completed... Huggies! Vicki

Holly said...

My friend Erin posted about your blog! How fun! I love Halloween and will be doing a give a way for Halloween on my recipe blog too, would love to have you enter mine too!

Alyssa said...

Your blog is SO stinking cute!!