Heidi at Blue eyed Blessings tagged me in this game called"keeping it real".
Here are the rules:
Take a picture of yourself right now.
No primping or preparing.
Just snap a picture.
Load the picture onto your blog.
Tag some people to play.
I have to say... I saw someone else who had gotten tagged last night, and thought to myself, "hope I don't get this one!" What do you know...I go check Heidi's blog today and she's been tagged too. I laughed thinking...haha, not me. Her picture was adorable though, such a cute momma she is. Then I read on!!!
So...here it is. Luckily I had run some errands this morning, and did have make-up on. But did not feel like washing my hair today, so I put on a hat! Also by the time I got on the computer I had changed my sweater into my disgusting, comfy, green t-shirt. Thank Heavens it wasn't yesterday! I never did get dressed or shower...gross huh?

Now I get to pass this on! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Don't hate me ladies please! It's all in good fun!
shortmama at Family of Shorts
Jenny at Jenny, Jenny, Who can I turn to...
Jennifer at Just Bee Koz
Rhonda at Down Memory Lane
I'm anxious to see your photos ladies!!!!
Have a great night!
Great picture, loving your hat!
That is pretty neat. I am sitting here in my p.j. right now. With my face already washed for my bed time.
Love the hat.
Your picture is so very cute! Now I am off to look at the pictures of the people you tagged. :-)
You are so stinkin' adorable! Love the hat!
Oh my gosh, you are so stinkin cute! WHY don't you show pictures of yourself more?? You're wierd.
Thanks for playing along, Tanielle! What a great sport. You're so beautiful and I only wish I got so lucky and was ready for the day when I was "tagged". ;)
Popping in from SITS! Congrats on being tagged.
I think you look cute!
You look cute! Thank goodness I didn't get tagged for this one. I would definitely have to skip it! lol
Thanks for the tag?! So here's the thing...it is 5 a.m. I just rolled out of bed to make lunch for the Seminary kids. :o) come check me out....LATER hehe
I think you look adorable! I love the hat!!
You look cute. Love the hat. I do this same thing saturday mornings on my early morning Walmart run. But don't look as cute as you.
Have a great day.
I always check you out from Tracy's blog...and then I saw your good morning on SITS! Small world.
I loved what you said about your mom and makeup and Robert Redford. I love her!
And it is no fair that you look so good for a random shot. But you always look good, so I should have known. Cute Cute blog.
That is a great picture - you are beautiful!
aw; I think its a cute picture! Your eye lashes are so long! Mine are wimpy.
OK SERIOUSLY you're just freaking adorable!
I am so glad she tagged you, for the record I would have had she not! It's nice to finally have a face to go with your blog.
I always wanted dark, dark eyes but with a Dad that has eyes like 'Ol Blue Eyes himself and a Mom with light hazel ~ green is what I have.
I love putting a face with all the words. I think I may challenge everyone to post a short video of themselves so we can hear our voices too, although I hate the way I sound on voicemail so maybe I won't...we'll see.
Have a great day!
I'm so glad I wasn't "tagged" this morning for this! (Cleaning day!)
You look great in hats!
Thank you for your comments on my blog yesterday! It was nice meeting you SITSTa!
Boy, Taneill! That's not scary at all! You look gorgeous!
Good times, my friend, Good times.
Ha ha...gorgeous as usual Mrs. Popularity! For the record everyone...she ALWAYS looks this cute!
Do you enjoy being the beautiful friend in this friendship?
I wanna look like when I don't shower! :0)
I'm posting mine now...
you look cute in that hat - I can't do hats unfortunately!
Leaving some love from SITS!
Hi Tanielle,
Thanks for coming to my site and becoming a follower. I love your site and am now a follower. I agree with you, Xazmin is the best, I love visiting her site! I also love you and her Ribbon Blossoms Chic Boutique. Your products are so cute!
Your picture is pretty, I love the hat!
Have a great day!
You are so stinkin' cute, you should post more pictures of yourself!! Love the hat!
aww, you look adorable!...
i know, i hate worrying about food all the time!...wish i could snap my fingers and be the weight i want LOL...oh my, i would be rich! ;)
You look so cuuute!! Love your had and you have such a pretty smile!! I saw this tag the other day and I told them I would rather shave my head bald then put a picture of me up at that time.haha!
Have a great day!!
Hey just found where I was tagged! Oh great! I've been grilling and at a state park all day. I look like crap! Oh well...no cheating aloud!
You are beautiful girl! Glad to put a face to your name! Love your hat!
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