Saturday, April 11, 2009

We Heart Easter Festivities!!!

My niece was married yesterday afternoon, she looked absolutely stunning, and sooo happy! Congratulations to both of them! After the wedding while waiting for the reception to start, Lexlee started feeling sick to her stomach. I wasn't sure whether or not she was kind of pretending because she was bored and hungry, or really sick. We ended up leaving early to get her home, by the time we got there she was miserable and fevered. We had a very long night!!! She was still feeling terrible this morning, so she stayed home with Grandma and Grandpa, while the rest of us went to the egg hunt. Poor girl she couldn't even wear her new bunny shirt, so we just put it over the top of her for a picture. Bug and Jibbity promised to find her some eggs.
The kids were sooo excited to go to the Easter egg hunt at Xazmin's parents house!!! Her family is so sweet to us and treat us like part of their family, thanks you all!!! They went to a lot of trouble and work to put this fun time together and even fixed a yummy lunch! The kids had a ton of fun, and were soooo spoiled with all the eggs and prizes they found!
Ashie and Hunter Dan(I changed it back)looking around for loot. She wasn't so sure about what she was doing, but loved to carry around the eggs.
Jibbity too busy searching to stop for a picture.
Bug thinking he's too cool to be on the hunt, but he sure did run out into the field to search for treasure and sure did have a lot of fun!
Bug and Bookworm checking out all that they found!
Jibbity and Pixie! BFFs, but fight like sisters. They are drama!
After some Motrin and rest, Lexlee was feeling a lot better, and we took some time to finally decorate eggs.

Almost done. Looking good kiddos the Easter Bunny will love hiding them for sure! We've had a fun and busy few days. Grandma and Grandpa visiting was wonderful and way too short! They headed back home a couple of hours ago, and I am already looking forward to their next visit!

Hope everyones Saturday has been wonderful, and Happy Easter tomorrow! Enjoy your families and festivities. I haven't been out visiting much because of company, so I look forward to catching up on everyones blogs in the next day or two! Have a great night!


shortmama said...

Awww looks like fun. Great pics! Looks like our egg hunting is rained out here for tomorrow! OH well, bunny is coming inside this year.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Those bunny shirts rock!

Heather said...

The girls look so cute in their shirts. What a great start to the Easter weekend! I'm glad Lexlee is feeling better.

Krissy said...

I'm sorry to hear that Lexlee was feeling under the weather but am glad she's feeling better! [And I love that she managed to get a cute picture "in" her shirt too!] Wonderful pictures looks like you all had a lot of fun!

That Girl said...

looks like alot of fun. Hope Lexlee is all better now!

Anonymous said...

Awh they have there little shirts on! I just love them! Looks like they had a great time! Hope yall have a wonderful Easter.

Missy said...

These pics are too cute!

Shawn said...

All of your children are just so precious but that little Ashie, her smile is absolutely infectious!

I'm glad Lexlee is feeling better, there's noting worse than being sick when something fun is going on!

Have a Blessed Easter!

Heidi Boos said...

Sounds a lot like our day! Well, minus a sick one...hope she feels back to 100% by tomorrow! Oh, how I love those bunny shirts! I'm sure at least one of your girls won't be able to fit into theirs next year and my 3-year old would love a hand-me-down. :)

Have a great Easter Sunday!

Amy said...

Looks like they had fun. I hope your little one is filling better. I love you Donnie's Girl button.

MiChElLe said...

Oh my heck!!! Your girls looked soooo cute!!! Oh, and Bug did too but I was disappointed that he did not have a bunny shirt too!! :) Looks like you had fun at the hunt. Ashie looked like she was way into it. Oh, and Hunter Dan looked cute too!!! Well, have fun and call me sometime. Bob's your Uncle!!!

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

Your kids are very cute. And you have a great blog. Thanks for stopping by.

Kris said...

Aack!!! Those little Easter outfits turned out absolutely adorable Taneill!