....In love with my children!! They may drive me crazy sometimes, and our small house may seem like it is going to explode, and I may get very frustrated and grumpy, but they are amazing!!!!!

Loving having 2 handsome boys....twelve years separate these two, but they are so much fun!!

Amazed at how much these two beautiful young ladies are growing up!!! They each have their own unique and crazy personality. Missing Ashie in the "sisters" picture, she was too busy swinging, and being a nut to join them! I do have some pretty hilarious pics of her though, I will post another time, Ashie is my little buddy while the other kiddos are at school... she is busy, funny, and talks non stop!! I LOVE IT!!

sad to see how fast my little squishy face is growing up. He brings a whole lot of happiness into our home, and he is so blasted cute!!

a horrible blogger, and missing it!!!...busy with ThE LaUgHy GiRaFfY!!!!
...trying to get ready for the holidays!
...missing my dad, A LOT!!!
....awake at 3:16 a.m.!
New Years resolution is....(ok there are many) blog faithfully!!! I miss going back and reading my journal! hmmmm...guess I better find more time somewhere! :)