Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Mod Podge Mania!!!

Bloggy Friend Goodness!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Check out what's new!!!
These pumpkins light up with orange lights inside...No pumpkins and gourds yet around the front door, I think maybe for family home evening in a couple weeks we will head to the pumpkin patch and pick some.We've had some of those chilly Fall mornings too...love it!
Just a quick pic of something new that will be added to our Ribbon Blossoms website in the next few days.....
These are a new style of butterfly clippies, we already offer "bug"(including ladybugs, bees and butterfly) clippies, but we have some new styles to be added.... lots of new, super cute products that are in the works, be sure to check back and look for the adorable Turkey clippie coming for Thanksgiving, and we will be announcing a Christmas giveaway soon...VERY cute things in it!! There is still time to order an adorable Halloween tutu costume too!!! Check us out...Ribbon Blossoms
Lastly, Bug and Lexlee had orthodontist appointments yesterday morning. Poor Bug had to have four new brackets put on.....all the while Lexlee got a huge surprise, phase one of her work is done....BYE BYE BRACES!!!!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Dear Someone, Baby blog swap, and Jibbity
This blanket is amazing!!!
Sooooo, super soft...love it! I needed some cute boy wash clothes, so was very excited to receive these!! And how sweet is this picture frame? She was fabulous, and this momma just had a new baby girl too. She is one busy gal with three little ones!!
THANKS sooo much Tina!!!
Jibbity got an award last week at school. Only two children from each class get it each month, and she was one of the first in her class. We were VERY proud of her!!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Transformation for Fall!!! Being Thankful too!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Halloween Cuteness!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009
Where have I been?!?!?
First of all Bug's first ever football game...he is Number 16.
My guy with the ball...oh and that morning we ran out and bought him a rib protector...was I nervous??? Yep..sure was!! He was fine, but his best friend who plays on a different team broke his thumb in two places..ouch!!
After the game we got the car loaded and headed for Idaho. We had a ton of fun...it was so wonderful to see family, and the kids were in heaven with their favorite cousins!!!This is what you see out my parents back door...oh how I miss the country!!!
Uncle Kurt, helping Ashie with some yogurt...she helped herself to the fridge.
Yummy corn from Grandpa's garden!
My niece Alicia...
Nephew Cody...
Lexlee and cousin Jenny...
AshieNiece Amy...
My brothers Randy and Kurt...
My Mom, SIL's Shannon and 'Lis...
My brother Darrin...
My niece Ally...My newest niece Lily...
Last week I just pretty much spent the entire time taking care of Ashie, poor girl.(the reason I haven't been around to visit!!) On Saturday, we did head to Bug's second game. I decided to make some hair bows for the girls to show support to their favorite big brother, and we painted their faces a little.....
But I forgot the camera in the car for the game!!!OOPS!! They played well, our defense was awesome, Bug unfortunately threw an interception, and they ran it for a touchdown...major bummer!!! Tougher team though, but we played better...we will win...next time for sure!!!!
Battle bruises from Saturday!
After words we bought some Carl's Jr for linner(what my kids call the meal when you are too late for lunch, but won't have dinner because it is soo late in the afternoon) Ashie LOVES fry sauce!!!! Can ya tell? Her nose is really gross, don't look too closely!
Well, here it is the "life changing" event...for Jibbity anyway!!!
We had corn on the cob with our dinner last night, she took one bite and said, "OWWW", I asked her if she had a loose tooth, she said no. Then I looked and she had a little blood on her lip, her little tooth only took a couple of wiggles and it was out!!! She was soooo excited, she couldn't wait to get to bed and see if the tooth fairy would come! Did the tooth fairy come?????
Yep sure did!!!
Sorry for the long post!! I am hoping to finish up my fall and Halloween decorating in the next couple of days, and I will post some pics...things are starting to get spooky around here!!!
Have a wonderful Monday everyone!! Mmmmm...smells like fall in the air this morning!! I love it!