Sometimes I find that I get caught up in the things I want, the things that aren't going my way, and the things I wish I could do... I often need a little kick in the buns to remember the many blessings I do have, and so I am starting "TOTALLY THANKFUL THURSDAY" this will be the top 5 things that I am thankful for, from the huge to the tiny...and everywhere in between. The rule for myself is it has to be what I think of when I turn on the computer, I can't be thinking of it before hand... only spur of the moment. Join along if you'd like.
1. I am not thankful for the pinkeye my little Ashie has, but I am thankful that I was able to get an appointment with the doctor at 9:10 this morning and get her started on a prescription.
2. I am thankful for the few little tulip bulbs I see peeking up through the dirt in my flower bed.
3. I am thankful for the heater I can turn up while my Husband is at work...just to take the chill from my toes.
4. I am thankful for cute earrings(silly I know, but it came to my head). They can cheer you up, especially big wild ones that you might feel a little self-concious wearing because you're not 16 anymore.
5. Toilet paper...I just had to leave my computer because my two older daughters just spilled an entire bottle of finger nail polish remover on the bathroom counter... luckily they mopped most of it up with toilet paper before it hit the tile and the rugs.
Happy Thursday!!!
Wow, I am so excited I got an award!!! Thankyou so much Xazmin from
This is the Year. My super good friend and business partner. You are so amazing!!! Love ya!

Now I get to pass it on to some of you blogging sisters that show great attitude and gratitude!!!
1. Missy from Two Little Monkeys...she is a fun and cute Mom of twin girls, and always a joy to read, she's quite a talented gal too!!!
2. Lori from Time of Your Life... I love reading her posts, way too cute!
3. Girly Stuff... this is a lucky lady living with three guys...she is fun to read and she is a super cute blogger.
4. Limefreckle... she is awesome, she has great ideas and is too adorable!!
5. Mammatalk... so fun and witty, I love to read this blog!!
6. Katie from Sunshine and Bubblegum... She is one talented lady, gotta check her out.
7. Wendy from Some of My Favorite Things... such a joy to read!!!
8. Kally from A Little Bit Of Life On the Side...She is funny and cute, glad I found her blog.
9. Kris from JesseKate Designs... she makes beautiful things... one very talented lady!!!
10. Jodi from Mouse Tales... she is a cutie, and always grateful.
I have had such a fun time getting a glimpse into these amazing ladies lives. There are so many others out there and I can't wait to find them. I heart this blogging world, what a fun way to meet others. It was quite a task narrowing down to these 10...oh what fun I've had in my short time...thanks again Xazmin!!!
Now here are the rules:Put the logo on your blog or post. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude! Be sure to link to your nominees within your post. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.