I was scheduled for induction at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, December 18th. I was told to call at 6:30 a.m. to make sure that time was still ok. When I called they told me I had been put on hold and they would call me when there was a room available. They called around eight and told me to be there at 10:00. I was so anxious to meet my little guy I could hardly stand it. They started me on my antibiotics(group B strep positive)...hooked me to the monitors, and checked me. Dilated to a 3 and actually contracting on my own.

The nurse kept losing the baby's heartbeat, because he was moving all over the place. After a couple of hours, and right before they were going to start me on pitocin, the nurse decided to do an ultrasound to see where the baby's heart was. First ultrasound baby was transverse(laying sideways). They called my Doctor and asked what she wanted to do, she came over and did another ultrasound, and checked me, baby was kind of head down...more like diagonal. She ordered for the big fancy ultrasound and tech to come do yet another one. By that time baby was footling breech. I had three options, go home and wait and see if he would turn, but they felt like that was pointless, since I was already contracting. Try to turn the baby, but even if they successfully turned him...chances are big that he could turn again, and when they would break my water if anything other than the head came down it would be an emergency c-section. And last option was to just do the c-section. Hunter Dan and I felt like opting for the c-section was the best. The Doctors came in and asked if they could just try to turn him, I agreed...excruciating pain...HOLY SMOKES!!! Finally through my body racking sobs, I asked them to stop, and Hunter Dan said that is enough, do the c-section. It was during the time of getting ready for surgery, that I realized that would mean at least an extra day in the hospital, and I found out that kids under 14 were not allowed to visit(swine flu). I was a mess, scared to death for the unknown of a c-section, and panicked that Ashie had not ever been away from me for more than just a few hours, let alone a few days.
On my end the c-section went fine, uncomfortable and a little claustrophobic...but ok. Unfortunately baby boy inhaled fluid in his lungs, so after seeing him long enough to know he had a cute little dimple in his chin, they rushed him to the nursery. He was 7 lbs 3 oz, and 19 inches. He was born at 3:52p.m. I was not able to see him, Hunter Dan had gone in a few times but wasn't allowed to touch him. By about two in the morning, no sleep, and the empty feeling I had...no baby to feel moving in my belly anymore, yet no one to hold in my arms...I thought I would burst. My sweet nurse asked if I had a camera, and went down to the nursery and took pictures for me. They removed his oxygen just long enough to snap a few pics, and brought me back my camera.

That helped. The next goal was to get me up by four. I was ready, because I knew if I could get up, I could see my baby. I spent just a couple minutes with him, and it was awesome. I was able to sleep a little after that.
The next few days kind of run together, but I was able to finally nurse him on Sunday. Monday he was able to be with me in my room, and YAY we went home on Tuesday.
All ready to go home.

The first time Ashie saw her new little brother...she hasn't left him alone since!!

Jibbity holding the little munchkin for the first time, she now asks to hold him at least eighty-five times a day!

Lexlee cried when she couldn't come to see him in the hospital, she was absolutely heart-broken. Her and Bug have never gotten home from school so fast as they did when they knew he would be home.

Bug completely thrilled to finally have another boy in the house, even if there are twelve years difference. He even has his own little cute nickname for him.

Grandma and her newest and last grandchild. This makes number twenty-five. We could never have gotten through these days without her. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!!!

And just a couple of pics the first couple days after we were home!

Here it is now and my little buddy is 2 weeks old...where in the world did the last two weeks go? Yep it's true I am extremely emotional, and with every passing day it breaks my heart that he is older...pathetic I know, but knowing that this is my last baby I am trying to enjoy and hold onto every single moment. He is doing much better now, and though a couple of the tests came back abnormal, we are hopeful that it is just because of his extreme weight loss...which I am very happy to say that he has gained four ounces, and that made the Doctor and our family very happy. He is now up to 6 lbs 3 ounces.
Which brings me to the winner(or should I say winners) of the weight and time contest! I decided to do two winners one for the weight and one for the time. And actually there were a few that were close on the weight so I had to draw out of hat. His actual weight was 7 lbs 3 oz, and the time of birth was 3:52. The winners are....
With a weight guess of 7 lbs 4 oz....it goes to GwenWith a time guess of 3:45...it goes to Aimee
(please e-mail me your addresses so I can get your surprises in the mail...give me a little time though..)
I am truly blessed to have this new little baby in my life and in our home. I can't remember what it was like without him. He has brought pure joy to our family, and made us a family of 7. Holy smokes...that is amazing!!! I love you Lil' squishy face..to the moon and back a million times, you were worth all five hundred and forty five times I threw up!!! I knew you would be and I'd do it all over again, and double the number.