Our Thankful tree....this is something we do every year in the fall. I cut out a large tree, and tape it to the pantry door. Then we cut out leaves, and for Family night we write the many things we are thankful for on the leaves and hang them on our tree. So many things to be thankful for, everything from family, friends, Heavenly Father, and church, to toilets, farting, and salsa. It's always a fun night.

How was your Thanksgiving? We had a wonderful time in Idaho!! It was great to visit with my family, and have the kids play with their cousins. The kids and I arrived Tuesday evening, then Hunter Dan met us there Wednesday night. We had a super yummy Thanksgiving feast Thursday, then early(and I mean early)we took off to hit the sales in Idaho Falls. My mom, niece Michelle, and I were at Toys R Us at 3:30 a.m. We had way too much fun, laughing our guts out, and saying absolutely ridiculous things all morning. We hit many stores, then went back home. We had tickets to New Moon at 4:00 p.m. so we made our way back to Idaho Falls to enjoy some yummy vampire/ware wolf eye candy. There were eleven of us who went to the movie. I LOVED it, and can I just say the theater was full of men too. I don't think I could get Hunter Dan to go see it for anything!! Other than that we stayed up late at night, watched Christmas movies, ate yummy food, and hung out....it was wonderful!!! Here are a few pictures from our weekend.

Hunter Dan had to of course spend some time in the wilderness doing what he loves the most. The girls so proud of daddy.

Ashie...she really just wanted to play instead of eat.
My Mom, and Lexlee. Check out the phone behind my mom...total classic!! I love it!
My niece Michelle, and the traditional "thirsty drink" we always have with our dinner. I'll have to share the recipe sometime.

Bug being a typical 12 year old...we are sooo not a proper family. Awesome!

Hunter Dan and Ashie...just all worn out. Creepy eyes hon, sorry!
Last, but definitely NOT least....sorry Mom I couldn't resist!!!!

I think our early morning shopping and drooling over her favorite vampire Edward got the best of her. Now before you beat me up mom.....remember all the presents I wrapped for you?!? Love ya mom, you're the best!!!:-)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and was able to spend some relaxing time with family and friends.
Oh and sorry I am such a slacker these days. I have had a nasty sinus infection, and it has wiped me out. Can you believe it though...less than two weeks until my scheduled induction!!!! Maybe I'll go early on my own....I can't wait to meet my little boy! I hope everyone is enjoying December, I LOVE this time of year.