Yep pretty much the world's biggest blog slacker!!! is time for another birthday in this house, and dangit!!!!!....they won't stop growing up!!!
HAPPY 12th Birthday to Lexlee!!!! I seriously can't believe we have hit this age, it doesn't.seem.possible!!!!!!!!! She is an absolutely amazing young lady, and one of the greatest helpers in this home ever! Not gonna lie....she is hitting the teenager "holy crap what the heck happened to my sweetheart" phase once in a while, but I wouldn't trade her for anything.
She already had her "one friend party", and she chose Miss Cowgirl to be her friend. She decided she wanted a mani/pedi kind of party, so that's what we did in the snowstorm. They loved it!!!!

Happy Birthday my sweetheart!! I love you so much, and am soooo grateful I get to be your mom!!! Hope this special 12th birthday is the best ever!!!!