Monday, August 31, 2009

Mod Podge Mania AND Friend Makin' Monday!!!

My awesome friend Xazmin is once again hosting Mod Podge Mania...too fun, go check out the projects, and link up if ya have one!!!
My projects are simple, but fun and will be included in the Halloween Giveaway I will be announcing tomorrow(be sure to come back!!!) I LOVE Halloween!!! The first is just a small wooden frame, that I did squares of fabric on, then distressed the edges and stained them for a spooky look!!!BOO!!:-) Oh, there will be something in the frame for the giveaway!

These are just the clear, flat marbles turned into magnets. I used the same fabric. Jibbity thinks I should NOT give them away.:-) She wants them on our fridge.

I can't wait to see every ones' projects!!!!

The adorable Amber is hosting FMM for a while, and I am so glad to be back playing! I have met some amazing bloggers out there through FMM, so...head on over to link up!!!

1. Do you cook every night? Mostly yes, it is definitely NOT fancy, sometimes even just Mac and Cheese, sometimes the kids even eat cereal, but with Hunter Dan working out of town during the week, I don't do big huge meals, usually just something easy.
2. What kind of laundry detergent do you use & why? I switch it up often, right now it is Tide with Downey. It has to smell really good to me.:-)
3. Do you do laundry every day or loads at a time? I do one or two loads every day, it makes things run more smoothly.
4. How often do you eat out per week? Not very often, with four kids it doesn't make it very cost efficient...sometimes though when it is grocery day, Jibbity, Ashie and I will stop on the way home and get something.
5. Where do you usually eat out? I love Taco Bell, and Carl's Jr. I also love Arby's, but Jibbity doesn't so we don't go too often.
6. What is your favorite retail store? I love Target!!! But end up at Wal-mart more often than not.
7. What's your favorite thing to drink? Milk...I go through it like crazy!!! But if you're talking about caffeine goodness...Dr. Pepper all the way(fountain, light ice)
8. Do you take vitamins? What kind? I'm suppose to be taking prenatal, but they don't stay down very well. We all try to take a Vitamin C everyday.
9. What percentage of the household chores to you do? 90%
10. Do your children do chores? {Or will they, did they, etc} ABSOLUTELY!!!! I depend on them, especially since being sick, and they are VERY good about helping out...Jibbity has a hard time sometimes, but the older two are awesome!! I am very lucky that way!
11. Do you go to church? Yes
12. Do you have a housework schedule? Kind of... every night before putting the kids to bed, I always do a quick inspection...floors swept, sinks, and counter tops wiped down, laundry put away, dishes done, and floor vacuumed...if these things are done and the house is mornings run a hundred times more smoothly. Then on Saturday, there is always a thorough cleaning of the house.
13. Do you keep a working budget? Yes
14. What do you do at night as a family? Always eat dinner together, but there is always football practice, baths, reading time...and all the crazy other things that go on before bed. On Monday nights we always have Family night, with a song, scripture, lesson, and treat. But every night we always have family prayer before bed.
15. How do you prepare yourself for a new week? I try to relax a bit on Sundays...because the rest of the week there isn't much relaxing!!:-)
16. What do your mornings look like? BUSY!!!! I get up usually between six, and six thirty...I wake the kids at seven, and the rest is pretty rushed, breakfast, hair fixed, kids off to school by eight. I love it though!
17. What time do you get up in the mornings? I already answered that too...6:00 or 6:30
18. What time do you go to bed at night? I don't sleep well with the hubby out of town, so it is usually around midnight or later, but when he's home I'm known to crash much earlier!
19. How do you manage all of the paperwork that floods into your household? We have a recycling bin out the kitchen doors...Kids schoolwork gets hung on the fridge for a week, then the ones that the kids and I decide to keep gets filed in their folders in the file cabinet, for their scrapbooks.
20. How do you keep your household organized? I make lists like crazy, I have a small dry-erase board on my fridge, and I keep counters de-cluttered so stuff isn't lost. I try not to let things get cluttered at all! It keeps me sane.:-)
This was fun, and I can't wait to get around to read every one's answers!!! Thanks Amber!!
Be sure to come back TOMORROW!!!!! Halloween Giveaway will be here!!! MWA...HA.HA!!!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009


Just a few things from the week...(idiot moments)
To the blog that I left the comment on, I'm sorry that I typed the word "kinderfarten" and published it before I realized what I'd done. Hope you got a good laugh out of that one.
After crying hysterically too much on Jibbity's first day of school, and then violently throwing up the most delicious cookies that Xazmin had neck strained a little too hard and snapped my favorite big brown bead chunky necklace that I wear all the time into the garbage can full of vomit....did I fish it NO!!! Sick...but I so deserve to go on a new brown necklace shopping spree!!!
Did I spend a little too much time watching VH1's "one hit wonders of the 80's"...probably, but it was really fun! I so hope the "big hair", and all the pegged pants styles come back...they were classic!! Just kiddin', it's awesome to look back though!
******************** here's the deal, I am wanting to do another giveaway, I want some suggestions...what would ya like to win??? Another Christmas giveaway, Halloween(oh I LOVE Halloween!!), baby stuff...tell me, and I will get one together next week!!?? Who doesn't love winning things??
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!! Is it too early to put my Halloween decorations up??? It's time to turn the flower bed into a cemetery...mwa, ha,ha,ha!!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thankful, yes I am!!

Just a few things to be thankful for.....
4. I am THANKFUL that this little monkey has not fallen yet!!!! Isn't this how every little girl sits in her highchair????

This is how I walk in to find her a lot!!! I think it's time to get rid of the chair.

5. Crazy, busy days taking care of ALL my little munchkins...Bug isn't so little any more though!!!
Happy Totally Thankful Thursday to all!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Day!!!

So, am I the biggest baby?? Yes I am!
Did I cry three times in the morning before I took her to school?? Yes I did!
Did Hunter Dan make fun of me a little?? Yes he did!
Did I call my Mom bawling my eyes out after she went inside her classroom?? Yes I did!
Did Xazmin make me scrumptious cookies and invite me over to cry on her shoulder?? Yep, sure did!
Did I cry all over again when I picked her up?? But of course!!! I said I was the biggest baby!
Did she comfort me, and tell me, "sorry Mom, but I have to go back tomorrow??" Yeah, she did!

Jibbity's good friend Kimmie.
Saying goodbye...and a quick I love you.

She had such a fun day, and I am soooo glad!!!.. I love you to the moon Jibbity, and I'll be tougher today!!(I think!)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What are YOUR Treasures??

When I graduated from High School my parents gave me a gorgeous cedar chest. I love it, and have kept some very special, and precious "treasures" inside through the years. Every once in a while the kiddos ask to see what is inside, they love to see the things I hold dear to me. Inside there is nothing worth $$$$ value, but there are many journals, some flowers from my Grandmas funeral in a glass case, and a special snow globe from Disneyland that Bug picked out for me when he and his Dad went to California during the divorce.

I decided to share some of my most precious treasures that I keep in my chest. Some are silly, some are sweet, all are memories.

These were Bugs first little slippers. He wore them everywhere, and he loved Elmo!!! It got to the point that his little toes were all the way through, and he didn't care. We got him new ones eventually, but they were never worn like these. I can't throw these out, they make me happy, and remind me of that cute little one year old that never took off his Elmo slippers!! How silly is that?!?
This is Lexlee's blessing dress. My amazing Mom made it for her. I truthfully never thought I'd have a little girl, and when she was born and I realized that I had one after all, I couldn't have been more excited. This dress is gorgeous, and means the world to me. She looked absolutely beautiful, and she is my sweetheart.
Jibbity's first ballet slippers. She started dance when she was 2, and she has loved it ever since. She wore these everywhere, and danced all through the house.(she still does) She wore the bottom of one of them out. They are so tiny, and I love the memories of that little munchkin wearing these everywhere. Makes me smile.
This is the teeny tiny bracelet Ashie wore on her blessing day. It was way to big for her, that doesn't even seem possible now. She has grown so much, and is so stinkin' fun and healthy!!!
My most amazing treasure is the gorgeous quilt my Mom made for me when I got married. I can't even imagine how long this took her to put together...all I know was that is was a work in progress from when I was a baby.

Every different colored square is a scrap of fabric from something my mom created for me. There are squares from pajamas, and dresses, formals, and dance costumes. Some I recognize others were before I can remember. Every single one was sewn in with me in mind, and I still marvel at the time and love that was put into this amazing work of art!! Thanks again Mom!!!
Obviously my best and most important "treasures" are the ones that these objects remind me of. But these things that I can hold and be reminded of specific times from the past are more valuable than all the money in the world!
What are YOUR treasures???
Have a wonderful Tuesday!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

What's going on???

How was every one's weekend? It seems to have gone by really quickly for sure!!
My little Jibbity met her beautiful Kindergarten teacher Thursday afternoon, and had her assessment testing. She didn't stop talking...EVER. I hope Mrs. Knudsen knows what she is in for. The house will be soooo quiet in the afternoons with her gone....I am having such a hard time!!! Why am I such a baby????


Saturday we tortured the kids by FINALLY getting our windows washed(the upstairs ones at least). Our living room window is a beast, and it took a couple of hours.....but, you can see out of it again!!! The kids were great helps actually, they did a fantastic job of scrubbing the blinds, and screens. Did I mention we woke them at 7:00 a.m....cruel huh?(we let them eat first, pretty generous huh?) By afternoon the temp outside was 101 degrees, and we wanted to get them done before the heat came. They look great!!! I love having clean windows, blinds, and curtains!!! It's the little things in life!!:-)

So here it is almost midnight, and I was having such a hard time falling asleep(a mixture of reading Twilight again, having a pounding headache, and worrying about the First day of Kindergarten), I finally decided to get up, and hang out on the computer. I haven't been on since Thursday. I'm just curious....does anyone ever feel like there isn't enough time for everything in their day...HAHAHA!!! I LOVE reading every ones blogs, and getting caught up, it is an absolute joy to me, my "me" time, but by the time I put the little munchkins first, and get everyday things done, and it's night, my brain shuts down, and I don't get very far on my blog catching up. Remind me why we need sleep again!?!

Now...I am going to complain...just for a minute. I AM TIRED OF THROWING UP!!!!! While I feel somewhat better for the most part, I can't seem to shake the "barfs". I am at 299 on the count...yes I said two hundred ninety-nine!!!! Anyone for another "barf" giveaway? I'm done now...because, well what good is complaining really, and the end result is sooo worth it!!! SORRY, needed to scream that for a minute!
Just to end on a cheerful note on this very random post...isn't she just a little cute monkey?
She keeps me laughing, and say the least! She says "mommeeee" all day long and I love hearing it every time. She is my only brown-eyed child...(like me). I never really liked my eyes growing up, but I sure do love hers. Funny how that is huh? I am sooo blessed!!!
Hope everyone has a fantastic Monday...and maybe just maybe, I will get the "me" time to visit you all...:-) Thanks for letting me ramble....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I Heart Thursdays!!!

1. The few yummy tomatoes we've picked out of the garden!!
2. How excited Jibbity is to go to school next week...she is sooooo excited to learn!! She meets her teacher later this afternoon, she's been counting down to this for 8 days!!
3. Hunter Dan's job...granted we don't live in a small town yet, but he is employed!
4. My kids school, they have great teachers, and great friends.
5. Spiral mac and cheese(I know Michelle understands!!!) tasted great for breakfast this morning, what, is that weird?(it was the only thing that sounded good)didn't keep it down though:-)
Just a few of the many things to be thankful for...
These were taken before church last Sunday. I can't tell you how much these two little munchkins LOOOVE their dad!!! He is Jibbity's "best buddy", and they even have a secret hand shake. He is a great dad, and a big time teddy bear(even though he rarely smiles for pics) He jumped into the role of "step-dad" pretty well!!! He loves Bug and Lexlee like his own. I am grateful especially this "thankful Thursday" to him for how hard he works for our family, the sacrifices he makes, and the love he shows to us!!!
He surprised me with these last Friday, and a very sweet card. Thanks soooo much!!!! It made my day!
Hope everyone has a great Thursday...I'm trying to more thankful and less whiny!!!:)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Life According To...BON JOVI

Xazmin did this fun little whatever it is on her blog, so I thought I'd give it a try. I LOVE Bon Jovi...yes I do!!!

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions . Pass it on to 15 people you like and include me. You can't use the band I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think! Repost as "my life according to (band name)".

Pick your Artist: BON JOVI

Are you a man or a woman: Woman in Love

Describe yourself: Bad Medicine(just kiddin', I just wanted to use this song.) Diamond Ring...oh wait I just like those.

How do you feel: I'll Be There For You

Describe where you currently live: Welcome to Wherever You Are

If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Homebound Train

Your favorite form of transportation: Bounce(well my boobs do anyway)

Your best friend? She's A Mystery

You and your best friends are: Captain Crash and the Beauty Queen From Mars

What's the weather like: Summertime

Favorite time of day: Silent Night

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Wanted Dead or Alive(catchy don't ya think?)

What is life to you? It's My Life

Your fear: Shot Through the Heart...well doesn't that sound scary?!

What is the best advice you have to give: Keep the Faith

Thought for the Day: Thank you For Loving Me(I plan on visiting you all today!! Thanks for always stopping by!)

How I would like to die: Bed of Roses

My soul's present condition: Livin' On A Prayer

My motto: Never Say Goodbye

This was actually pretty hard, but fun! I won't pass it on, but give it a try if you want, and let me know if ya do so I can come check it out!!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Back to School!!!

Well, they are back in school now. Bug and Lexlee headed back this morning, and Jibbity starts Kindergarten next Tuesday!! Seems like it has been a fast summer.
Here are their "mugshots"!! I have to torture them every year, and make them hold "the sign". HAHAHA

O.k. I gave them a break, and let them drop the signs. No fancy schmancy hair for Lexlee this year, just straight with the ends curled. Still beautiful though. She is growing up!!

Bug making fun of me for taking pictures, he's a pretty good sport though!

I miss them!!!
I love you two, stop growing up...will ya?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Idaho YAY...2009!!

A little re-cap of my family reunion in Idaho. Because of problems I was having getting my pics on my computer, it has taken a while. Wow, the reunion was almost a month ago!
Our family was the first one to arrive. We drove the seven hours to the turn-off, and drove the next hour over bumpy, dusty roads to our favorite campground just to find this....
We eventually found another place to camp, and then had to drive an hour back to cell phone service to contact the rest of the family. After a crazy LONG day of relocating camp, and finding a place where there was an outhouse, we settled in for a fun week.
Ashie and Hunter Dan
Lexlee, and cousin Alicia won the candy guessing jar.
Jibbity, cousin Jenny, and Lexlee decorating their bags to hold all their "doll Stuff"
Bug, Jibbity, and cousin Cody
Painting brother Darrin loves Sponge Bob, along with most of the camp there!! He is talented don't ya think!?!

Lexlee's cookie rock.
Couple years apart for these two, but they are"brothers from another mother" they say!

Jibbity, and cousin Ben's bike which she named "Rosie", and rode everywhere, even to the short walk to the outhouse.
Lexlee and Ashie inside the tent! Jibbity performing some song she made up!
Hunter Dan and Jibbity and our glow sticks that we had around the campfire at night. Ashie's favorite place to be, standing on the bench of the picnic table..."grazing"
Jibbity in the creek

Bug jumping off the "man test" area of the creek.

My Mom...she is crazy fun, and later on started a massive water fight!
My cutie niece and her fish...can't remember his name, but she did name it.

Grandma gave buckets, and shovels to the kids...did Ashie get dirty?
Yes...she did!!!!

This helped though!
On the four-wheeler with daddy.

Grandma and Lexlee created this.

We had sooo much fun, and look forward to next year. I LOVE spending time with my family!!! I miss you all! I have about a million more pics of all my family, but I'll save those for another time!:-)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!