Only 30-some days left and I get to meet my baby boy. I am soo excited and nervous. Yeah it just hit me that I have to do the whole labor thing again. Bug was a "Hollywood" delivery...the rest of them...not so much. My body is tired, and I'm feeling ready to be done, but the end is getting so near I can see it now. 500, Bug was right I've hit the 500 mark, and it's looking like this puke-fest I've been celebrating will continue right until the end. Worth it?...absolutely, even if my teeth decay and fall right out.:-)
Have you ever gotten so far behind that it seems impossible that you will ever catch up? That's where I've been these last few weeks. I have so many things I want to post about, Bugs ordination, my Mother-in-laws funeral(we are all still struggling with the fact that she is gone), Halloween, the SYTYCD concert...the list goes on and on. I have missed reading and posting, and trying to keep in touch with all of you out there. Life has been hectic as it is for everyone, and unfortunately blogging has been put right at the end of the list.
Just a quick post to get my over two week ago one off the top. Last Friday we all spent the afternoon(in the 42 degree temp.) raking leaves and getting the yard winterized. Sunny day but quite chilly!!!
Good timing I'd say since this was Saturday....
Awwww...I love the changes in the seasons...It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...my ABSOLUTE favorite time of the year!!!! Even better....Christmas is going up this coming weekend at my house(hubby will be home, and I definitely can't do it by myself) because we are heading to Idaho for Thanksgiving!!!!(gotta have Christmas up for when we get back)WOOHOO!!!!!!
A new baby coming soon, beautiful snow, healthy-crazy kids, eternal families, Thanksgiving at home and Christmas...truly, I have so much to be thankful for. 500 barfs...no big deal!:-)
A new baby coming soon, beautiful snow, healthy-crazy kids, eternal families, Thanksgiving at home and Christmas...truly, I have so much to be thankful for. 500 barfs...no big deal!:-)
i feel like i have been waiting for this for soooo long! haha. i'm so glad that you had some time to just sit and write for a minute! i can't wait to see you for thanksgiving! since you live 45 minutes down the road from me and we're both driving 3 hours to see each other... hahaha. i love you! happy 500th barf! :)
Wow you blessed girl, you! Sorry to hear that you're still pukin', no fun :( My first baby was a Hollywood birth too. Wonder if that's standard for first borns??? :)
Hi Darl! Thought id check in on u seeing i have been missin on the bloggin scene myself....good to hear u and ur fam is all well! Sorry to hear about ur hubbys mum.. sucks ur still puking but totally worth it! :) had the most miserable pregnancy ever and im wanting to do it again!
Tanielle, I have felt like your second paragraph a number of times this year. Just climbing out from under it now. Sorry to hear about your MIL, my Mom passed in Oct after a year of fighting. I can't believe she is gone either.
So little time before you hold that precious babe in your arms. Your children are all gorgeous and as you said, so worth the effort it takes to carry them.
Have a blessed day! ~Lanie
My stomach aches for you. I have the need to go brush my teeth again. And after seeing that picture I'm cold!
500 ~ Worth it! I love that attitude. By this point I was like "get her out of me NOW, I cannot do this one more day"!
A small suggestion for you as you prepre for childbirth:
"Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" book. You will L.O.V.E. it...ask around, maybe you can borrow it from a friend or the library or go on Amazon.com and order it.
We recommend it to all of our Mommies at the clinic.
Oh, we are so close. Just hang on a little longer!
Love the belly picture!
Love the snow, I can't wait for it to snow again here. Bring on the blizzard!
I can't believe you can still wear your rings! Hang in there. Love the pictures of the Autumn leaves and the snow! So sorry about your loss, you're right about eternal families.
Take care and have a wonderful Thanksgiving in Idaho!
Such a wonderful time of year! Love seeing the changes in season's!! We get them just not in a day :)
500 barfs?! No problem! Looks like you'll be having an extra special Christmas this year :)
Sorry for your loss, I will keep the family in my prayers.
Cute tummy pic. I wish I could feel him kicking right now.
Love to witness your positive attitude. Please let it be contagious through computer magic!
I can't believe that you actually made it to 500 and counting!!! I think that the last time I was there you thought that you would not make it to that...hehehehehe!!! Hopefully you are feeling ok otherwise. Yay that you get to put all the Christmas stuff up! I can't wait for mine! P.S. Thanks again for the idea to read those dumb books!!! They are fantastic though!! Can't wait for you guys to come here! Bob's your uncle!!
Glad to have you back!! And GLAD you are ok with the BARFING now!! Even if you are still doing it - you know it is WELL worth it! :)
The snow looks beautiful!!!
wow only 30 days how very exciting for you and your family!
I really enjoyed the photos from raking leaves to OMGosh snow...how very cool...i want snow lol
you have a beautiful family!
30 days!! That was fast; for us!!
Hey YOu..I was at the SYTYCD concert!!!! Awesome, huh!! Too bad we didn't see each other. I hope you were able to get better pictures than I did. :) And what about that parking lot...?
How you keep so many things going at once is inspirational. Hope you are feeling good!! Take care of yourself.
Praying for you in this hectic time!
Oh, I just love you! And LOVE the baby belly picture...so darling!
Can you come put Christmas up at my house too?
I can't wait to meet the newest little guy in your family!
Wow I cant believe the sweet boy is almost ready to make his debut!
I am so glad to see that you posted!! I actually asked my mom the other day if Melissa had heard if you were ok because you hadn't posted in so long!!! =) Sorry about the pukies, but like you said, they are so worth it!
Cute pics and beautiful snow!! :)
Well, I guess I can really say that I'm sure you'll stop barfing soon now! Since he's gonna be here so soon!
Cute pictures! I can't believe you only have such a short time to go. Yay! So exciting. I saw the picture of you and Xazmin at SYTYCD - you guys are just so cute!
Best wishes on the rest of your pregnancy. Just think, 30 days until you won't be throwing up!! Sorry it has been such a difficult time.
Why does time go by so fast for everyone else...but not the mamma?? I feel like you just told us all that you were expecting!! 30 days left! WOW!!!!
Down hill now!
Good luck with your last month! My baby just came two weeks early and I'm so glad she did because I was absolutely miserable. That last month is the worst. I hope you have a great holiday season! I'm jealous you are going to Idaho; that's my home!
You're almost there, Tanielle...and I know you're SO ready! I'm wishing you the very best! That snow makes me so jealous! We don't get much here in the Deep South...boo hoo!
OKAY...I thought I got sick when I was pregnant. I'm nothin compared to you!! YUCK! BLAH!! But you're right....it's so totally worth it.
ENJOY your day.
Gee, I wonder why you're feeling behind?! It's not like you have anything going on!
Happy, happy 500! That sweet boy will be worth every last puke.
Sending prayers your way!
500 is totally INSANE! I can't believe your pregnancy is almost over...I can't wait to "meet" the newest bundle of joy!
500? I am so sorry! Are there tally marks under the toilet lid? :o)
We did the same thing last week, cleaned the yard on Friday and were thankful on Saturday when it snowed.
Happy holidays and good luck with your baby!
That is such a cute picture with your hands in a heart shape on your belly!
Love it!
You have tons to be thankful for! Love the pics of your adorable kiddos...can't believe your down to less than a month before your new addition arrives! 500 barfs?!! Ohmy. You're a trooper! Praying you have another "hollywood" delivery. You totally deserve it after a pregnancy like you've had.
Hope you're having a great Monday!♥
i feel your pain. I am expecting baby number 4 and this pregnancy has been much harder on me. All I want to do is sleep all the time so nothing is getting done. I guess one good thing (or one bad thing) about it is that is will be there waiting for us when we feel better. =)
Wow you blessed girl, you! Sorry to hear that you're still pukin.
Work From Home india
i LOVE that belly picture! cute!
....and I LOVE the new Winter look...the snow falling is SO cute!!!!
Wow! Love the snow, but cannot BEEE-lieve it's been at least 500 barfs.
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