Seriously??? Ya gotta know the only way to celebrate our blogoversaries would be together!?!?! What would a party be without us both??? Yep we are absolute idiots together, and seriously have way to much ridiculous fun, so the only way to party for our one year blogoversary has to be together with some fun and a giveaway.
What a fantastic year it has been. I have loved getting to know so many amazing ladies out there, and though we have never really met I feel like we are good friends. Hunter Dan doesn't get that at all...MEN!! Thanks so much to all of you who have inspired me, made me smile, laugh out loud, and even cry. I have loved this outlet of mine. I started a blog to keep a journal, and to keep in touch with family, and never expected it to become something so important.
Xazmin and I just happen to share this special day so.....

1. She laughs with me over the most ridiculous things...(emergency room blood pressure cuff) seriously we laugh until it's painful.
2. She never wears a bra around her house it's hilarious, especially when she forgets to put one on for church.
3. She makes amazing food. I wish she were my personal chef.
4. She is soooo stinkin' smart, I am the dumb's true, sad, but true.
5. She has made me yell words that are "interesting" out the car windows when we are driving around looking for old "friends" houses in the middle of the night.
6. She is a spiritual giant, seriously she is awesome, and knows her stuff.
7. She introduced me to the joys of "Buffy", and "Angel". Scares the heck outta me but I watch still...from under a blanket.
8. She teaches her kids all they need to know to get through in this scary world. They are also spiritual "mini" giants, and they are brilliant too.
9. She has gorgeously long unfair!
10. She is a kind, fun, caring, beautiful person, who I was lucky enough to meet. I am truly blessed.
Now we gotta have some good stuff you can win!!! Right!? I will be sending a lucky blogger out there a goody box full of some of Xazmin's favorite things. It will be a surprise, but you can probably expect some mod podge, maybe some big, adorable silver earrings, something yummy and many more fun things, you won't be disappointed! Just leave me a comment for your chance to win. If you want to win some of my favorite things head on over and party with Xazmin. GREAT STUFF!!!
*You have until Monday February 1st at 11:59 to enter.
It's been a great year!! Thanks for everyones love and support!!! I love ya all!!!
You dork! You are NOT the dumb friend! And I can't believe you told about my bra-lessness!
Xazmin sure sounds like a "keeper" of a friend! Glad you two have so much fun together! Now, I'm on my way to pay her a visit! Have a great one!
awww what a great post :) the best of friends! its my 100th post today! im having a give away as well, well technically 3 gift packages! Make sure u enter Tanielle! :)
Bwahahahaha...the no bra one is hilarious!
Congrats to BOTH of you on a year of fun blogging. :) I love this idea!
You two have such an adorable friendship!! Happy Blogoversary!!!! I have truly enjoyed getting to know you as well!
You two have such an adorable friendship!! Happy Blogoversary!!!! I have truly enjoyed getting to know you as well!
Oh my goodness....I could probably gotten thru life without knowing #2!!!!! ;)
I'm gonna have to say what I told Xazmin! You to are SO lucky to have each other as friends! have a true friend and live so darn close....that is the best of luck! That is something I would love to have in my life! Lucky, lucky girls!
Congrats on the Blogiversary...FUN! Pick ME!
I am jealous. Wish I had someone close to share my passions with. I have met so many wonderful friends on here that I am proud to call my quilting sisters but alas, none of them live close to me.
Happy Blogiversary!
Aww! What a sweet post! I love both you guys! So....if i win....are you going to send me Xamin's bra's she doesn't wear?! LOL!
So fun to have good friends. Congrats on your blogoversary!
Happy Blogoversary!! You have a great blog-here's to many more posts!! Love that you are celebrating with your friend-what a neat list!!
happy blogoversary to you both! it's awesome how rewarding blogging is, isn't it?
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY TO YOU, HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY TO YOU, HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY DEAR TANIELLE, HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY TO YOU! This is the first time I've come to your blog, but if you're anything like Xazmin, which it sounds like you are...I'm sure I'll be a follower by the end of the day. Oh, and PICK ME!!!
Bras are totally overated. Just say'n. It sounds like you two have an amazing friendship! Happy Blogiversary to both of you!!!
I heart you two!! Thanks for allowing me (and all of us) to get to know and be inspired by you and your sweet family!! Loves!
Great blog - Happy Blogiversary!!!!!!!! Please enter me in your drawing!
Happy Blogoversary! Can't wait to see what Xazmin's favorite things are! No worries Xazmin I would love to go braless & as soon as I am done nursing this bad boy is coming off for a very long time!!!
I love looking at your blog. When I am done with college I hope to full fill my creative side. BTW I love your heading picture of the feet and the toe that has a bandage on it.
HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!! You girls are great! I have enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to more fun stuff to come!!
I love Xazmin--and I'm happy to know about the bra thing haha! I'm not wearing one right now either LOL! I also need to be more crafty like the two of you. My decorating skills are embarrassing--so I pretty much need the mod podge because I have a fun idea but I've never used it!
Happy Blogoversary!!!
What a good friend you are to say such sweet things about you sista!
Awwww, I wish I had a best friend like that! You guys are the cutest!!!
Tanielle that is so cool you both started blogging at the same time! You two are so fun!
Good one on Xazmin. That is halarious! I too go braless some days at home. But, NEVER out in public! GASP! LOL!
Such fun posts. You guys are funny! Fingers crossed! ;)
What better way to celebrate than with an awesome friend! Good friends are the key to surviving soemtimes. Congrats on the anniversary!
Haha! I love this! I am personally very thankful you started this blog because I have loved getting to know you and your family!! =]
I love the bralessness! My hubby knows that once the bra is off for the day it isn't going back on unless there's an emergency!!
Happy Anniversary!!!
So fun! I love me some awesome friends. They are the best. Happy Blogiversary!
You guys are hilarious! Happy blogiversary!
Too funny! Happy Blogiversary! Here's to MANY MORE!! :)
You guys are so funny!
Are you boy crazy like Xazmin?? LOL! : )
What a great friendship you guys have. Happy Blogoversary!
I love it!!!! HOw fun to have a friend to share this with. Thank you for being a fun blog friend. I so enjoy my updates from The Polka Dot Daisy! I'm so glad li'l squishy face is doing so well too. :) Have a loverly day!
What an amazing gift a true friend is!
What a great way for y'all to celebrate your blogiversary! I am so glad you have a friend like her and that you recognize it!
A gals gotta have a friend like that! Sweet post!
aw, how cute!!!
lauren51990 at aol dot com
Happy Anniversary or is it Blogaversary?
Here's to many more years of blogging!
Oh mah gosh, you had me rollin' on #'s 2 and 5!!! That's just hilarious! What great friends! Excited to enter the giveaway!
I LOVE it! You two are just fantastic! You're so lucky to have each other!!
Congrats on your bloggiversary!!♥
I love both of your blogs and i love giveaways,, good friends are so special.. ya'll are really lucky.
How fun, a double party with all of us invited. Coolio. Happy Anniversary.
The funny thing about Xazmin not wearing a bra now is that she couldn't wait to get into one when she was still flat! Seriously though, I want to thank you for being such a great friend and kindred sister to my daughter. You have brought her so much joy, laughter and fun and I will always love you for that.
Y'all are too cute! Count me in :)
Hahaha! You two are too funny together!
Happy Blogiversary!
How lucky to have such a good friend! Until I read this post, I thought you two were actual sisters! But, I guess it doesn't take a blood relation to make you true sisters. You girls are great and I love your blogs! Thanks.
You guys have an astounding friendship!
Happy Blogoversary! I love that you guys have such a wonderful friendship!
You two sound like crazy fun and kudos to Xazmin for bring
Buffy into your life.
This is a wonderful celebration of friendship!
I am SOOOOO glad to have found your blog!!! You guys are HILLARIOUS!!!! Our blog is, but I am really bad at keeping it up!
Congrats on your blogoversary!
How fun to share your blog anniversary with a friend!
I loved all the tidbits you shared about her!
Sounds like a fun Partay. :)
Tow peas in a pod....the only thing better than a best friend is a best friend that blogs with you!
Love you both!
Thanks for all the good laughs, cries and just fun times through this year. I have loved every minute of it. Thanks!
You guys are so lucky to have each other. Happy Blogiversary! I too go braless most of the time. They drive me nuts.
Do y'all really drive around in the middle of the night? FUNNY! Happy Blogoversary!
Xazmin is great! I have really enjoyed getting to know her and you both. If you don't remember me you may need to ask Xazmin. Xazmin knows who I am.
Yay! I love a giveaway!
Memememeeeee!!! What? No? Come on.
AH...cute post. And happy anniversary.
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