Lil' Squishy is two months already!!! Where does the time go??? We have his 2 mo. appointment today, so I am anxious to see what his weight is. He is growing so much, and getting sooo squishy, I LOVE it!!
Just a few random pics...

2. My new babybjorn I just bought, Lil' squishy is quite a fussy baby, and this is wonderful!!!!
3. Colored goldfish crackers...makes the kids very happy, and I don't mind snacking on them a little. :) Is it wrong for them to have these for breakfast???(Michelle, what do you think?)
4. Planning for our family is going to be ridiculously fun!!
5. Watching the Olympics. We've been watching as a family, it has been part of Lexlee's homework, I love it, go USA!!!
Head on over to the adorable shortmama's for Dear Someone letters, she is awesome! And it's her Birthday today!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
Dear Husband,
I know it was rough having only eight and a half hours of sleep during the night Saturday. Absolutely... you should leave me with a crying baby, a whiny two year old, and a bored six year old while you have that much needed nap you deserve. I know you only got to sleep in until nine and you are simply exhausted. I myself get plenty of rest right now, and would never need a nap while you are home on the weekend.
Your completely amazing, never grumpy wife,
Dear Bug,
I realize you are a boy, and think that farting is funny..which it is sometimes. But not when all 5 children and I are my bedroom watching and enjoying the Olympics as a family. When Ashie says, "who poopy?" you know the smell is bad. Don't act like you don't know who it was, you my son have an aroma all of your own...please keep it to yourself.
I love you!
Have a wonderful Thursday!!!
2 months already??? wow that has gone by fast! His adorable luv! Have a great day!
It saddens and amazes me how quickly time flies by!!! He is precious! And is that red hair I see????
He is so precious! I want another one!!! :)
Wow! 2 cute and precious! I liked your letter to your smelly son too! Have a great day!
He is so cute. I love the 'I love my mommy' shirts. And I love both your letters I totally understand those.
Sweet angel - I love those great big eyes!!! Your letter to your husband is priceless. I needed that so badly this morning :) And I am sure it's fine to serve Goldfish for breakfast.
I LOVE little squishy's big blue eyes! Please squeeze him for me!
And nah...why would YOU need a nap....I'm sure you get PLENTY of rest during the week when hubby is gone, right? LOL!
Your little squishy face has the most beautiful big blue eyes ever:)And no it is not wrong to give kids goldfish for breakfast.As we speak my kids are eating plain cheerios for breakfast......whatever works:)
I'll never understand boys. My sons feel that the word "poopy" is an appropriate punchline to EVERY joke.
Knock Knock
Who's there?
He is growing so fast!
Thanks for the bday wishes!
He is SO SO SO cute. His hair looks reddish in some of those shots, too. :)
I love that lil squishy face - but seriously TWO months old?? wow! time goes by too fast.
What a cutie he is! Love those big blue eyes!
Hubby was a stinker on Saturday... hope this weekend he lets you take a nap :)
Too funny about Bug! My son thinks farting is hilarious! ;)
I can't believe our babies are 2 months old. Time is going too fast. Kenzie looks like she is about twice the size of Squishy. :)
oh the cuteness!! makes me long for a baby even more.
What an adorable little boy. Love the big eyes. Beautiful.
I need to jump on this Thankful Thursday bandwagon...I like it.
I can't believe how much he is starting to fill out!! He's looking awesome! And by the way, your letter to your husband is totally what goes on in this house too!! (Just minus the 5 kids, we only have 2 but one coming very soon!:) )
I can't believe it has been 2 months already!
BTW I know longer like you...our tulips are buried under 12 inches of snow! ;)
Wow, time flies!
(Unless you are very tired or stuck in a room with a farting pre-teen....)
Just saw your blog on Marty's A Stroll Thru Life! What a sweet blog you have!! And precious little ones!
what a cutie!
we loved watching the Olympics too! Fun family TV time!!!!
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