It took 8 1/2 weeks, 6 surgeries, numerous infections, and many specialty Doctors....but Dad finally left the Salt Lake Valley, and headed to the rehab floor in the hospital in Idaho Falls!!! Many, many times we were told that his chances were slim, and his prognosis was poor. I spent day in and day out with Dad through the bad, worst, and eventually positive times. I am soooo very grateful that I could be there for him. Now that he's four hours away I don't have the opportunity to be with him every day, and phone calls have to do. We are sooo blessed to have had him pull through all of this, and for all the prayers and fasting our family is forever grateful. To my sweet friends and family who were there whenever I needed for babysitting, food, and a shoulder to cry on, I am beyond thankful!!! Love you all!!!
Jibbity, my Mom, Lil' Squishy, Dad, and Ashie
Getting ready to head out.

Doing good and heading home to Idaho, and the hospital there.
Now I hope to be back to blogging!! Can't wait to get reading, commenting, crafting, and posting again. I have missed everyone!!! Soooo many things to blog about and catch up on... I can't wait!!!
Just an example of what else has been going on around my house...Ashie cut most of Lil' Squishy faces mo hawk off with the school scissors of Jibbity's that she managed to get out of the child locked drawer. My two year old keeps me VERY busy!!!!
Hugs to all my blogging friends!!!! It's good to be back!
Your dad is going to love it there. My grandma was on that floor in that exact hospital when she broke her hip and again after a small stroke, (they had to ask her to quit spraying her perfume so much) she's 90.
They treat you so well. Hope your dad gets well soon.
So glad he is out and doing ok!
I'm so glad to hear some good news about your dad.
He is looking good! So glad!
Prayers are an amazing thing. Thank you so much for the update!
I am so glad to hear that he is on the road to recovery, I know it's been a long hard road for all of you!
Yay! That is wonderful news! I hope that his recovery is now on the fast, strong, all better track!!! As for Ashie... yikes, she sould like my mischievious little Z. : )
so happy for you. And HIM!!
hope the out come for my mom is a positive, she left the hospital for 24 hours to a rehab center, and was rushed back to the hospital.
It is so hard when our parents are ill and we can't help. Mine are 12 hours away..
I didn't realize you were from Idaho Falls. I am from there. That is way exciting your dad is on the road to recovery.
Missed you mama!!!! I am so glad your dad is doing better. He does answer our prayers!!!!!!! HUGS!
I'm so glad that your Dad is doing better and getting out of the hospital! That's great news! I can't believe about the haircutting! So crazy what little kids think of to do! LOL You've definitely got your hands full!
That's great news. So glad he's doing better.
It's good he's well enough to get back to Idaho Falls. I hope he keeps recovering. I'm sure it was hard for you AND him to say goodbye!
God is good. So happy to hear good news about your dad! Glad your back!
So glad to hear that he is doing better- I've been keeping up on FB with you!!
Glad your dad is okay.
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