Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My new baby is the last and made number 6!!

I have a new baby!!!  Well he is actually 2 months old today, still new but not as new.  He is my last, thus making my emotions an absolute wreck, and the post partum crap...yeah it's proving to be super hard on me!  One thing for sure...I am soooo in love with this little guy! Just a few pics to share, and soon I will hopefully be able to put my emotions into words.  For today though, I am just celebrating the 2 months that have gone by way too fast! 


Sheila said...

SO precious! I LOVE that last pic, beautiful!
And your oldest son, has grown SO much and he is SO handsome!!!

Gurr Family said...

What a cutie. You have a beautiful family! Congrats!

Valerie said...

He's adorable! Great looking crew you've got there.