It has been FOREVER since I have participated in FMM...it's so much fun and a great way to get to know other bloggers!!! Head on over to All The Weigh and join in the fun!!!
1. Where is your cell phone? bra
2. Your most significant other? sleeping
3. Your hair? messy
4. Your mother? awesome
5. Your Father? heaven
6. Your favorite? pizza
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favorite drink? Dr. Pepper
9. Your dream/goal? thin
10. What room you are in? craft
11. Your hobby? crafting :)
12. Your fear? tornadoes
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? rich(yeah right) :)
14. Where were you last night? home
15. Something that you aren't? procrastinator
16. Muffins? poppy seed
17. Wish list item? lasik
18. Where you grew up? Idaho!!!! WOOHOOOO
19. Last thing you did? slept
20. What are you wearing? pj's
21. Your TV? off
22. Your pets? nope
23. Friends? fun
24. Your life? busy
25. Your mood? anxious
26. Missing someone? always
27. One place that I go to over and over? Wal-mart(sad but true)
28. Something you want? summer(love winter, but tired of being cold)
29. Your favorite store? Target
30. Your favorite color? Yellow
Go link up and play along HERE!!!!
Now I'm off to hopefully get Lil' Squishy face back to sleep for a few more hours!!!!
I love Target, too! And I'm usually at Walmart three days a week...sad, right?
cell phone in your bra? HA!!! That cracks me up!!!
Wal-mart is my 2nd home too!
I'm sure that was tougher than it looks!
I'm with ya on #9!
lol I carry my phone in my bra too!
Yay! I'm glad you decided to join today. I go to Wal-mart a lot too when I'm around one..it's just too good not to. ;)
Hey! We put the same for number 3...we are so twins!
Except you are not a procrastinator...I SO am!
Your phone in your bra AND you're still wearing Pjs??? That's commitment :)
Your phone in your bra??? Hmmmmmm
I almost answered Wal-mart for the place I go over and over... I was trying to be cool though...
Oh sweet Target...I heart thee
Ummmmm your phone resides in your bra??? My fav color is yellow too :)
Wal-Mart is the only "shopping" place we have in this town, so I am there quite a bit, too.
Happy FMM!
Poppy see, Dr. Pepper, and Wal-Mart...see, I question if those aren't two words... :)
This is a fun Meme!
I keep my cell phone in the same place!
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