What started out as simply removing some tile behind the toilet to get ready for the new floor...changed to "Holy Crap" the sub-floor and even the ply-wood under that is rotten, along with the cupboard side, which we discovered was also growing black mold. (insert seriously loud screaming from the going crazy woman in this house)

Made for some humorous camera shots though...and I'm sure the neighbors love having our toilet perched on the deck...not that I really care since they are how should I put it...party house trash?

Bug would seriously probably like this outdoor environment to sit on the pot, and I'm sure would absolutely drink a Mountain Dew while doing business.

Little Squishy just loves being outside!

Ashie, was very confused being a newly potty trained little monkey, and crying because the toilet was outside. On a somewhat funny and gross note...the water was turned off for hours on Saturday, leaving us only one toilet to use, and no flushing allowed...sick I know. Miss Ashie wouldn't use the toilet because there were shall we say "presents" already in there. Poor girl is traumatized. It made me laugh though, because I am such a good mom like that. :)
POINT is...who knows how long we will be without our other bathroom, who knows how long I will keep screaming in my head, and oh well at least the sun is shining today, and Bin Laden has been killed!!!!
FOUND this in my sweet Lexlee's drawing pad....it may or may not have made me cry, a lot!!! Such a sweetie she is!!!

Soooo sweet!!! Love this girl!! And miss my dad so much, especially since his birthday is this coming Saturday. :(
My little Ashie gets her tonsils and adenoids out Thursday, breaks my heart.
One last thought that is on my mind....
Oh wow, I wasn't expecting that at the end, I'll admit it, I cried. But I love how sweet she is. I love you all!
UGgghhh we've been dealing with bathrooms lately too. What a total pain in the... You know,.the thing you sit on. Lol. Loooove the pics your daughter drew. What a sweet sweet girl.
Yea! Glad to hear from you!!
Ok...we need "after" pics of the bathroom! I'm sure it's gorgeous!!!
And LOVE the toilet on the porch - that's pretty priceless! hehe!!!
And the"drawings" and "notes" those are priceless!! What a sweet little treasure you have! :)
This post had me laughing at your Deck Potty and crying at that sweet, sweet outpouring of love for your dad.
Oh my sweet little LEXIE,I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. That was the nicest tribute you wrote about your Grandpa, and the pictures are really, really good!!! You made me wish even more that I could put my arms around that guy you drew with the suspenders on, and the cute mustache, just one more time. I will, but not in this life. Then we can all see him, and hug him. You are a precious granddaughter, and he thought so too.
Tani, I love the toilet pictures, and it reminded me that somewhere there is a picture of Dad sitting on our toilet, when we had it out on the grass by the sliding doors. He was such a clown about things like that. In fact, I think he wanted me to situate it out in the yard somewhere, and plant flowers in the bowl.Uhhhh that was a deffinite no! ,from his poorsport wife.My gosh, those grandkids of mine are adorable, even if they are perched on the potty! That could give those great neighbors of yours, something to look at, especially when they are partying. Jace,you are looking all grown up!!!! Slow Down,I want to go back to those days when I was the announcer, or, your cheerleader, when you were just a little guy tearing through the round-about hall in Mrs. Whitworth house, playing football. We had fun!!!
Love all of you soooo much!!
Sorry about the bathroom. Hope Ashie isn't too scarred. But I love the pictures! :)
What sweet thoughts from Lexlee & what a great way for her to process her grief.
Love the blog makeover too.
Awww Lexlees drawing and writing just breaks my heart!
This was a buffet of emotions!
Are you feeling better my friend!
Funny and emotional. What a hilarious time you must all be having with your toilet in the yard, lol. What sweet little drawings and sentiments.
Wow - REALLY hope you guys got your bathroom back!!!
hey! I've missed your blog! I hope all is going well in your world.
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