AWARDS!!!! WOW...I am overwhelmed!
Anissa at Our Chaotic Life gave me this" Awe-Summm" award. Thanks sooo much. I was very excited! I don't consider to be a queen of anything, or to be awesome, but I will take it....it's so glittery!!!!
Make sure to tag your recipients and let them know they have won!
Also link back to the Queen that tagged you.
Here I go...
What makes me Awe-summ???
1. I love my kiddos more than I could ever express.
2. I love being a mom, more than being skinny(obviously)
3. I love crafting.
4. I try to be clean and tidy in my home.
5. I laugh easily.
6. My fingers are all double-jointed(cool huh)I'm a bit of a freak!
7. I have amazing, cool friends in bloggyland!!!!
I choose...
Vivienne at The V Spot
Sandra at In This Small House
Heidi at Blue-eyed Blessings
Shawn at Seriously
Kasey at All That is Good
Rhonda at Down Memory Lane
These ladies are AWE-SUMM!!! Love reading your blogs!!!
Next Up...

So stinkin' cute and funny gave me this award! I love it!!!
Lanie at Creations by Lanie
Amanda at Serenity Now
Amanda at Serenity Now
Kimert at Diaries of a Coach's Wife
Jenny at Jenny-Jenny who can I turn to?
These ladies are super!!!! Love them all!

and Krissy at Thinking of Blue
The Rules of Accepting and Sharing this Award
1.Put the logo on your blog or post
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show an attitude of gratitude
3. Link to your nominees within your post
4.Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received this award
5.Share the love and link to this post and the person who nominated you for the award.
Tell us how you've come to have an attitude of gratitude
I am going to pass this one on to everyone! Please take it....and we'll all try to be more grateful and show gratitude more often. I know I need to!:-)

Jodi at Jodibee Designs ...she is adorable, and very talented!
Here are the rules...
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to up to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to up to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
My choices...
Brynn at Moments of Majic& Mayhem
Carrie at Carrie's Little World
Amanda at Ups A Daisy
"Fine"Al Thoughts
Brynn at Moments of Majic& Mayhem
Carrie at Carrie's Little World
Amanda at Ups A Daisy
"Fine"Al Thoughts
These ladies as well are so wonderful!! I love to keep up with their blogs!!!
So many amazing bloggers out there, it is very, very hard to pick some to pass the awards on!!! Thanks so much to the sweeties who gave me these awards!! I am truly grateful, and feel very flattered!!!
Now a problem.....
Do You think.....
Have a WONDERFUL Friday!!!
Wow! You are just dripping with awards! There is a reason for that: You're Fab, as is your blog.
Thanks for passing one on to me.
I agree! It doesn't surprise me at all that so many have given awards to you! :)
Have a great weekend Tanielle!
Aww! Thank you! Loving the picture of Ashie - she's a little blogger-in-training!
Yay! Thanks for the award! I will get it posted up this weekend. Dont forget to stop by and do the home redo!
Oh la la! Thanks for the award!!! :) I had to laugh at loud at your cutie pie with her laptop...she'd be right at home here with me and my laptop--hers is prettier though. ;)
That pic of Ashie is A-DOR-A-BLE! love it.
I am so glad you like the cards!!
Congrats on your awards. You little one is too cute.
Hey! Just poppin' in and saw yo passed an award on to me. You're so nice! But I really wanted to comment on the pic because that is hilarious especially with your caption! So funny!
Congrats on all the awards!
Is there anyone more deserving of these awards? I think not!
I also gave you the Your Blog is Super award but since V already sent it to you all is good!
Thanks for my award I will get it up soon!
Congrats on your awards lady! Those cards are soooo adorable :)
Look at all those awards...don't let it go to your head! LOL! CONGRATULATIONS! Enjoy your weekend, as well!
Oh the addiction starts at a really early age now!
Congrats on all the awards.
Love the cutie pics of Ashie! Thanks for the sweet award too. It is so cute!
Well, your cup runneth over with AWARDS! You totally deserve each and every one of them! I love your blog! I also love what you got in the mail. Getting stuff through the mail is so fun! Your little girl is adorable!
Hope you've had a wonderful week!
You go Mrs. Award lady!
also...BWAHAHAHA about Ashie...like mother like daughter!
Lots to say:
-Adorable cards you received! How lucky you are!
-You are one popular blogger...look at all of those awards.
-Thanks for the award...I'm a little unsure about being called a Queen. ;)
-And, your daughter is stinkin' adorable with her laptop. Too cute!
Congrats on all the awards!
That picture IS pretty adorable! Like mother, like daughter. :)
Congratulations on all the awards! I love your blog!
Your little girl Ashie looks so adorable!!
So c.u.t.e!!
Wow! All the awards - How fun! Alot of great blogs out there.
The cards that you got: SO cute!! What fun mail :D
Your little one looks like she is having a ball copying her mom! She'll never know a world without a computer!
Thanks for the award!! Sorry I missed it the other day! I guess my recent orthodontic work got to me.. lol
Thank you so much!
Love that pic of your sweetie at the computer. too cute.
Thank you so much for the queen award!!!!! You are AWESOME!!!!
Love that pic of your daughter 'blogging' away. That is so stinkin cute!!!!
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