Family Reunion we come!!!!

I have reached nearly 200 times throwing up now, and well...I really prefer a clean, well ventilated, flush toilet bathroom. Wish me luck... long drive, camping, outhouses, and puking don't go very well, but this is my family we're talking about, and I haven't seen a lot of them since Christmas time!!!!!
Ashie was so little last year, and couldn't walk! This year will be a challenge! In fact there will be three little girls all about the same age getting into everything. I think we need a cage! I actually can't wait to see her out there, she will love it for sure!!!
I really can't wait to see these awesome kids, their parents, and the family that wasn't able to be there last year!!!
MY FAMILY...I can't wait to see you ALL!!!!
MY BLOGGY FRIENDS...I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and I look forward to catching up. Be sure to stop by Xazmin's on the 16th!!!! She'll be celebrating her 33rd BIRTHDAY!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!
Sounds like a wonderful time. I know you will have a ball and how nice to get to see your whole family. Have fun. Hugs, Marty
I love that your whole family gets together every year.
Good lucking with puking in the outhouses!! Can't wait to see pictures.
I hope you have a fabulous time! Oh, and I will pray about the vomiting too...sorry... :(
I was talking to someone I know that you know just yesterday about your reunion. You guys do some crazy fun stuff. How you can still be so creative while vomiting is inspirational to me. HAVE LOADS OF FUN. :-)
You could just throw up behind a tree. ;)
You are a true trooper! I would pack the kids with the hubby and say good-bye!
I love the picture from last year, you're just beautiful!
Have a wonderful time!!!!
Have fun and drive safely! I wish you family, fun and clean places to barf.
Sounds like you guys will have a great time....
Be safe!
That sounds like fun! (Other than the outhouse + puking thing!) I hope you are able to really enjoy yourself!
Take along a big stash of large ziplock bags. You throw up in them, zip up the smell and throw it away. Good luck.
Have a fun time. I will miss you. I am with you and the out houses. Yucky....
have fun!
Umm, okay...thanks for outting my age! I purposelyy left it out my profile!
Hope you have fun...I will miss you!
Sounds like you are going to have a blast! Have fun and watch out for Bigfoot!
You are going to have SO MUCH FUN!!! I hope you have a great time and maybe the vomiting will stop...? If not, ya know, people are usually pretty good about it. Even if you have to yak in the fire, they probably wouldn't mind...except the smell though...ok, so don't yak in the fire. But anywhere that you don't see someones feet? Go for it. And tell em it was me that said it was ok. And they won't know me and they'll think you're losing it too. On top of the barfing. Ok, I'm rambling, so I'll quit now. But, GOOD LUCK and have FUN!!!
: )
I hope you have a good time with your family.
I'm sorry about the out house situation though.
Hopefully soon you stop throwing up.
I hope you all enjoy a fun & safe trip.
You are adorable! So is that sweetie pie you are holding...Ashie! I hope you do not throw up on your trip...that it will be all over by now!
Even if you do, I hope you have an awesome time seeing everyone!
Take some of those bags on a roll they sell for diapers...that would be better to puke in than a stinky outhouse!!
Have such a wonderful time- we will miss you in bloggy land!!
Have a wonderful trip Tanielle! You are a brave girl. I went to girls camp 3 months pregnant with my last one. I had to sleep in the car next to the toilets!
It looks like you're going to have so much fun! I hope the "pukiness" is at a minimum...
You look GORGEOUS in the picture about too, by the way...
Can't wait to hear about your family fun week!
Have a wonderful time! I'll be thinking of you and hoping that the puke fairy stays far far away.
I got your package!!!! LOVE IT! Thank you so so much. I had so much fun opening it. It came just before we left for our big ride and made my day. Thank you!
Wow, you must really love your family! Have a fantastic time!
Have a wonderful time! Good Luck!
Sounds like a great time - well, except the outhouses!
Where in Idaho did you go?
I just found your blog from my friend Rachel's. Your blog is really cute!!!
Come by my blog to enter some fun giveaways! There are a few of them, and not many people have entered yet, so your chances of winning are really good!
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