I am very anxious to post all about our new little "squishy face"! He is an absolute little miracle and bundle of joy!! So much to tell and journal about, but give me time, things are crazy around here, and apparently I am suppose to be resting.:)

Unfortunately we are spending Christmas Eve under the lights. With everything else that has gone on we are now dealing with Jaundice, and started photo therapy this afternoon. Big time bummer!!! He's a little
munchkin weighing 6 lbs 5 oz, but he's eating well so we are hoping he will start gaining instead of losing.

Thanks for all your sweet comments, thoughts and prayers. I appreciate them
sooo much! I will try to post again soon, and I hope everyone has a very
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! I love ya all!
Such a sweet baby. Get some rest (when you can). Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you and congratulations on such a beautiful baby! Good luck with the jaundice.
You can really count your blessings!
He is beautiful no matter what color he is! ;-) Ya' did good, kid! All that barfing was worth it!
Merry Christmas!
(Now get some rest!)
Marry Christmas t each one of you! he is adorable! Thanks for sharing the awesome photos!
Now go rest!! :)
Aww Tanielle! He's so sweet! Congratulations! Get some rest, and have a very Merry Christmas!!!
Congrats! He's a cutie!
Merry CHRISTmas!
He is so sweet and ADORABLE! Congrats! Wishing you all a very merry Christmas! What a great Christmas!
So very sweet! Merry Christmas to you and your family Tanielle!
What a little cutie!!!!!!
Merry christmas to you!!!!!
He is so sweet. Uggghhh the lights are a pain aren't they! Can't wait to see more pics & hear all about your sweet lil one. Congrats & yes get some rest!!! :)
Tanielle, congratulations! He is gorgeous. Get some rest and enjoy that family this holiday!
oh, he's beautiful! Congratulations and Merry First Christmas with your new baby boy!!
I remember the lights well-my first needed them-we used to call it her heartlight and sing to her "turn on your heartlight...."
Congrats Momma!! So excited for you!!
Merry Christmas and congratulations!
Absolutely beautiful! Congratulations again and YES, try your best to get some rest!
What a sweet boy!
I am praying that the Lord will heel his jaundice quickly and you will have time to rest and heel too!Happy New Year!
OH My Goodness...isn't he just the sweetest looking little baby ever!!
Congratulations to all! We'll pray that the jaundice gets better soon!! I guess you can't chalk it up to eating too many carrots, not with all the throwing up :)
Get some rest, when you can and post more pics...adorable!
xoxo ~Lisa
Congrats Tanielle! He is adorable! We dealt with the lights when Chase was Jaundice...not fun! I hope everyone is well and your Christmas was a great one to remember!!!
He's beautiful and you are blessed!
He's sooo cute! Congratulations!
Congrats honey he looks sweet
be praying for you
He is so adorable!!! Lights and all!
He is so precious! Congratulations!
Awee!!! What's his name??
I hope your family had a very Merry Christmas! Really though how could you not with such a cute blessing living in the house?! I'm glad to hear things are going well for you and baby!!
What a sweetheart. We are excited for all of you! Love you
My little one needed bilirubin lights too. There was no fancy blanket 10 years ago so we kicked it old school with the big ol' incubator style lights and had to keep a mask on her face 24/7. Thank God my Mom was there to keep an eye on her, I was way too tired to male sure her little eyes where protected. This is a much better way! Hopefully he will show signs of improvement fast, I HATED all those little pricks in the heel!
May God heal little Squishy Face quickly! Raise his iron count, raise his blood sugar levels and put a little meat on those precious little bones!
Congratulations to you all!
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