Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wanna win a prize?

First of all...just for fun...I'm going to have a little contest. Guess the weight, and time of birth for my new little guy, I have to be to the hospital at 7:30 a.m on the 18th....the one who comes the closest will get something fun in the mail from me. HEHEHE, fun huh!? Leave it in a comment, and sometime after the 18th I will announce the winner.

Jibbity woke up last Wednesday morning with croup. Not unusual since she gets it about every year. But frustrating because I hate when my kiddos are sick, and the thought of bringing home a new baby to a house full of sickies scares me to death. Especially since Ashie spent nine days at the childrens hospital with RSV when she was not quite three weeks old. Jibbity is feeling much better now, and other than Ashie with a bit of a stuffy nose, and myself getting over a cold, everyone is doing ok.
One thing I was very concerned about was that Jibbity's Christmas dance recital was Saturday, and she had been counting down the days to be able to perform on the stage. She was kind of off and on with feeling ok during the day. When the time finally came to get ready, I could tell she wasn't herself but she kept insisting that she felt good, and that, "she knew she could do it". We took her but only let her stay for her dances. She did great and looked adorable on the stage. She is never a bit nervous, not even when she was two and still in a pull-up at her very first recital. Gotta love this girl!!
Here's a few pics...
Now to get back to getting ready for the big day...I am so excited, anxious, nervous, scared, in a total panic, and ready. Less than two days now...WOW!!! My heart starts pounding harder whenever I think about it. Hopefully my next post will be pictures of my new little cutie. Wish me luck, truthfully...I am terrified!:-)


Rhonda said...

How fun with the contest! 2 days, wow. I'm so excited for you and will pray for you and baby!

Jibbity looks adorable! How fun to watch!

My predictions:
Arrival time: 12:37 PM
Weight: 7 lbs. 11 oz.

Best wishes! HUGS!

Macey said...

I'm excited for you!
And Jibbity looks adorable, but you can tell if you pay attention to her other pictures that she's kinda tired looking...still GORGEOUS though! :)
Hmmm...guesstimate here on the weight and length...
20 3/4 long
and...7 lbs 10 oz.

Macey said...

Shoot, I put the length not the time...okay...say 5:32 pm

Anonymous said...

I say 1:25p.m. on the 18th and the baby boy will be 7 pounds 6 oz. and 21 inches long :)

Im so excited for you! Love you!

Amy Robinson said...

ahhhh! this post made me super happy! :) i absolutely loooove you! and i suppose i should make a guess eh? ok...

little "sawyer jaxon remington" (haha) will be born around 3:28 pm and he's gonna be a little one so he'll weigh 6lb 8 oz :) just send me my prize now...

Sarahie said...

First of all, I love the dance pictures! I always wanted to be a dancer and get pretty flowers while wearing pretty flowy costumes and makeup! She looks great!

Second of all, good luck with your labor and delivery. I hope it goes quickly and easily for you!

My guesses are: 7 lb 10 oz at 1:11 p.m.

I can't wait to see pictures!

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

Cute dancers. Good luck with the delivery. My guess is 8lbs. 2 oz. at 2:30pm

Gwen said...

What a fun contest. I'll try my hand at predicting the future.

1:13 PM
7 lb 4 oz

Wishing you the best of luck and an easy labor and delivery!

Braley Mama said...

Praying for u on the 18th!!!
My guess is 5:25 pm and 8'3

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Oh my goodness, how exciting! Our friends had their baby last night, and another friend's due date was yesterday. Babies are such a blessing! Best wishes!!! As for a prediction. Hmmmm, when I was induced I was in labor 26 hours ~ but I was only 34 1/2 weeks, so . . . I hope he comes much earlier than this, but I'm going to say 6:42pm and I'm going to guess him at 7 pounds 12 ounces.

I'll be praying for a fast and easy labor and delivery.

Myya said...

Jibbity looks sooo cute!
Praying for a safe delivery & a very healthy lil guy!!!
My guess is 1:57 pm & 8 lbs 4 oz (this was my lil ladies time & weight 3 1/2 months ago :)

April said...

That is such an exciting time! I will definitely keep you and that sweet baby of yours close in my prayers! Now, I'm going to get the delivery time to be 2:45 and the weight to be 7 lbs. 4 oz. GOOD LUCK!!!

Connie said...

If you were in my family, your baby would weigh 10 1/2 pounds and be 23 inches but since you're more than likely a "normal" woman, my guess is 8 lbs 2 oz. and he'll be born at 3:19 p.m.
Good luck to you! So exciting!

Brandi said...

What a fun contest. I say Arrival time 6:10 pm and weight 7 pds 9 oz. Good Luck and Congrats.

Dawn said...

I'm so excited for you!! and remembering all my deliveries-love thinking about when the kids were born. I'm going to guess 1:07 pm and 8lbs 3oz. Hope your delivery is quick and semi-easy. Good Luck and can't wait to hear your great news!!

Sheila said...

HOW EXCITING!!! I bet you are a bundle of nerves right now! I can't wait to see your baby boy!!
I'm going to say he will be born at 11:22am and will weight 6 lb 9 oz. And be ABSOLUTELY beautiful!!!

Jaci said...

Oh, I wish you the very best! Brings back such fun memories. There is nothing like that new little bit of heaven in your arms. For a guess I will say 7lbs, 2 oz and little man to arrive at 11:43 a.m. Wishing you a wonderful day tomorrow. Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Yay- so excited! I will be thinking about you tomorrow!!

My prediction:

11:42 am
7 lbs 8 oz
19 1/2 inches long

Praying for you!!


Amy said...

My friend is having twins today...

On the 18th

5:06 p.m.

8lbs. 6oz. 21 inches long...

Good luck...

Tammy said...

What a great Christmas present. We were there about 7 years and 2 days ago. Crazy! Here's my prediction...
7lb 9oz
Good luck and hope all goes well for you and the new little one!

shortmama said...

Yeah the sweet baby is almost here!!

My guess is 7lbs 4 oz and time is 10:33am!

Your daughter looks just precious!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

So exciting!!! My guess:

7 pounds 12 oz.
8:05 pm

Merry Christmas!

Aimee said...

I'll guess 7 lb. 15 oz. and born at 3.45 pm.

jennykate77 said...

Super exciting...less than a day now!!! Jibbity looked super cute in her dance pictures!!

My prediction is:

12:07PM (like right after noon)
7 pounds 7 ounces
19 inches

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers!! Can't wait to see pictures of the new don't hold out on us too long! :)

kado! said...

oh...cute pics!

you just said guess weight and time right?...every one is putting height too...

hmmm....I guess:

8 lbs even

good luck...I'll be thinking of you guys!!!

Cindy said...

My guess is 7 lbs 13 oz at 4:24 pm. Not sure why they just sound like winning numbers. I hope all goes well for you. We can't wait to see pics.

Krissy said...

8 lbs 2 oz
5:27 pm

I'm excited for you to finally get to meet your new little one.

"Ponce-a-Time" said...

Holy Cow! I'm way down on the list of "sooth-sayers". Ok,

7# 4 oz.
6:45 p.m. on the 18th

That's my prediction and I'm sticking to it. Good luck kiddo!

"Ponce-a-Time" said...

I read the entries above and there are several people who guessed 7 4 So I'm changing my guess to 6 # 15 oz

J.J. said...

2:58 pm 7 lbs 10 oz.

Can't wait to hear how you the "two" of you are doing after he gets here!