I decided I wanted to make new stockings for our family this year. I'd been thinking about it for a while, then one early morning while grocery shopping at Wal-mart I slipped into the fabric department, and decided for sure...yep new stockings it is. Our old ones were pretty cute, Hunter Dan especially loved them because they were pink camo for the girls and green for the boys.(in fact he says Santa likes the old ones better, and will probably switch them out when he fills them.) I wanted a more Mrs. Santa Claus look...traditional red and green. I got all the fabric I needed for about 9 dollars. Making seven stockings took a while, but it was fun and I love how they turned out.
I wanted these ones a bit smaller than my old ones, but they still ended up being about 20 inches. Then there is this one on the name yet for the baby, so for now just blank.
We got a bit of a storm yesterday!!!!
This picture doesn't really do it justice. We got a lot of snow!!!!It is gorgeous outside, the roads were hairy on the way to my Doctors appointment, but it is beautiful. The kids want to play in it sooo bad, but it is COLD out fact right now it is.....
Holy smokes did ya see that? 7.6!!! BRRRRR...cold in my house too, gotta turn the heat up.
WHY????? In the world am I up at 4:14 a.m.???....and taking pictures? My back is a little achy, my mind is racing a little, I have really weird dreams, do ya think I am a bit anxious for baby to get here? I went in for my last appointment yesterday before induction on the 18th. Dilated to a 2. Doctor says maybe I'll go on my own, never have yet, but that would be ok with me. I have a few more presents to wrap, but other than that...I AM READY!!! Have I mentioned Jibbity's birthday is on the 23rd? Her presents are wrapped and ready, goodie bags are ready to be taken to school, and the "happy birthday" letters are cut out and ready to be hung up. AHHHH!
I think I will try to go back to sleep before the mad morning school rush starts in a couple of hours. Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!! STAY WARM!:-)
Hi Tanielle!
Love all your snow! Sure wish we'd get some way down here, but I don't think there's much of a chance for that! Your Christmas stockings are SUPER cute!
That's exicting that you're dilated to a 2...won't be long now!
I love your new stockings-adorable!
Good Luck with the baby!
I was up at 3:30 a.m. today. I was looking out the windows at all of the snow.. It is just crazy...
Girlfriend! Up at 4am, really? LOL! I understand!!!
LOVE your stockings!! And I did NOT know you already had ONE birthday that close to Christmas, now you are going to have TWO birthdays that close to Christmas!! I can't wait for your baby to get here....i hope you can post pics SOON after his birth!!
Merry CHristmas!!!!
Hey! Sounds like you are doing better than me! Ha! ARe you nesting?? I am not close to being done! Eeek!
Wow, you will have two December birthdays now. I love your stockings you made! So adorable!
Ah yes, the baby anxiety! You're so close! And so prepared. You'll love that you have everything ready. Kenley's birthday is Oct 12 and I had Hewitt Oct 1. I was so thankful I had all her birthday stuff ready!
Love the stockings!! :)
Very cute stockings! Jealous of all the snow. And I'm impressed with how prepared you are.
Not very long until your new bundle of exciting! Yay for you're December babies! That snow sure is beautiful..but I don't do the cold..not one little teensy bit!
Can you send some of that snow to GA??? The Almanac says it's going to be a rough winter for us...we'll see ;) The stockings are awesome! And I love that the others ones are camo - too cute!
I LOVE the stockings!!! You really should be getting some sleep!!! (wait....I don't think that you ever do!) Have fun in the cold and I will talk to you later! Deck the Halls!!
Nice stalkings! You did an amazing job. Wow I thought I was cold, you are really really cold. It got down to 20 last night, but we are in Northern CA. Praying for you to have a safe delivery!
Great job on the stockings! I can't sew to save my life!
We got snow here, last night, and it's about 15 degrees today! Brr..I'm staying home!
LOVE the new stockings! I need to get news ones too... Now that we added our 3rd little girl we don't match & it so bugs me! How exciting your new one will be here soon. I've got one 2 1/2 wks before Christmas & one 2 1/2 weeks after... that is too close I can't imagine one on the 18th & the 23rd yikes!!! God Bless you, you are one busy mama!!! : )
The cold has arrived at our house too... it was 9 degrees yesterday morning... sooooo cold for my area of Oregon. Not sure how much I am liking this! LOL.
Those stockings are so cute!
Good luck with the last couple weeks of your pregnancy... :)
Those stockings are adorable!!
Wouldn't it be fun if your uterus actually went into labor on it's own...ya know, being the 5th baby and all :) Good Luck!! Maybe that back ache will bring you a baby boy :)
xoxo ~Lisa
The stockings look great!
I forgot that Jibbity and Layla have the same bday!! I cant believe my youngest is gonna be 2...WAAAAAAA!!!
The stockings are very cute!! I am so impressed that you are nine months pregnant, have Christmas and a birthday to worry about and still want to make new stockings!! Wow!!Best of luck with the new baby!!
oh wow those stockings are so cute! Yanno i am hoping the baby is born on the 18th so we can share our birthdays
goodness you did get some snow and is that the temp? almost 8 degrees wow stay warm!
Man someone is nesting like crazy! Those stocking are so cute!
Those stockings are adorable! I do like me some pink camo though... my checks have pink camo.)
I think you are nesting, big time.
I love the new stockings!! You did a great job! So, less than a week until you're induced!!! That's so exciting! Sounds like you've got it all together and are ready to go! Thinking of you and keeping you and baby in my prayers.
Love the new pics of the kiddos on your sidebar! They're adorable!
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend so far!
Those stockings are adorable!!!
Super cute stocking... I love them! Thanks for sharing!
WAIT A SECOND!!!!!! This baby is due ALREADY?????? It seems like yesterday we found out you were pg??? Where does the time go?? And did I read correctly? Induction on the 18th??? As in 2 days?? WOW!! That would be a terrific day! It's my birthday! I think Rebecca makes a really cute girl's name!!!!
I will be praying for you & that baby!!
oh...those turned out CUTE!
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