Well....I consider myself to be extremely lucky!!!(not normally, but in this case...for sure!!) I joined in on Mamarazzi's (Dandelion Wishes) "favorite things" swap, and guess who my swap partner was????? Mamarazzi herself!!!! Talk about a little intimidating!!! She is an amazing blogger with a HUGE following!!!, and WooHoo, I get her as my buddy!!!! She did not disappoint, in fact HOLY SMOKES....I was beyond spoiled!!!!
Check this out!!!!
Thank-you soooo much!!!! I love everything!!!
It's that time of year again...dance recitals, end of school, summer time. I LOVE this!!!! My little Jibbity had her dance pictures this week, that girl loves to get dressed up!! She was awake at six in the morning and asking if she could put her costume on, she is my little dancer girl... after my own heart. She makes me laugh daily!!! I took a few pics before we left for the studio, and planned on taking some candid shots while there with her class, but Ashie wouldn't let me put her down, and was (I think) kind of intimidated by all the extra people there. Jibbity has her recital in two weeks, and next year she goes into primary ballet, instead of creative...(this was her very first day of dance she was 2 1/2. She's in the black)

She is growing up too fast, how will I let her go to school this fall!? Breaks my heart. She has been my "little buddy" for the last four years while the big kids were already at school...*sigh*...pregnancy hormones, I cry over everything right now!!!

So...I have enjoyed(to say the least) So You Think You Can Dance...these last couple of weeks, and after last nights show, I can't wait for next week!!!!! What an emotional show last night(did anyone else cry, or is that just the hormones again?) I am excited to see what all the dancers will bring, I am disappointed in some of the awesome talent they sent home, but am also anxious to see these top twenty!!!! The talent..WOW!!!
I am still not feeling the best, BUT...I think(maybe-cross your fingers)that this sickness is letting up a little. Thanks for not giving up on me, and I am anxious to see what has been going on in all my awesome bloggy friends lives!!! I miss you all!
Have a WoNdErFuL Friday, and weekend!!!!
Hey, Tanielle! Missed you!!! :) You made out like gangbusters in that swap, girl. Too cool. :)
Beautiful ballet pictures. :)
Spoiler alert (Xazmin, don't read this part):
How mad were you that they sent Natalie home as well as the Broadway brother at the very end?? I hope they bring him back next season! :s
Lovely package of goodies you scored!!!
Your little sweet pea looks adorable in her little tutu! :)
You scored! There is another swap started up over there already.
The little dance pix are darling and I love the new picture for your header. Glad you're feeling a little bit better.
OH MY SAKE!!! she is so adorable!! I hope you're feeling better today - you sound like you are!!
Do you know how giddy I was to see that you had a new post up?! Missed you girl, glad that you may be feeling a little better. You made out on that swap! And I dont think Jibbity could get any cuter if she tried!
Hellooooo!!!! We are back! I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better! Jibbity looks soooo cute in her costume! I need to come for a visit again....or you could come here! Give me a call some time! Bob's your uncle!!!
Aw, I love the dance pics. My little 3-year old is having her final performance tonight. It's so fun, it almost makes me cry everytime!
Oh, and congratulations on your pregnancy! I'm expecting as well. I can totally commiserate/sympathize where the hormones are concerned!
I love the idea of a swap. I saw Mamarazzi's post about your package which she really seemed to adore. I joined in for the Red, White and Blue one so I'm gearin' up for that. Glad your sickness is letting up (KNOCK ON WOOD).
OMGosh your little one looks absolutely adorable all dressed up. In the one picture where she has her hands up to her face she looks like the little girl in "The Little Rascals Movie".
How fun - Little girls and tutu's!!
Wow!! You did make off well in that swap! It looked like Christmas! And your sweet little girl is so darling! At least you get to enjoy the summer with her still home. :-)
LOVE the pictures of Jibbity in her sweet dance attire!
It looks like you got a fun package!
You scored big time in that swap!
Your little dancer is so beautiful, I hate how fast they grow up on us.
I to am enjoying so you think you can dance!
I'm glad to hear (FIngers crossed) that your starting to feel better.
Cute dance pictures! And what fun swap things! I really need to take part in some of those. What a great idea!
Could she be any more precious!
I'm glad you're feeling better! I know how you feel. I threw up multiple times a day from the moment I conceived until the moment I delivered!
Have you signed up for the red, white and blue swap yet? I loved the last one so I'm in again!
SO glad to see you out & about in blog land!!! And man o man, you totally scored on the swap!!! Good for you- you deserve it!!
I am totally obsessed with SYTYCD too! Have seen their "concert" when they tour in the fall. I am thrilled it is back on!!! I didn't cry, which is surprising, cause I have been crying over everything too. I am patiently waiting for my hormones to go back to normal!!!
Take care & get lots of rest my friend!
what a haul! you are so fortunate what a fabulous box to have opened!
Forgot to mention before that it is my turn to do a big Summer Giveaway! Come on over to my blog and check it out if you're interested!
Have a GREAT week!
Cute CUTE pics of your little sweetie!! I haven't started watching SYTYCD, but I want to! I have some of the episodes DVR'd. Maybe I'll catch up soon. I LOVE all of your wonderful things you got in your swap package! You totally made out!
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