Here we go...It's been a few weeks since I have participated, and I've missed all the awesome support. So if you're looking to get healthy and fit, head on over to the adorable Amber's to link up!
This weeks question....
What's your favorite thing to drink while you're losing weight? We all know how important it is to get that water intake up, especially with summer almost here. What's your favorite way to spice it up?
To be honest I really just drink water...I really like crystal light, but seem to forget about it when I am grocery shopping. Right now though, water doesn't like me very much, and I have to separate my meals from my drinks with any hopes of keeping what I just ate down. That is really hard for me, because I drink a lot of water with my meals so it fills me better, and I eat slower. Not the case now. Anyway I just try to stay hydrated any way I can...unfortunately(because pop isn't very good for ya) something that seems to settle my stomach a little is sipping on watered down with crushed ice root beer. Weird huh!? Oh boy, and plain old vanilla ice cream seems to sooth my stomach too...not a very healthy choice.

How's my weight looking, well....despite the fact that I have thrown up 89 times in the last four weeks(yes, my kids are keeping track on the calendar, yes we are a strange family, but yes it is a little interesting..gross, but interesting)...I have gained a couple of pounds, so I guess the baby is getting some nourishment, or it could be the massive size of my larger than life boobs.
My house is dirty, my laundry will never be caught up again, I could sleep for the next four months, I rarely keep anything down, my family doesn't get fed very well(although my sweet neighbor brought over homemade chicken noodle soup and surprised me Sunday evening), I look like blah..., my face looks like a giant dot to dot, because of the massive outbreak of glorious zits, I get frustrated easily, I cry over everything...

....but, I wouldn't trade this blessing for the hottest body, clearest skin, the cleanest house, or even all the money in the world. This little one will be worth 1000 times of throwing up if that is what it takes. This sickness is worth it!! I just can't believe that I get to have another baby, and I am blessed beyond what I deserve.
I hope everyone is having a good week, and have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
I would totally trade my kids for the hottest body, cleanest house and all the money in the world.
Just kidding! I hate that you're so sick. Good that you've gained a little weight though, that's good for the baby!
What do you want ME to bring for dinner?
If ginger is supposed to settle your stomach (and it is a root, after all) what is the root in root beer? Perhaps it is providing a similar calming effect for your tummy?
You've done this before... you know it'll be better in a few weeks, skin included.
Sorry for having the pukies so bad :) That is too funny that your kiddos are keeping track. hee hee
hopefully in a week or two it will get better? Did it with your others?
sorry to hear you're still puking your guts up =/ but i love that the kids are counting. when grandma told me that they were i couldn't help but laugh. we are indeed a strange family. i'm with you on the zits. oh and the weight gain. but no worries, i'm not preggers, haha, i'm just a nanny and that comes with more stress than i thought. anyways, chin up! at least we know the baby will be stinkin' cuuute! =)
Oh you poor thing!
Hang in there...your blessing will be here before you know it!
awwwww I puffy heart you! I love that your family keeps track of your puking, it is strange but hilarious! Glad that you are able to get around to blog visiting a little! Cant wait to continue to hear more about the baby!
AWWW those pukey days will be over before you know it...and sooo worth it!
Just hang in there! You are one tough mama!!! The good thing with pregnancy is that we that there is an end in sight. 9 months. That's it. You can do it!!!
So funny that your kids are keeping track of how many times you puke! I wonder if it helps to know or makes it worse... :o)
Glad to have you back for EM:ME!
I hope you start to feel better soon.
Okay, that cracks me up that your kids are keeping track of your puking. Our family gets kicks out of that kind of stuff too. Here is a list they came up with one time during dinner.
Launch your lunch
throw up
talking on the porcelain telephone
Darn, I wish they were home, I swear there were a lot more. I'll keep thinking.
Okay, I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you :) Kids counting how many times you puke...ROFLMAO!!!
Nice to see you can lok on the bright side, even when you feel crummy.
Hope it's better soon!
xoxo ~Lisa
What a great attitude you have! You ARE so lucky. I hope you feel better soon!
Hang in there! It's so funny how different things make different people nauseous. I had to sip on COLD ice water to keep from barfing when I was pg....
Your poor thing! I can't believe you are still throwing up. Just keep that amazingly positive outlook you have and I'm sure it will be over with very soon.
Nah! Who needs a HOT body when you had your glorious kids to idolize you!!!
Hope you feel better!!
That is funny that you all are taking notes on the throwing up! Hope that stops by the time you are reading this...if not, don't dispair...this too will pass!
What a great attitude you have! I'm thrilled for you!
I tagged you for an award yesterday and forgot to tell you I think. Scroll down past EMME post and there it is!
I am soo sorry you're pukig so much. I don't know about morning sickness, but I puked as much when I had cancer. It was awful...
I'm glad your puking is for good reasons, but I still hope it stops very soon!
Feel better! =)
I bet if you ask your hubby he'll tell ya that those larger than life boobs qualify you for a hot body!
It will be over before you know it although having been there I know that doesn't help much! You're almost halfway there!
Ohhh darlin', I feel for ya. I was fairly recently there, and I remember all too well. With my third, my skin just stayed yucky almost all the way through. Too many hormones, I guess ;) And I was pretty sick ~ though I doubt it was anywhere near 89 times. I'm saying a prayer that you feel much better very soon!!!
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