My equally as "crazy" friend Xazmin(who frequently asks how many barfs I'm up to) suggested I have a "100th BARF Giveaway". So here it is!!
What will be in your adorable barf bag(unused), and decorated by me? Well it's a surprise of course...I do promise it won't be my barf though, or anyone else's. It will be filled with lots of fun stuff. So....how can you enter this giveaway like no other?
1 entry...leave me a comment
1 entry...for following
3 entries for posting about my giveaway, and sharing in your post your most embarrassing barf experience!!(be sure to come back and let me know)
This is soooo gross! I love it!!!
The giveaway ends Monday June 22 at midnight.
Love it! We're freakin' BRILLIANT!
OK I have walking in your shoes and have one question. How do you still find the energy for this kind of stuff?!!? We should be sending you things not the other way around!
But just because I do have a story or two or twelve I will post about ti later tomorrow. By the way does it have to be about me and being pregant?
Take care!
Look at me...
I have WALKED in your shoes...
I will post about IT later...
Does it have to be about me BEING PREGNANT?
I guess I had a bad case of placenta brain, what can I say!
This is freakin hilarious!! I am totally going to post about it. I have lots of fun barfing stories. lol.
I am SO sorry that you're this sick. You sound like my sister in law.
You are to funny! But I am entering your barf giveaway.
I follow.
Hey! I'm in! Hope you feel better soon!
I follow!
I posted a link and a totally embarrassing story! I must really want that bag!
You are right--this is a give away like no other I have heard before. I am so sorry you are so sick though. My goodness. Are you getting any medicine for it? My friend was just put on the meds they give chemo patients and that has been helping her. I hope you get relief soon.
I've never puked during either pregnancy so I can't even imagine what it must be like to throw up 100 times! So sorry!
tee hee...silly girl. I hope you get over the icks soon!! And congrats...I didn't know :D
You girls are freakin hilarious! I am in because Im gross like that!
I follow of course
I blogged it!
I love how you're turning something awful into something fun! Haha!
I also follow already..and hope that in a future post you write soon that the morning (all day) sickness has stopped!
Oh ya, of course I'm already a follower too.
And I'll post about it later. I'll let you know when I do. :)
Ok 1st of all I'm sorry to hear about how bad your morning sickness is.
2nd you are so funny!
A 100th BARF giveaway is so fun.
I would love to be entered into this giveaway.
I follow. And promise to post an awesome preggo barf story on my blog in a few days.
I'm so sorry you're sick. It totally bites.
Oh, I so don't know how you're feeling. It makes me sad!!
But...of course I'm in for the giveaway! ;)
And, I'm a follower. A little lacking in commenting lately, but I'm still following you!!
Luckily I don't have any embarrassing barf experiences. I've steered clear of that!!
I am soooo sorry! I have been there. YUCK!! I have spent days vomiting when I was "overdo" by over a week. The irony was NOT lost on me :)
YOU GET A BABY!!!! Now I'm jealous :)
Oh, you poor thing! There must not be much left of you after all of that! Yikes!
Oh....and I'm a follower, too!
I hope you feel better soon!
and I am already a follower.
Congrats on your 100th barf! UGH! I hate to throw up so I feel sorry for you! But what a funny post!
Hi! I just found your blog via SITS! Congrats on baby #5! How exciting!
I am a new follower! You have an adorable blog!
hi there! I'm stopping by from SITS to say hello :-) you have a wonderful blog!
Oh Tanielle! I hope you start feeling better soon!
This is just tooooo funny though! Count me in!
Awww...I just want to say how bad I feel for you being sick all the time!
I hope it passes soon!
Take Care!
oh no!! This is kind of funny but NOT the puking part!!!
I swear, I still have morning sickness...and I had the baby three weeks ago!
I follow on google reader.
I posted a link to this on my sidebar!
Ooooh! I wanna play! And oh how it speaks to your character that you are turning somthing pukey into a game where someone else will benefit. Seriously! You are an example of optimism and finding happiness! (and no, I'm not just saying that for bonus points)
p.s. I'm a follower
p.s.s. I'm posting right now about my most embarrassing barfing episode.
My goal in life. "To someday win something made by Tanielle." That's it. This is the best contest I have ever seen!
1. Here's my comment
2. I am definitely a follower of this fun fun blog
3. I will be posting about hurlage today.
4. In today's post I'm going to link to my sisters post from a few months ago when she shared stories of all the different vacations and places she has puked in her life... they are extensive! (and hilarious)
You poor thing. I did the same thing with my 3rd child. I had the older kids put plastic shopping bags one on top of the other in an huge ice cream tub. I barfed all day and they would remove the garbage bags all day long. Oh it's the worst.
This is the funniest giveaway ever. Throwing us your goods. Take care.
I followed....
this is absolutely hilarious. so "aunt tani". i love it! happy 100th barf! =) hope you feel better. go eat some vanilla ice cream and have jibbity entertain you.
Congrats on baby #5.
I am now following you.
You are nuts to be doing this.
And I already follow....
That is hilarious! So funny. Sorry you are still not feeling well!
This is too funny. 50 comments! 50 comments about throwing up.:) I have a few stories I will be posting soon. Good luck.
I follow.
First I just have to say... YOU CRACK ME UP!!!
Ok, that's my comment for you today, I love even when you're feeling horrible, you're still hilarious! Thanks for the laugh today! Oh, I hope you start feeling better soon. I HATED being pregnant because I too was sick the entire time. UGH
I feel so bad for you. OH I was the same way with all but my son. Hope you are feeling better. And I guess congratulations on 100 Barfs. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
Ahahaha I love it!
I follow!
Ahhh! I love it. Hilarious!!! :)
I have so many embarassing barf stories, I wouldn't know which to choose! :)
You two girls are SUPER brilliant! I love it! What a great way to turn something VERY NO FUN (like barfing) into something VERY FUN (like giveaways)!
Hope you're having a great Tuesday...and not barfing.
that is hillarious!! except for the barfing part. :)
I am already a follower!
Oh my goodness!! I came by this morning to read about this insane contest but Baby Boy was in my arms, so I couldn't comment.....now I come back and you already have 60 entries!!!!!! WOW!!
Count me in for an entry...and I am a follower too!!
You are hilarious!
My sister had hyperemesis and was hospitalized many times because of it. She had to get a picc line with a constant Zofran drip for both of her pregnancies!
I hope your "morning" sickness goes away soon.
visiting from "FINE"al thoughts.
Thats pretty creative to count your barfs, I don't know if that would be depressing or impressive. Anyhow, I am now a follower, and will be posting in moments.
this is my first entry, kinda exciting :)
When life hands you lemons... have a give-away! I love it! Can't wait to tell the world about my most embarrassing vomit story! I feel your pain -- I threw up every day for the first 26 weeks when Cella was born. Hang in there! Thanks for having a little fun with this!
(congrats on 100 barfs?!?)
I hope you feel better soon! Your giveaway is genius!!!
Congratulations! I used to be a regular SITSA then deleted my blog. Looking to get my friends back. I have a new blog. Clare
That is so funny that your kids are counting your pukes. At least somebody is having fun with it! lOl!
NOW THIS IS SWEET! I just had my first baby and threw up 250 times in the first 2 montsh - a grand total of 343 times in the 9 months. Go barfing moms!
What a GREAT idea! I have had EXTREME morning sickness 7 times and never thought to count how many times I hurled or even thought of others while I was doing it! So good for you =)
100 barfs in one weekend?! Tanielle! That. Is. MISERABLE! Can I send YOU a little gift bag. Holy smokes, woman. I have a whole 'nother level of admiration for you - AND YOU'RE STILL BLOGGING. Wow. Anyhow, Throw me in the mix!
And Imma Follower too. :)
A barf contest? Now THAT'S making lemonade from lemons!!
Hope you feel better SOON.
100 times!!! WOW! that is NO fun at all! Poor you!! I know I had some sick days...but I don't think I ever threw-up 100 times when I was pregnant....but sometimes time helps you forget all those horrible days....or else how would we be able to become pregnant again!?!? LOL!
I hope you are able to keep your food down soon!
Oh my gosh you are so so funny. Talk about making the best of a yuck situation!
I just have to become your newest follower. Not because of the giveaway but because you made me laugh out loud with both this post and your confessions!!
Feel better!
Oh my sake!!! You poor thing!! but how stinkin cute are you to do a giveaway to celebrate something so icky?!! I'm sorry you are so sick!!! I so wish I could do something to help!! I'm just catching up today, and i have to say - your confessions are AWESOME!!!! I think I might do that on my blog - cause it's funny!!
I found you through Sara and I love the idea! I am 3 months pregnant too so I know how you feel. I am starting to feel better and hopefully by some miracle you start to too. I did all completed all three entries so good luck to me :)
I was the same way also. I will try and post something soon. I will let you know when.
I am happy to say I follow you.
OH GOOD GRIEF....YOU ARE STILL SICK???? I think I've said this before, there is nothing worse than pregnant sick. I sure hope this ends for you soon.
I'll post about your giveaway. I just love your blog. not sure if I'm a follower because with dial-up it takes FOREVER to become a follower. I would think I was because I LOVE YOUR BLOG, but I put you on my side bar.
Get some rest.
Good idea.
Happy Barfing to whomever wins!
Would love to win & not barf.
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
I love it!!! Way to embrace the pleasantness of pregnancy...you go girl!!!
Woohoo! I am now a follower of the blog with the best giveaway ever!!
My stomach hurts for you!! I can't believe you've barfed 100 times! (More I'd assume by this point!) I'm pregnant with our second and have been much more prone to puking this time around than last. It stinks. Anyway, fun giveaway! I hope I win!
Oh, and I'm a follower.
Okay so I'm following. But I DO NOT want you to do one stinkin thing for me...because I'm a doula training to be a Midwife, and sister, you don't need to be waiting on others. Grab the remote, put your feet up and REST.
So yeah, pick me...so you can rest.
Sending good thoughts your way.~Momza
This is very creative!, but I wouldn't expect anything else from you. You are an amazing person!
You are such a sweetie. Only you would be willing to make something for someone else while you are barfing over and over!
I hope by now it is getting less and less often. I hate when I would continue and throw up bile...so gross!
Your kiddos are beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing...glad everyone is back home for you!
Glad baby's heart rate is strong.
Take care!
Of course I'm a long time follower! You are beautiful! ;o)
What a funny idea! Sorry you aren't feeling the best!
I am a follower too! :)
Should I feel bad for laughing??? You are hilarious! Sorry you don't feel well!
I blogged about this giveaway.
One entry.
second entry for blogging about it.
third entry for blogging about this.
Oh I am so sorry that you are feeling so ill.
I am a new follower of your blog! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I feel for ya. I was pretty sick with my third girl, but nothing like what you're going through!!! Hoping you feel much better soon.
I follow ya :)
Hi from another mom of 5! Sorry you've been so sick. There's nothing worse then not feeling well with all the kids home.
I'm a follower!
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