1. A sweet friend who was willing to run right over and stay with Jibbity and Ashie, when I needed to get to the doctor right away! Thanks Trish!!
2. A thoughtful friend who immediately thought of making my family dinner because she knew I wouldn't feel up to making it myself! Thanks Xazmin!!
3. My amazing Mom, who is my biggest fan, and who cries and laughs with me whenever I need her! I love you!!
4. My crazy kids who are always there to give a hug, whenever mom is really needing one.
5. My Hunter Dan who is there to comfort when I cry, pray when I need encouraging, and simply say Heavenly Father knows what's best, have faith!
*I started bleeding yesterday afternoon. My doctor wanted me to come right in for an ultrasound to see what was going on. The baby was moving around and the heartbeat was strong. I've got to take it easy... no sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming(what? I have a vacuum obsession, remember?...just kiddin')...and a few other no-nos. I am so scared, and worried.
Such a great list, Tanielle! I'm sorry you've experienced some bleeding. I will say a prayer that it resolves and your pregnancy continues to proceed well. Keep the faith!
Thank you for reminding me to be thankful in all things. Sending you a big online hug and a prayer that all goes well for you today and the days to come.
Please rest and take care of yourself. What a nice friend to provide dinner for you.
Where have I been!?!?!?! Blogger has really messed me up with my bloggy friends and leaving comments.
I had no idea you were pregnant with baby#5! Congratulations! Seriously, where have I been? When did you make the big announcement? Again congratulations! I hope all is well & you feel better soon! Saying a prayer for you!
Those are wonderful things to be thankful for. And I started bleeding with my second boy. I was given restrictions too. They said I couldn't lift anything over 10 pounds. I want to know how they think that is possible when I had a very active 1 1/2 year old. They said good luck and do your best. And you know, they were right. Good luck and do your best and we can all pray for you! (Oh yeah, the bleeding continued for about a month and then it went away. Nothing serious! Hopefully yours too!)
Have Faith! Get rest and let people vacuum for you!
Hey girl,
Love your thankful heart. Hang in there, rest up, and keep the faith! The Lord is in control! He knows your needs even before you do.
I will lift you and the preicous one in your womb up in prayer.
Take care :o)
I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Please rest and trust in Him. It will be alright.
That is a wonderful list what would we do without good friends & family?
I am so sorry to hear about your bleeding but thankful that so far you & baby are ok.
Keep your faith & you will be blessed I will keep you in my thoughs & prayers.
Keep resting!!! Take the doctor's orders as your ticket to get out of vacuuming!! ;)
You know I'm here for you...what ever you need.
I am praying for you sweet friend....
Follow Dr.'s orders! I guarantee those same friends that helped you and your family out when it was needed will help in whatever way they can. Praying for you and your baby.
Hope you are getting some rest! Know that you will be in my thoughts!
....what great friends you have!!
Glad you have friends and others you can count on to help you out. Take it easy. I am having my Round Robin tomorrow if you want to stop by. Have a great day.
Tanielle, I'm so glad I found your blog. When ever I see your mom (which isn't too often) I ask how you are. Sorry to hear about the bleeding but glad that you have wonderful family and friends to help you through it! Do what the Doc says and Heavenly Father knows what you can handle and endure.
Thanks for a great reminder to be thankful!!
Oh T, I will pray that the baby stays strong and you don't have to vacuum for another 6 mos :)
xoxo ~Lisa
I did that for my last two -- for Ariel they don't know why and for Aden I had a polyp. I will pray that everything be fine. Loved your list.
You and your new little one are in my prayers!
oh tanielle
take care of yourself...these things are so hard. I'll be praying and thinking of you.
hugs. tell you mom hi!
Good thankful list. Take it easy. I know it's hard with your little kids. I'm so glad you have good friends to help you - including Xazmin. She seems like such a great one.
Faith...what a perfect word for you today. I will keep you and that precious little one your carrying in my prayers!
Please keep us posted!
Your thankful heart warms mine! You are the third person in a month I've known who has been bleeding during pregnancy. The other women are fine and their pregnancies are going well, I'll be praying the same for you! Rest.
great list of being thankful friends are often the best possessions we hold
Hope you're feeling ok, mama.
Thinking of ya.
Those are some REALLY great things to be thankful for! Don't worry (I know, yeah right...much easier said than done.) Just remember that God is in control. My prayers are with you and that sweet little baby in your tummy. Praying you are feeling better and that the baby is healthy. Keep us posted.
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