I have to say...as far as ex's and step-moms go, I am extremely lucky!! I feel very blessed that my kiddos have a really great step-mom, and a Dad who is very much a part of their lives. My two oldest munchkins left for beautiful, sunny, full of beaches, Disneyland, California Friday evening, with their Dad, step-mom, two brothers, and one sister.

It's funny, Jibbity loves those siblings of Bug, and Lexlee, she thinks they are the best, they play so cute together, and get along really well. I'll never forget...when Jibbity was born, Bug piped up and said,"now our new baby sister will have a step-mom, and step-dad too". (kind of funny) I have to say though, being five years old, it broke her little heart, (and mine), when they drove off, and headed for fun times at Disneyland, the beach, and just "vacation". She doesn't quite understand. She's very upset mostly though that the kids will miss her dance recital. She asked the kids dad "if they could just go the next week... after her recital".
Later after her favorite meal of ramen noodles with her chopsticks,(horrible mom I know) Hunter Dan took her to get a "snowie", and all was well, plus...she gets to sleep on the living room floor, and well what else is better than that?!(she's pretty easy to please)
Anyway...I miss them so much! When they are at their Dad's for the weekend they are only 45 minutes away. But right now they are a LONG ways away from me! Bug has just been so cute, he hugs me at least fifty times a day, and asks all the time how I am feeling. He'll come up to me and say,"you look like you need a big bear hug, as light as a feather so you won't throw up". He is a sweetheart, and so so much help around the house. Lexlee is simply my little darling. She has got to be one of the sweetest, most tender-hearted little girls ever(true she is also the slowest little girl I've ever known...seriously twenty minutes to put on earrings, fifteen minutes to tie her shoes...I am NOT joking!) You know I love you to the moon Lexlee:-)!!! I miss her and her gentle ways with Ashie, and Ashie simply adores her!
This will be a long week without them...I am looking forward to next Sunday!! 

I love you two!!!
I love that picture of them. How exciting that they get to go to Disney. :) They'll have a blast for sure!
See...I could tell you were a great mom! I'm a mom and stepmom myself and I sooooo appreciate your whole feelings toward the steps and exes...you can never have too many people love you, or your kids:-)
Happy Sunday!
Hi there. Hope yo don't mind a comment from a newbie! I came over here from Shabby Chics, started reading and couldn't stop. You have a gorgeous family and such a cute blog!
I'm a step-mom too. Handsome Hubby INSISTS that everyone get along, and we do. We've even had family parties where the ex and ger new husband have come (with their little girl who is one of Grant's favorite playmates.)
It is a blessing to not be in a constant state of contempt or hatred. It is so much easier to just get along.
Bug and Lexlee will have a blast. (How sweet they were before they left!?) Poor Jibs though! :(
Hope you're feeling better.
They are adorable! What a great photo.
I totally remember those two! When you were our cheer coach you only had those two then. They were the cutest kids and they still are.
How fun for them!! They will be able to come back and entertain Jibbity with all the fun stories they will have of their trip.
What an adorable pic too!!
Jibbity is the lucky one... sleeping on the living room floor!
Awe, this makes me sad for you and Jibbity. :( I bet you will miss them a million times before they come back on Sunday, but at least you know they will be having an amazing time!!!
I think I'll have to go back over to Xazmin's and watch the NKOTB video from Friday just to cheer up. :) I saw your boy Donnie kissin' a girl...what was he thinking? You'll definitely have to pull him aside while in Vegas and let him know that you KNOW...let him know what's up. ;)
Hi Tanielle, I just wanted you to know that the kids are having a blast. They are getting nice and tan too! I am going to post some pics on my blog so you can see what they have been up to! Tell Jibbity that the kids got her a Big Princess Sucker from Disney Land. We will keep our eye out for other fun little treasures too. I hope your getting some rest! We'll see you on Sunday!!!
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