Head on over to Shortmama's to read more Dear Someone letters. Hers today was absolutely wonderful!!!
Dear Man on the Bike,
I was simply waiting to turn onto the road from the parking lot. I was watching for an opening in the traffic, when all of a sudden for some reason I hear this big thud on the side of my car. I look to my right and notice the dumb look on your face as if to say "well get out of my way or obviously I will run my big tough bike into your car." You seriously ran into me, did ya think you could go right through? Just curious and a bit confused. Hope your tire didn't go flat, and you are really lucky you didn't dent or scratch my car.
What the Heck,
Lady who could have turned around and ran her car into your bike
Dear Heartburn,
I know you have come with every pregnancy, but this is too much. Bug thinks I need to join D.A.R.E. because of my addiction to tums. I'm kind of sick of you, and am really sick of tums. Hope we can break-up soon.
Dear Children,
I really do love you all to the moon. Sorry I am a little um...grumpy, irritable, crazy right now. Thanks for being patient, and willing to help out so much with anything I need. Sorry I am not much of a cook these days, and sorry you had to be in the car when I pulled over to throw-up in that neighborhood last night. I love you all more than I can even say.

I haven't been thankful for a while so here I go...
1. I was able to get my blood drawn yesterday, for the glucose test. Yep I kept the orange drink down.
2. I have a vehicle that gets the kids and me to all the destinations we need to go. Yesterday was...busy!!
3. That Ribbon Blossoms has had so many orders!
4. That I have kids that make me laugh and want to pull my hair out all at the same time!
5. That I have a husband who works out of town, and misses us like crazy just to make sure he has a job and I can be home with the munchkins!! Thanks Hunter Dan!! I love you!
Can I just tell you how much I love these silly girls!!!?
Have a wonderful Thursday, wow this week is flying by!!!
Those bikers, I tell ya. I've had a run in a time or two. I love your list!
Love the pictures. you have some cutie pie girls there!
Great things to be thankful for and the pictures are too cute!
Oh, how I remember the tums!!! Not much longer to go....
And love the pics of the girls - they are too cute for words!!!
It's great to read the things people are thankful for in this economy. I love the pictures too!!
Ok, I about peed my pants during the bike letter!! That gave me a good start to the day! See you soon! Bob's your uncle!
funny letters. love the pictures. the first one cracked my up.
Lots to be thankful for! I think I'm a lifer with the tums. They *still* go with me everywhere.
That biker letter cracked me up! I have to confess, as a previous street biker, I always got a little nervous pulling up beside cars because, for me, they are like bike magnets! I was always worried I'd run into one. Also, when my sister was pregnant, she ate Tums like it was the best candy ever! I never understood that until this pregnancy. Heartburn, ga! Have a great day.
Thanks for joining in! WTH was that biker thinking?
That's too funny about DARE...do you really have it all through your pregnancy? Ugh!
Oh the vomiting is the worst. Especially while driving. I remember with my last pregnancy I was driving to work and I could feel I was going to get sick. I pulled off the freeway and grabbed the bag I carried with me at all times just for that reason. I luckily pulled over in time to get sick in the bag. Stopped at a garbage can to throw it away...and lost balance of the bag. It was a mortifying experience as it dumped all over me. So I had to drive the 40 miles back home like that to shower/change/clean my car, and then head back to work.
I can't believe the guy on the bike! That's cuh-razy!!
Ask your Dr. about a presciption for heartburn. That's what I took for Hudson. Tums did nothing for me.
i ♥ tums too...even when I don't need to take them!...but that orange drink for the prego test is YUCK!!!!!
Ugh, the heartburn is horrible!
You's got cute kids. :)
And by the way: Am I the only person in the world who didn't mind the glucose drink?? I think I might be.
By the way: I told my 6 year old last night how we were gonna do a service bucket like how you did it and it's my homework while he's at school now. He can't stop talking about it! So cool! ;)
Oh heart burn was wild for me when I was PG also. Glad you got your test all done. I am just letting you know because you ask me to My Round Robin is tomorrow. Want to show off some stuff from your store that is Fall or Halloween? If so see you tomorrow. If not no worries. Have a great day.
yeah, i just died when i read the first letter. people are idiots. i love the pictures of the girls! i need to come visit ASAP. umm maybe next week?
Loved your dear so n sos
you have a BEAUTIFUL family!!!
wanted to let you know there is a SSS update post up now-please stop by when you can
It's been awhile since I dropped by..
How exciting, that you're expecting a new little one at your house. Fun, fun!
I love your "dear someone" letters! They are always so fun to read. Great thankfuls! I was just looking at your side bar...can't believe you're already at 29 weeks! I just seems like it was yesterday that you were announcing the good news! Those silly girls of yours are ADORABLE!!
Hope you have a great week!♥
Good thankful list Tanielle. I am so sad that you are till throwing up so much! That must be horrible.
I hope your heartburn goes away soon!
Oh, those dear someone letters are hilarious. I can relate to I believe ALL of them. Such cute pictures of the kids!!!!
The same thing happened to my mom with a biker only she was pulling out of the parking lot and was going 5 mph when he hit her and so she had to call the police or it would have been a hit and run and the guy on the bike was a felon and didn't want the cops called. It was a big mess. Enough about me...hope you can kick the Tums habit soon! It's good to be grateful for even the little things. Good list.
Cute girls! AND...love your warm fuzzy bucket.
OH MY SAKE!!!! I had a guy slap my car yesterday...he had to speed up to do it...adorable. Feeling your pain...loving your face!!!
What!?? You have to be a special kind of stupid to mess with a pregnant lady.
(You should've thrown up on him.)
Cute pix of the girls.
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