The adorable and super talented
Heidi over at Blue Eyed Blessings hosts a monthly craft challenge. I haven't participated in a while , and thought it was time I got my stuff together! Be sure to head on over and check out all the other fun Halloween or Fall projects!!!
My project is super easy and last minute. I used a 12x12" tile I had laying around from another project, and with some mod podge and paper I came up with this...

It looks perfect next to my big scary witch in the living room that cackles and her eyes light up when ya give her hand a squeeze. Now I think I will create a new tile for every holiday...too much fun.
And this is what goes on while I create in my craft room.......

Jibbity being so good and coloring....

Eating a cookie(that we made together the day before)as a snack...

Ashie looking sweet and innocent....

While she eats her cookie and throws all of Jibbity's crayons on the floor. Gotta love the kiddos!!
Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!!!
Hi, new to your blog, visiting from Heidi's craft challenge. I love the 12x12 tile, very cute!
What a fun tile! Great idea. I have a lot of 12x12 tiles in our workshop. I think I might try it!
Dang that is super cute! That looks like a project that we should do when I come! The girls are adorable! I can't wait for Bugs b-day so I can come see you guys! Bob's your uncle!
Very cute tile! I love all the details.
Love the sign! Have a blessed Fall!
Oooh cute sign! I need to get over the Mod Podge fear and just do it. So many cute ideas.
OMG! I LOVE the tile!!! What a great job! And pics of the girls are totally adorable!
Hee,hee...you so deserve Ashie, after laughing at me so much about Monkey!
I LOVE the tile, and how you just "whipped" it together like that. Have I mentioned I wanna smack ya for how talented you are?
I can't wait to see it in person...hope you're feeling better today!
You are such a crafty mama! Love the Halloween tile! cute pictures of the girls too!!
Love your cute sign! Sure wish I had the vision to make something like that...but, I can dream. Precious kiddos!
love it! your girls are too cute with their hair always so pretty!
Cute babies!
I'm having an excellent give away! Please join in the fun of promoting ME!!!
Those crayons!
And I thought it was difficult to keep my puppy entertained while I work!
Hi Tanielle,
First of all, I'm blushing a little with your super sweet comment about me being both adorable and super talented. Right back at you, girl! ;)
Thanks for joining in the craft challenge this month and showing off your amazing creativity. I just love the added tulle to the tile. I think this would definitely be a fun thing to do for each of the holidays...and I have a feeling that you'll actually do that!! :)
Hope you've been feeling well. Blessings to you, friend!
Great project. My little one loves to throw her crayons on the floor also. I do not know what though.
That's so cute! Thanks for sharing-a plaque like that would look great on the bureau in my front hall.
I love the picture of the crayons on the floor-that's how it usually is at our house :)
Mod Podge seriously does rock. You can make so many cute things. I love your tile project here and your "Home" signs below. You are crafting away and doing great!
I love all the ideas I find on these blogs. Everyone is so talented. Just want to say that your children are so beautiful and congratulations on the baby boy.
Take care & God Bless
Supercute! Your girls are darling!
Love all of it!!! I have a little one who is just as bad, she is my MONKEY!!!!
What's cuter? Your project or the kiddos?? All adorable! : )
Adorable!! Your girls are so pretty. :) Just like what happens at my house---the little one wants to play too and sort of wrecks it all. ;)
I love all these tile ideas being shared! I will have to join the club as they make such fun accent pieces. I'm glad you included your little daughters, their smiles and antics are so cute.
So cute!! I wish I was creative like that!
Your craftiness never ceases to amaze me Tanielle!! (and your little ones just get more and more adorable-and grown up- every time you post pictures!!)
SO CUTE! You have the craft juices flowing!
Love the pictures of the girls!
What a cute tile project!
Even cuter pics of the kiddos!
What a cute project!!! I have some of those tiles lying around somewhere... So cute!
I love those pictures - what adoable kids!
Yep looks about like my girls! Super cute project!
It came out great. I have a whole post dedictated to this Mod Podge stuff, I've never even heard of posting tomorrow. Come and check it out and link up!
cute. And I think I could handle this one...adding the tulle finishes it off so nicely. I love scrapbook paper and all its uses besides scrapbooking!
That tile is sooooo cute as are the girls! I wish i was crafty!
Stopping by with a SSS update:
we sent out the first round of q&a's if you did not receive an email from us please click the link below and follow the instructions
Thanks and we are so excited you are joing the SSS
Hi Tanielle!
We have been swamped with football and illness in our house and I am finally caught up on your blog!
Love the 12x12 tile, it looks wonderful. I think a different tile for every month sounds like a great idea!
k so remember at the game how i took a video of ashie pointing to my phone and saying "puppy"? so i found it on my camera tonight and showed britt and she thought it was absolutely precious. we watched it 3 times. we love your daughter :)
I've started a craft swap, come check it out. Who knows you may find someone you want to swap with!!
Great project! And such beautiful girls!
I found your blog while surfing other craft blogs. I'm so addicted to them. :) I love the tile project. My mom and I needed something to do the other night when we got together and we made some "Boo" tiles of our own. Thank you thank you for such a fabulous idea. I plan on coming to you blog often for more so I hope you keep the ideas coming.
Cute tile project! I love the idea of making one for each holiday/season. Cute pictures of your little ones too:)
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