Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to..........ME!!!!

Holy Smokes 33 years old!! How did that happen? Just wanted to say a big THANK-YOU Mom(with a little help from Dad...haha) for bringing me into this world, and always taking such good care of me. I love you both more than you could ever even know! You two are the best, and I am very blessed to have you as my parents.

Then 10 years later, my adorable niece Kylee was born. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the cutest birthday twin ever, LOVE YA!!!!(hope you get spoiled!!)
Hope every one has a great's a special day for our family, especially Bug. Like I said before, what an amazing Birthday present for me. Can't wait to get around and say "HI" to everyone, it's been a long time!!!:-)


Braley Mama said...

Happy Birthday! May God bless you richly this year!

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

Have a great birthday!

Anonymous said... were such a cute baby! I think we weighed close to the same amount too. LOL. But happy birthday and thanks for the birthday wishes and thanks for being my birthday twin, I have always loved it!

Kelly said...


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope it is a wonderful day!!


Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Happy Birthday! Look at how cute you are, and how BEAUTIFUL your mom is!

Cindy said...

Hope you have an awesome day. Time does fly by doesn't it. Love the baby picture with mom. So cute.

shortmama said...

Have a great birthday!

Shawn said...

Well happy birthday to you!

33??? Seriously?

I feel like the freaking Crypt Keeper now!

Have a GREAT birthday, you deserve it!


The Sharp Family said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! We love you! I hope you have a great birthday and everyone better spoil you! Love you!

MiChElLe said...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!!!! Have a FANTASTIC day! Bob's your uncle!!!

Tiffany said...

Happy Birthday!!!

onegirliegirl said...

Happy, Happy Birthday. Let this be the day of no vomiting :)

Hope it's great!!

xoxo ~Lisa

Marcey said...

Happy birthday you snuck off before I could tell you

CB said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope it is a wonderful day for a great mom, a creative and fun person and a super blog friend to many!! You rock!

P.S. Your mom looks like Sally Field :D

Valerie said...

Hope your birthday is wonderful.
And yay for Bug! I hope his day is awesome too.

Joy For Your Journey said...

Happy Birthday. I hope you have a great year!!

Amy said...

Happy Birthday to you...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Have a terrific Birthday!

Gwen said...

Happy birthday, Tani! And well done to "Bug."

Mama-Face said...

How many of your followers remember this!!!! Everyone was so excited for your mom and dad; I remember hearing the news! ha. That makes me smile.

Happy Birthday Girl. :)

Small House said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you celebrated BIG TIME!!! It's fun to be able to share your birthday with your cute niece. I'm sure that was an exciting day when she was born.

Dawn said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope you had a wonderful day!!

Jen @ said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day with your cute family!


Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Happy birthday!!! (33? You are still just a pup!)

Mechelle said...

happy barfday, wait I mean, Birthday! haha I hope your day was great!

Sheila said...

Happy birthday to you!!! I hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday!!!

Jeanna said...

Happy, happy birthday, Tanielle! I always think about you around your birthday-- I don't know why but it's always one I remembered. Hope you had a great day!

April said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!

tammy dixon said...

Hope you had a WONDERFUL! birthday! You are amazing! Hope you got spoiled for the day!

kado! said...

Hope you had a Wonderful birthday!!!! Those pictures are great! I love looking fun!

lsnellings said...

Happy Birthday! I have a birthday twin too! My nephew, Ryan and I share a birthday and interestly enough, my daughter and Ryan's dad also share a birthday!

Jill K said...

Happy Birthday!

Krissy said...

I know I'm two days late but Happy Birthday Tanielle!

sitting on the mood swing at the playground said...

I'm late but happy birthday! Hope it was great.

jennykate77 said...

I hope you had a super fabulous birthday, Tanielle. Hope this year is full of blessings and happiness!♥

Rhonda said...

Man, I've been missing out! Happy belated birthday! Hope it was a great one! Such a young chick!