Amber is once again hosting Friend Makin' Monday be sure to go link up, and get to know some other bloggers out there!!! It is lots of fun!! Today she asks:
What are your hobbies? What do you wish that you knew how to do?
Fix hair...the second pic was for crazy hair/pajama day at school.
Make hair accessories...check out Ribbon Blossoms.:-)
Sew...I'm NOT good at it, but I really enjoy playing!
Crafting, and creating...from cutting wood and transforming it into something fun, to primitive stitcheries. I LOVE it all!!!

Relax, and take time to enjoy the little things more.

Play the piano, the kids enjoy when I play, but I rarely take the time to.


Sing...oh I can sing really well in the car, ask the kiddos.(they ask me to stop, especially when I am using my thumb for the microphone)

Ski...I grew up in Idaho, and live in the state with "The Greatest Snow on Earth", but have never been!

Thanks Amber, glad I could join in today!!! Be sure to go check out everyone else's hobbies too.
Lovely list, you are very talented. Cool hair styles!
Good call on the money making! I wish I could learn how to do that, too! I've never been skiing either, but given that I live in Florida, I suppose it's forgiveable. And wow, you are very crafty. I can't even hem a pair of pants, and yet you can sew a cute little dress - that's some skill! :)
I LOVE your list!!! Relax is a great one!!!!
You're an artist at the hair styling! So cute! Money, well, that's something we all need more of, right?
I love to sew too, only I'm just learning and not that good at it.
You should come swap some of those cute hair accessories at my craft swap. Just link up and write a post. People are just now creating their crafts so in time more people will link up and view your crafts.
It should be fun.
Great list. I love the relaxing part.
Hi Tanielle!
Great list! I am envious of your hair-doing abilities! I have 3 girls and the best I can do is a ponytail!
Great list!
I wish I had your talent with hair, homecoming is next weekend and that stuff is expensive!
Your bows are precious, I need to order some for my nieces.
Tried to ski, my kids beat the bunny trail, I camped put there!
Have a happy Monday!
Great list and congrats on a little boy! I danced for 15 years and now my 20 month old is in a mommy and me class- not quite the same as a pointe class, but it kind of almost fills the itch! lol Http://
Great list! I forgot about music in my post...I wish I could play guitar!
OMG! Everytime I read something else about you we are more and more alike! Now-I'm not really good at the fixing hair thing (no girls.) But I miss scrapbooking! I need to do it more!! And guess what? I play the piano too! I took lessons for probably about 12 years. My piano is still at my parents house and my mom has BEGGed me to put it in my house! LOL! :)
You are super talented Tanielle. You know I love your hair-doing abilities! :)
Love that you play the piano. Jealous that you can sew ;)
Especially love that last one about making lots of money, doing what you love, and staying home with the kids!
Happy Monday!
CUTE HAIR!! It seems as though you do a little bit of EVERYTHING. AND....cute hair!!!
I've lived in Utah my entire life, and I have never gone skiing. I don't agree with the slogan "Greatest Snow on Earth." To me it's just cold and wet.
Have a good day.
The hair-do's and the hairbows are awesome! :)
I love that button/star you made...I want it! Good thing I don't live near you, I'd be breaking and entering and stealing your stuff. That was supposed to be funny but now I think about it, it sounded creepy. But still true. Weird.
I would love to learn to make adorable hair accessories for my daughter~yours are so cute! And I love that you want to learn to juggle:)
You are so talented when it comes to all things crafty! And the things that you can do with hair is amazing!
I wish I had girls so I could spend tons of $ in your shop, but I don't think my boys would go for it!
And tell your kiddos to hush, don't they once you have a driver's license in hand you turn into Carrie Underwood when in the driver's seat?!
how fun! I love all the things you have created! You are very talented!
...I've always wanted to learn how to play the harmonica...and the fiddle...i know silly...but I do! i can play the I guess that is close...but it is just way different...and faster!
i love your bows! i really wish I could learn to make ribbon bows. i need a little girl to make them for!
I am sooo jealous of your hair dressing skills! The most I can do is a ponytail, you need to do a tutorial;) Happy Monday!
I feel sorry for my little one. I do not know how to do hair at all. If I use a curling iron I always get that line. Oh she will be a hit for sure.
Tanielle, we have a lot more in common than I realized!! :) The turkey hair bow is the CUTEST thing I've ever seen!!!!!
I want to play the piano so badly! I also would love to hear how to juggle!
Fabulous list!
I had 4 daughters and no hair styling skills. Thankfully, my older daughter learned the skills and helped with her younger sisters.
You are very talented in many things!
I also want to learn to ski. Someday....
I can relate to the ski thing. I grew up in Utah and never once went skiing. My older sister is a ski buff and my younger siblings all took lessons but I never got near the mountain. And now I can't remember why. Oh well. Now I live in AZ, but skiing isn't really a priority anyway. :-)
Well you excel in the areas you have hobbies in. I love the hair!
Is that a turkey!? I absolutely LOVE it! You are so amazing and creative!
Love the bows! I am for sure gonna check out your store!
I would love to learn to yodel. I know that sounds dumb, but the vocal control it takes to really yodel is amazing.
Your list is great - You are so talented and I am sure you could do anything you put your mind to.
I LOVE the crazy hair day pictures - you are such a fun mom!
thanks for checking on me, tanielle. i'm doing ok. the MS has subsided and is now just a few times a week. how are you? you're about 5 weeks ahead of me. I think we're both expecting boys, right?
Wow! I love your hair styles and hair accessories! You have great lists. I would love to ski more (I used to a lot, but then motherhood happened...) and I would love to dance, too!
Look at those hairstyles-that's awesome! I can't wait to try to do the girl's hair...when they have more of it LOL.
Thanks for stopping by my place-happy FMM!
Will you be my personal hair stylist? Cute and fun!
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