We have been busy!!!
*First of all...I hit the 400 mark on the "BARF" calendar(gross I know, but this is also my journal)...the kids thought that was really awesome, and Bug is betting I will for sure pass 500.

I had an appointment with my Dr. on Thursday...the one where ya drink the nasty orange drink, and they draw your blood. You're suppose to drink it a half hour before your appointment. I got 5 minutes from the Dr. office and had to stop, and lost that nasty drink in a really nice residential neighborhood. Needless to say they gave me another drink, and I will try it again this week. Everything was good though, I was down 2 pounds, blood pressure was good, and no protein. I'm scheduled to be induced the 18th of December(if everything is o.k.) That is only 2 1/2 months!! WooHoo!!!
* I think I have started "nesting". I got a real bug the last few days to get everything in order. It started with the closets, I need organization!!! Then the drawers, on to washing walls and baseboards. The kids were out of school on Thursday and Friday, and have been a HUGE help!!! We even got the ceiling fans cleaned. We only have a four bedroom house, and right now the three girls share, luckily their bedroom is decent sized, the closet though is average. What do you do with three girls in one closet...organize!!! This is what it looks like...
Luckily they for the most part love to keep things tidy and organized too, hopefully it will stay this way for a while. We will definitely be needing to rearrange the bedrooms!!!
*Bug had another game yesterday, and they did sooo good!!! (Thanks Kandice for this pic!)
Super close to a win, but not quite. The girls love getting dressed up to support their favorite big brother!
*Yesterday and today is L.D.S. General Conference. I love to hear from the First Presidency, and all the other amazing speakers that have been chosen to deliver messages that we need to hear. I always look forward to sitting down with my family and listening to what is being said.

*Anyway here it is a beautiful Sunday morning(the sun isn't awake yet, but I am)

...and I am trying to finally take a minute and get caught up a little. I don't work on Sundays(Ribbon Blossoms), but I also try not to get on the computer either, so before everyone is awake, I'll try to get around and say "hi". OOOH, it just started raining! I love the rain!
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!!!!
Good Sunday morning! OH-I can't believe you've passed the 400 mark! That is awful!!!
LOVE what you did with the girl's closets-it looks VERY organized, I should really do that wih my boys!
The girls look SO super cute to "support" their big brother!!!
And your sunset it awesome! LOVE it!! It's raining here this morning too-which I usually don't mind but it's a fair day! :(
Love the pictures of the girls and I am right there with you and nesting. I am already an organized freak, but I have been at the closets this week and getting baby clothes washed and ready :)
Tanielle, that is horrible that you are still throwing up! Not the orange drink!
Doesn't it feel great to get organized? We have three girls in one closet too. Actually, our whole set up is strange. But it's hard to keep that closet organized, let me tell ya!
Take care and have a great week!!!
Yikes! 400? I'm going to go against Bug on this one and say I really hope you don't have to go through this 100 more times!! I love the photo of bug and think it's great that the girls love supporting him! (And I LOVE their hair-do's-so fun!)
I hope your Sunday is relaxing and wonderful!
I'm sorry about the 400 mark! That is no fun! I never thought to keep track, but I would guess I got somewhere around there with my first. This time around, I am so with you on the nesting! Mine comes in the form of wanting to organize everything, but it has been a little tough since I've also had a pretty bad bronchitis. I've managed to pull everything out and leave it in piles all over the house. Hopefully this week, things will start looking better and I can move on to washing the walls and baseboards. =) I love your girls closet too! It's beautiful. And, I also love conference weekend. Enjoy and thanks for the nice post!
I love conference weekend too! I can't wait to hear today's!
Your kids are adorable. I don't have girls but you do you girls hair so cute! If I had a girl I am sure she would be bows and ribbons from head to toe :)
The nesting comes and goes with me but I am SUPER grateful that the puking has stopped. I didn't realize you were still getting sick. And the fact that you have to take the drink again is so lame! I had to do the 3 hour so goodluck to you this next week!
So sorry you are feeling awful. At least there is an end to it and then you will have a precious gift in your hands and your bonding time with your toilet will switch to bonding time with your little man.
OH my gosh, I do not know how you survive girl. 400!? That is completely insane. Seriously.
I love looking at your girls' hair when you post pictures. How in the heck do you get it so taught without hurting them?? I don't know what to do with Saylor's hair anymore. I need it cut, but I'm so scared. I want to do a cute little bob. Her hair is definitely from her dad's genes, b/c it is SO not mine. Hers is so thin, and stringy. Maddie's is super thick, and I mean super thick, and wavy. Saylor's had some curl, but it's just getting stringy. I need advice. :/
Anyways, I hope you have a great Sunday! And keep your lunch woman! :)
You've been busy. I love the barf calender you are keeping. LOL Classic
I am sorry to hear you get so sick. I was the same way. I did not count though. Oh another try at the test. I do not think that drink is wonderful either and I think the baby felt the same. Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful day...
Can't believe only 2 1/2 months to go!!!! :) That photo of Bug is awesome, and the girls are so precious all dressed up as his cheerleaders...adorable! :)
I am totally saving the pictures of the girls' closet. My two will be sharing in the not too distant future, and I think we need to do "levels" like you have. :)
400 Barfs?!?! Oh, that IS miserable. I hate that orange drink too...it is soooo nasty.
But yay on everything else!
I love the pictures of your girls and their team spirit!
Love the organized closet! I am trying to get things organized here too, in a tad smaller space than we are used to. I want to redo the closets, for sure! (Not nesting though...just want to clarify that point:)
My kiddos are outside right now, hoping the rain will turn to snow!
Great pic of bug! I totally understand hitting the 400 mark, I think I hit that in the first 3 months when I was pregnant! In the end they are all so worth it though, you just have beautiful girls and a very handsome boy!
Wow 400 barfs!!! I dont know how you are still walking around!
That closet looks great!
My stomach aches for you! 400!!! Oh Lordy!
The picture of the sunrise is absolutely breathtaking!
I feel your pain.
I was a terrible pregnant person, (threw up constantly) but a great baby have-er! Wishing you the same!
Good job on organizing the closet! I never had to drink the nasty orange stuff. I got to eat 2 herhsey candy bars, wait an hour, then have the blodd sugar checked! Those were the days!
It's always a great weekend when it's General Conference.
Cute pics of your girls.
400 barfs?! Isn't your tummy SORE?
I thought I had it bad when I barfed my entire first pregnancy. Driving my car, "Look, it's a stop sign, just in time to PUKE. Oh, I'm here at the store now, just in time to PUKE. What's that a spare garbage can on my way to my coworker's desk? Just in time to PUKE!!"
Ugh! But you're really close now!
And getting other stuff done as well, so that's a plus! :)
400 - are you serious?? I feel so bad for you!
I remember that test - blech! When I was pregnant with my son I failed the first one and had to do the test where you drink that ever hour and then they take your blood for 4 hours straight. Horrible!
I am so excited for you to welcome your newest little one!
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