***Rules***1. Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.2. Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture.3. Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture.4. Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their bloggy tellin’ them ’bout it.
I TAG...
Tracy at The Sharp FamilyMichelle at High Family Highlights
Cori at Meet the Robinsons
Camielle at The Alleman Family Moments
Amy at All Grown Up...Almost
Kylee at K.y.l.e.e.&M.i.c.h.a.e.l.
Xazmin at This is the Year
Here goes...

SOOOOOOO.... tired tonight. Ribbon Blossoms had a craft boutique today. It was as usual a rush to get everything done...and of course I stayed awake late at night and into the early hours of the morning, cutting, sealing, and hot gluing ribbon(and my fingers) to make bows. My schedule for the week was crazy with a fussy, pinkeyed one year old, laundry that doesn't do itself, and a family that thinks they need to eat. But it all turned out great, and I am ready to sleep for three days. I won't be going to church in the morning due to the spread of pinkeye to Jibbity, and Hunter Dan has to teach his Primary class so he can't stay home with the two youngest...maybe I will try to rest a little. Oh... and thanks to my sweet husband who took care of the cooking and kids while I finished up last night. Much appreciated!
stopping by, to say howdy! Since you were first on Sits this morning and alll....and because i think your blog is adorable
What a busy time you have had! Pinkeye is just the worst. My kids have had it SO many times! Take it easy and get some rest.
Cute picture. I love the matching hats - so festive!
cute, cute picture! love the hats!
Just stopping by from SITS to show some comment love. Hope you are having a great weekend!
Just stopping by from SITS.
Love this idea and what a great pic
stopping by from sits! Your blog looks a lot like mine
! :-) Cute store too!
That is an ADORABLE shot!!! and so are the ones on your blog...
If you don't understand Mr. Linky yet, you are missing out on a huge part of blogging! Anytime you see that box, people can post their own links. It's a blog "party" or "carnival" or whatever. There's always a theme, and if you make a post that goes with the theme, you share your link (*always share the link that goes only to that post. People can get pretty cranky if you post to your generic blog). It's also usually good blog etiquette to link back to the other person's blog in your post. Some you've probably seen people participating in are "Tackle it Tuesday" at 5minutesformom.com or "Menu Plan Monday" at orgjunkie.com. Here's a link to one of my favorite ones- everyone posted their organization ideas at Thrifty Decor Chick: http://thriftydecorchick.blogspot.com/2009/01/our-mission-declutter-and-organize.html
Sorry to leave you a long comment. I couldn't find your email address anywhere!
what a fun pic! Thanks for playing!
Thank you for stopping by my blog! Your blog is too cute and I must say your kids are gorgeous! I am going to be posting about my first giveaway today..I hope you will stop by and enter!
I love your blog! I think you commented on my blog recently. Anyway, I think this idea is a really fun one!
Checking in from sits! Happy Sunday everyone!
Zen Cupcake is holding a special Oscar Contest. Please check it out.
Zen Cupcake: The Zen Cupcake Oscar Contest
Our Mardi Gras Giveaway ends on Tuesday, February 24, 2009. Win Juicy Couture pink cupcake necklace.
Zen Cupcake: February 17, 2009: Mardi Gras Giveaway!
Join our new Zen Cupcake Facebook Group! Zen Cupcake on Facebook
Make it a great day!
Cute picture! Stopping over from SITS cuz you were first commenter!
I noticed you are a follower of my blog. I just wanted to stop by and say hello, while I am watching the Oscars...
Love the picture by the way-very cute!
did it =]
Look at that adorable picture!! Love those hats!! Aww, oh and I love the pictures on the side! What photogenic kids! beautiful!
Cute, cute photo!
Dropping from from SITS to show some bloggy love...
What a great photo. Have a rockin' Monday!
Popping in from SITS to say hi!
I love that Grandma is sleeping on the picnic table!!
My email is sugarspicemostlynice@yahoo.com. I will be posting the pay it forward post tomorrow. Things have been alittle busy lately. I can't wait to see what goodies arrive!!
Here from sits.
That sound like a neat tag! I'd be scared to see what mine is. Yours is cute!
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