Ribbon Blossoms Chic Boutique is now LIVE! And we’re celebrating with an Awesome Giveaway! If you have been following my blog, you know that I have a small business with my friend Xazmin making and selling hair bows and other girly accessories. Until now we have been selling our items at craft shows and our local boutique mall. We also have had a few of our items listed on Daisy Craft, an online site for handmade items. But now, TODAY…we have our very own WEBSITE!!!
Please celebrate with us by entering our Fabulous Girly Giveaway! Now don’t run away if you are not a mother of girls…this prize will make a wonderful baby gift or birthday gift for someone you love! Are you ready? Are you dying to know what it is? The winner of this giveaway will have their choice between 2 fabulous gift bundles! Each valued at over $50.00! Our Girly Girl Bundle includes: 1 pink and brown Bow Holder, personalized with your girly girl’s name (I.e. “Melissa’s Bows), 2 Hair Flowers - 1 white and 1 white with pink polka dots, 1 hot pink Alexys Bow, 1 Chocolate Strawberry Korker Set, and last but definitely not least 1 Raspberries and Cream Fluffy Tutu!

Our Baby Girl Bundle includes: 1 Pink Delight Bitty Baby Bracelet, 1 Pink Leopard Bitty Baby Bow Set, 1 White Bitty Bling Band, 1 Pink and Brown Flower Bitty Bib, 1 Bitty Belchers burp cloth set, and the finishing touch - 1 Chocolate Strawberry Petite Pouf Tutu!

As if that weren't enough - we aren't just looking out for your little girlies in this giveaway - we want to pamper mom! So as a bonus we are also including this fabulous pedicure package. Includes 2 fun nail polish colors, 1 double sided pedicure tool with 4 different foot pampering functions, creamy pumice foot scrub, and 2 pairs of comfy socks to warm those pampered toesies! All bundled in an adorable mini tote!

Now, I know you’re asking yourselves, “Ooh what must I do to win this fabulous prize?” Well it’s just this simple:
You receive 1 entry for checking out our new website, http://www.ribbonblossoms.com/ then coming back to let us know which item you’re just dying to have!
You receive an additional entry for visiting my partner’s blog and making a comment on her post as well. (no need to come back here to comment about that).
You receive 3 additional entries for posting about this giveaway on your blog. Come back and let me know that you did.
You receive 5 more entries if you put our button on your sidebar! Again come back and let me know that you did.
Want to know how to get 7 additional entries on top of these? Sign up to host an online Bow Party that will take place sometime before March 31. Go here to learn about online bow parties.
Email ribbonblossoms@aol.com if you are interested and we will send you all the info you need, and place your additional 7 entries.
Giveaway ends Friday, March 13 at 11:59 pm! (MST)
Thank you so much Channa for all your wisdom, dumb questions answered, and many hours you put into making the website possible. You are GREAT!!!
I'm seeing double! I forgot who's blog I saw the original announcement on! Anyway, I LOVE the pink and green pixie wings! And I'm adding your button to my side-bar!
Congratulations on your website and the best of luck to your business! I have a granddaughter I would love to splurge on some bows for!
Thanks. I'm a Pepper! Hey, I am adding your button to my blog. No one hardly looks at it YET, but it can't hurt getting your business name out there! Good luck.
My niece would look adorable in the chocolate strawberry tutu!
I love, love, love the pink princess pixie wings! SO CUTE!!!!
I'll check out your partner and post a link on my page!
My favorite is the yellow stripe bitty baby band!
Y'all have done great in getting this beautiful site set up. I left my comment about my fave item on This Is The Year, but I am so glad to stop in on your blog too : )
WOW - that's so exciting!
You guys are going to stay busy busy!
The website looks spectacular. (just an FYI, it took over a minute to come up when I clicked on it)
I've gotta have a bow holder. Can you make one ladybug themed?
Going to check out Xazmin's site now.
(okay, i got an error message, so if this is a double message, delete one).
wow! what a great announcement! since i am finding my way here from "this is the year," i'll do the rest of my commenting there.
BUT congrats on your new website and good luck!!! :)
I'm here from THIS IS THE YEAR blog.
I have 3 little nieces that would LOVE to have any of the items you have made. They are all so pretty!! :)
Good luck to you.
Stopping over to say Congrats to your big launch!!
I would really like the beachclub butterfly clippies for my little girl-- her hair just needs to get a little longer! I'm going to post about this giveaway on my blog-
Congrats on the launch that is very exciting! I love the tutus and hope I get to win the first one!
Love your blog AND your website! I added a button to your website on my blog!! And I LOVE any of the korkers, but especially the chocolate bluberry and chocolate strawberry ones!!
Love your blog. Love your stuff, I need a tutu!!
I'm happy for you...yeah! I love the Pink Licorice Bitty Baby Band...toooo cute! Would be great for my little niece!
Love it!
I have a toddler who would ADORE any of your Garden Bug Clippies!
congrats on the new shop!!
Congratulations on such a great accomplishment! I'm sure you have been working really hard, so this probably feels so good to be able to share this!
I checked out your website and everything looks so adorable. I'm a big fan of tutus right now, but I also love the flower clips. So many great things to look at!!
Congratulations on opening the new site/store!!!
B would go crazy for the Alexys bows. (I like the hot pink one.)
Okay so here is what I have done:
1.)commented on Xazmin's blog
2.)Put up the button on my side bar
3.)And Posted about your give away on my blog.
I am keeping my fingers crossed too. :)
Congrats on your new website! I checked out the new site and I think I want to start stocking up on bows...just sounds like fun :) The Ambria yellow and brown bow is SOOOOO cute! and I love the one with Leopard print...one of my faves! Precious! But Congrats and Love ya!
Hey there, Tanielle! I just wanted to stop by and wish you and Xazmin the best of luck in your new venture!
I just visited the website for the boutique, and I fell in love with the Gerber daisy bands! I think I am definately going to have to get one for my neice-to-be!
I am going to post your announcement on my blog, but I have no idea how to put your button on there. ):
Good luck!
Congrats on your new site. I love the ponytail bows. :)
Those garden bugs hair clips are way too cute! Especially the lady bugs!
Love the raspberry & cream pixie wings! Your stuff is adorable!!
I adore the Garden bug clippies. Love the new website. Congrats.
What a great new site! Soooo sweet!I love all your stuff! Love the Garden bug clippies! And the tutus and pixie wings are adorable!
Congratulations on your new website. Exciting times, and alot of work. I love everything on your site but my absolute favorite had to be: Dusty Pink and White Polka Dot Daisy Clip. So Sweet! Everything is priced very reasonably. I want to wish you and your partner the very best of luck in your new adventure!
Pretty pink pixie wings... wow say that fast! That is my favorite.
Congrats to you guys. What a big move! I have a friend in town who makes similiar items. She has a couple of shop owners selling them in their stores - it never hurts to ask!
Good Luck!
I like the hot pink on black headband flower.
I was just at Xazmin's site. Your bows are beautiful. Good Luck with the new site.
Congrats! Everything is beautiful!
Congrats, gotta have the girly girl kit! I came over from xazmin's blog! Count me in!
What a fun giveaway you are having! I love everything from the korkers to the pixie wings!
Congrats on getting your shop open! Sounds like fun.
I just got finished posting on the other site and putting your button up on my blog. Congratulations to you guys on your new site. You all have beautiful stuff.
LOVE the flower headbands!!
Just popped over from your partner's site. I LOVE the tutu's and fairy wings! Congrats on your new site. Good luck with it!
Very cool giveaway...little girl's (& mom's) smiles are so heartwarming :) Can't wait to see more from your site!
Added your link to my sidebar! And I'm going to do a little write up in my blog too.
Best of luck to you on your new venture! The Pixie Wings are adorable. :o)
I love the pink and black flower headband. So cute!
Okay so Im really excited for you that you have your own website and stuff so I also put on my myspace and my facebook, hopefully some of my friends will check it out!! YAY...but Ill talk to you soon!
Love ya
Stopping by from SITS!
I liked your post.
Gorgeous stuff! I'd love the ladybug or bee clips. So hard to choose. I also love the pixie wings!
Congrats on your new website. It looks great!
Cute website, love your items!
The Chocolate BLueberry Korker Set is my fav!
You've got some really great bows. You ladies are talented! My favorite is the ladybug. But all the buggies are so cute!
And your button is on my site now :)
Over on your partner's blog I was telling her how I like the front page of your website...great use of black and white with the product in color...I'm very impressed. Good luck!
I have a niece that would just love all this stuff if I won!
Thanks for stopping by my page. I really like your business for sure. Have a great day.
Sweet blog! Love the profiles of your little ones on the side!
Congratulations on the website!
I run a business making customized handmade handbags and baby accessories.
I found you through The Secret is in the Sauce.
Good luck with your business endeavors!!!
.mac :)
Your new site is fantastic! I love the bow holder the best - they just get everywhere!
Congratulations on the new website. I love the ladybug clippie set.
I am in love with your shop. I adore the tutus. They are all great. I also know a certain little Princess who would be adorable with the Citrus Berry Pixie Wings. You have great stuff and great prices.
Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I will be back.
I have your button on my blog. Thanks again for the awesome giveaway.
I sooo want to get my girls a pair of the pink princess pixie wings! Too cute :)
I love love love the bow holder! Thanks for the chance to win!
i just downloaded me some new kids on the block "dirtydancin'" woo! hahaha. you're turning me into a nerd like you!!! oh, and does this enter me into the little drawing thing? cause i already told you i lurve the pink and green tutu! hey, i could just wear it around the apartment... that'd be tight. =)
I checked out your partner's blog first because of SITS. I love your boutique! The Garden Bugs and the bitty baby bracelets are my favorites!
Congrats on the new website! Adorable stuff and great prices! Love the headbands because I've got a bit of an addiction, but also the Garden bugs and the tutus!
Adorable stuff! I love the blueberry and chocolate korker set! Congrats on launching the site, very exciting I bet. Wish you lots of luck! Visiting from SITS
What an adorable giveaway!
The chocolate strawberry korker set is my favourite. What a great giveaway!!
Just stopping by to say Happy Monday and that I posted about your giveaway today.
Your button is on my blog!!
I want the
Lovely Pastels Korker Set
Everything is so cute! I like the flower headbands.
HOW EXCITING! I love the new website. The corker bows are adorable!
Love the bows and fun girl things! I especially like your garden bugs, so so cute!
I love the Citris Lime Pixie Wings!!! I just gotta have them for my girls!!!
Oh my word...I would be tickled pink to win the chocolate strawberry korker set for my baby girl! Yall are soo talented! I am your new biggest fan!
I love the chocolate strawberry korker bow.
I'm posting a comment here and your the "partner" blog!! I read your tag about the 6th picture folder w/ the 6th picture. I've never seen that one! I might have to steel it and start it with my friends!! I love your new website. Such cute stuff. I hope it takes off well :)
Wonderful site! I'm "dying" to have the bow holder, DARLING! I also love the tutus & pixie wings. Heck, I want it all!
I just added your button to my sidebar on my blog.
I LOVE the "Bitty Baby Bands"!!! I have seen a lot of the big huge bows and flowers on baby headbands lately, and while they're very cute, I prefer the smaller, more delicate ones. I haven't really seen them too many other places, so I'm excited to see them on your site.
I love this give away! I love the ladybug clippies! So adorable!
AAHHH!!!! I am so totally excited for you guys!! this is a huge response!!!! YEAH!!!!! Like i told X...I want both. i'm selfish like that...or maybe i'm just easy to please...either way...ehehehhehee
I visited your store, and I love the bow holder. I also liked the Alexys bow, and would love to have one of every color!
I've put your button on my blog!
I LOVE the pink princess pixie wings! So adorable!
I love the flowers - either on the clip or the headband.
Diana A
Omaha, NE
I love the Bitty Bling Bows in yellow! They're adorable! Good luck with your new shop! Thanks also for stopping by my blog today!
Wow! What a giveaway for mom and princesses! I like the Pink Parfait Bitty Baby Bracelet. All the girly stuff is cute!
Chocolate Blueberry Butterfly Clippies! My second daughter would so love these! You guys have some really fun stuff. Congrats on your website!!
i love the pixie wings ones!! they are adorable! i also posted this on my blog
ALL your girly treats are so cute!
I aslo put your button on my blog for 5 more entries. :) Thanks...your site is so cute!
Stopping by from Xasmin's site--you guys are awesome! =)
i really like the flower headbands and tutus! very cute:)
Good luck with your new business venture. Your stuff is ADORABLE!!!
I need the Ladybug clippie set. To Die For!
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