Oh, the joys of getting ready for church! I start on saturday night... I iron like crazy, lay out all clothes for everyone, including socks, slips, tights, hairbows, jewelry, and shoes(I am a little obsessive and function better with organization...kind of weird I know). Then I eventually go to bed knowing the early time of 6:30 will come around WAY too fast. When my alarm goes off I think...here we go, I will have a happy attitude, I will be pleasant, I will not get frustrated when my 11 year old Bug asks me for help to tuck in his shirt, or when my sweet Lexlee takes seriously 20 minutes to put on her tights. I jump in the shower, get out and immediately start sweating because of the task ahead. Oh well here goes... Bug is extremely grumpy, Jibbity is happy but can't eat her breakfast too fast, because she has to chew her food carefully. Lexlee is pleasant, but does not want to wear the dress I had ironed the night before, she would prefer a skirt. Ashie sleeps in. THIS NEVER HAPPENS! So she isn't hungry, and we can't put her dress on until she eats. Slowly but surely we get everyone dressed and start to work on hair. Three pretty girls, 1 needing his hair spiked son, and me. P.S. Hunter Dan finally rolls out of bed and goes in the bathroom to... of course the bathroom where all the hair stuff is. Grand! I wisely use this time to make my bed and put dishes away, and try not to yell at the kids for arguing about who gets the toy out of the cereal box. It's sunday lets get along o.k....PLEASE! Ashie gets in the bathroom because Hunter Dan leaves the door open, and unrolls the toilet paper as she walks down the hall. At least the toilet lid was down. Hair finally gets done, shoes are on, sweaters on, scriptures ready to go, and then I hear"hey Mom we only have 20 minutes and you're not dressed, your hairs not done, and your face isn't on yet." Then Hunter Dan pipes up" with we're waiting on you".... I have perfected the art of a quick get ready, and we are out the door at five to 9. Yes... we've made it. I am flustered and sweaty, and not in the best of moods by now, but as I walk into the Chapel for Sacrament meeting... a new calm comes over me, and I see the other mothers who have gone through the same thing and they smile and I smile back...because I know we have made it through yet another typical Sunday morning...( we were actually 5 minutes early because my Mom was here to help!)
I sure love my beautiful children and my Hunter Dan, and I love going to church and learning about our Savior and the gospel with them, and having the incredible knowledge of being an eternal family, I love you all to the moon. Now I need a nap!!!!!

wow, *I* need a nap just reading that! you are superwoman!
Everyone looks gorgeous as usual! So glad YOU have early church now and not me!! Love ya!
Wow - I was tired just reading about your morning! I couldn't help but giggle at the 11 year old flatulence machine! Too funny!
Your post made me smile. I feel exactly the same way on Sundays! I also get all of our clothes out the night before, but something always goes wrong in the morning and we are rushing around. But I always feel great at the end of church - knowing that is where we needed to be!
Happy Sunday!
Wow! That was an exhausting post! But a wonderful worded post with a beautiful picture!
Seriously...that is enough to make me hide under the covers!
We do OK because it is all boys and me. No hairbows. Jeans and shirts for them.
But your morning sounds like my house growing up.
Man, does that sound familiar! I used to set the kids breakfast out the night before, I'd fill the bowls with cereal, place a spoon right next to it. Next morning all the kids had to do was pour their milk into the bowl and they were set. My brilliant husband (the efficiency expert) suggested improving my system. "Why don't you just feed them breakfast the night before as well?" JERK! (But you sure get efficient as you learn, eh?)
Sunday is definitely the hardest, busiest day of the week. With every baby we had, it meant getting up a half hour earlier. I don't breathe until 8 o'clock on Sunday night, and then comes Monday....
loved reading this! i can totally relate! as of jan 1st i put the hubby in charge of breakfast and baby! it does help that we're at 1 pm now!
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