This weeks task is... 10 Favorite Things!
1. Shopping...whether it's at a thrift store, a department store, or the grocery store, I LOVE to is therapy, the only problem is...NO Money, oh well at least I can window shop. It's still fun to be out and about.
2. I love the color yellow, especially bright yellow. It is so happy and warm, and makes me smile!
3. The smell of fresh cut grass... there is nothing like a saturday in the summer of yard work , and when we sit in the swing in the backyard when we're done... I love to smell the dirt and the newly cut grass. (kind of weird huh?)

4. My Mom and Dad, (and all other extended family) They are the best parents ever! Oh I wish we lived closer!

4. My Mom and Dad, (and all other extended family) They are the best parents ever! Oh I wish we lived closer!
5. Fingernail lots of wild colors. I love them for my toes, it just always makes me happy to look down and see these bright, happy toes smilin' up at me!
6. Daisies, daisies, and more daisies. I love these delicate little flowers.
7. Camping with my family in the great outdoors. I am not really someone who likes being dirty, I am pretty much a "make-up" girl all the time, but I love being out in the wilderness, where it is quiet, and being able to sit around a campfire and laugh and enjoy each others company.
8. Dr. Pepper...oh how I love thee... I don't drink it but on rare occasions anymore because I'm trying to shed pounds, but there is nothing better then a fountain D.P. with "light ice". Refreshing!
9. Sunflowers... just like daisies these bright, happy flowers make my day, I have big, huge ones in my garden. I dream of someday seeing one of those fields full of them in person.
10. My handsome husband and my beautiful children. You make my days brighter and my life so much better. I love you all to the moon a hundred times! (these are some camping pics from last summer...refer to number 7)
Be sure to check back on Friday...I have an exciting announcement to make and can't wait to tell you all!! YAY!!
Fun getting to know you! Daisies are a must. Camping is fabulous and have you ever tried dr.pepper with a bit of milk on crushed ice??? Sounds weird I know, but it's yummy!!! Have a great day your kids are beautiful!
Oh, I never knew these things about you. LOL! But seriously, I'm so glad you decided to play!
Love your list. The flowers are beautiful and your family is adorable! :)
I am right there with you on the yellow and sunflowers. Sunflowers are on my list too. I LOVE them!
Love your list! Great pictures of your family!
I like shopping, too, but find it a lot more therapeutic when done alone or with a friend but withOUT my husband and 4 kids!
I need my nails painted, badly. Maybe you can suggest a colo? They're currently black. ;-)
Hi Taniele! What a great list! I love bright fingernail polish too. And yellow is a wonderful color!
Your family is beautiful!
hands down, cutest picture of grandma and grandpa! =]
I'm a DDP lover!
Happy Friend Makin' Monday!
Great post mama.
Hi, nice to meet you! The flowers make me smile! I not only like the smell of cut grass too, but I like to cut it!
I love to go camping with family and get away! Have a great Monday! :D
cute blog, great list, I too adore camping, I was super bummed out that I worked too much and the weather was too bad for me to go last summer, oooh well.
Wow! What a great list! I enjoyed reading it and stopping by your blog. I look forward to visiting again. From your profile, it sounds like we have quite a few things in common. How fun!
Thanks for your comment on my blog, Simply Red. They're fun to get.Oh and I love, love, love the quote from Sis. Hinckley on your side bar. She was a fun lady! I think I might have to frame that one.
I love thrift stores! and sunflowers are so pretty! I'm so glad you joined us! I hope you have a great night!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope to be blog buddies.:)
What a great list! Your family is precious -- love those pictures!
Great list! Love the photos. Looks like lots of fun is happening at your house.
thank you for stopping by my blog! i'm looking forward to getting to know you better.
have a great night!
I loooovvvveeee the smell of fresh cut grass too! I can't believe I forgot to put that on my list! It's not weird at all! Loved your blog by the way
Fresh cut grass is soooo awesome!
Once you make to switch to Dr. Diet Pepper, or as we call it DDP, you won't go back, It has to be a fountain DDP though, it's just not the same from a can!
Great list this week and I love all the super cute pictures. I am so happy to find someone else who loves the fresh cut yard. I tell everyone I do some of my best thinking on the lawn mower as no phones, no computer and no one needing mommy. What makes cutting grass even better a nice cold DR. PEPPER. I want to invite you to come over to my blog, I am having a bath and body works giveaway! Have a blessed day!
thank you for stopping by my blog. i love fingernail polish as well... especially in darker colors, like black and dark red.
great list!
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