Here it is Monday already which means FMM. Head on over to Kasey's link up, and meet some fun, and crazy bloggers.

So today's task is Confessions! Spill your guts...her I go!
1. I just ate two pieces of pizza for breakfast(and didn't let Jibbity know so I wouldn't have to share). Do you think they will stay down?
2. Sometimes if there is a crumb or something on my kitchen floor, I kick it under the stove instead of picking it up or sweeping.
3. I love pulling out slivers, watching surgeries on t.v., and any true life E.R. shows. I always watch when I get a shot or have an IV put in.
4. I "pass gas" when I think no one is listening, and then I laugh a little to myself.
5. I can burp really loud, and when we're camping it's a known rule, that burping out loud is a must. Gross huh? The kids think it's awesome.(this stems from when I was a kid)
6. It's after ten in the morning, and we are all still in our pj's, no beds are made, and I have let my two little munchkins "graze" on crackers and apple juice.(while I had pizza) Mom of the year? Yeah right!!!
*There are sooo many more, but I don't think I am ready to admit those to everyone...hahaha
Have a wonderful day, and be sure to come back this evening when I will be announcing a giveaway(like no other!!!)
Can't wait for your giveaway announcement!
And I totally don't believe confession number 2!
OK, right now with your propensity for barfing I think you might get a nasty surprise if you try to participate in the burping contest....
The rest of your list cracks me up!
your number 2 so made me laugh because I do that all the time. I would hate to see what it looks like under my frig!
I love your list! And here I thought I was the only one who kicked crumbs under the stove! :o)
Have a wonderful day! {And fingers crossed for you that the pizza breakfast stays down!}
LOL about the burping and passing gas. Sometimes I don't have a choice but to go to the bathroom and let it out for fear I might blow everyone away. And I think it's funny too. lol
Have a great week!
Okay, I'm still laughing. I might try this one but do I dare confess what I have to confess? Yikes!!! I'll be back later for your giveaway!
You are sooo funny! I loved reading your list. I was afraid to put some of my worst things on my list because I don't want my hubby to know. Like letting my kids stay up til midnight when he's on trips and going out for fast food.
Great list!
I knew there was a reason why I loved you!!!
You are so hilarious! It feels good to admit our silliness and foibles.
Great list! Sometimes it's so much easier to hide in the kitchen and eat then fight over the very last of something with kids.
Your list cracks me up. I love pizza for breakfast {crossing my fingers yours stayed down for you}. It's almost 3 and I haven't put on makeup or gone anywhere all day. First day of summer break, you HAVE to laze it up!!
Ok, I want to be grossed out but that list was just too funny! Happy FMM!
I challenge you to a burping duel!!! I am a burping queen, I burp like a king though!
giveaway...what are those things? friendmakingmonday? I must research this blogosphere more!!
tanielle, how are you feeling? thinking of you.
I actually think I remember hearing you burp at some point in your life...I think you were a baby. :)
(Wes had jello for breakfast one day last week. My proudest moment.)
You get a pass for "passing gas" while preggo!! My kids thought it was a riot that Momma tooted out loud. And most of the time it was uncontrollable!!!!
Have a great week!
I am so laughing about #4!!!!!!!!!
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