This week's task is Daydreamin'
If you had $1000 dollars, and a baby sitter for a period of 24 hours what would you do?
Wow... oh the fun. I think I would want to go someplace nice for a yummy breakfast with Hunter Dan.( I love going out for breakfast...just doesn't happen very often!) Then he could go to Cabelas or hunting or whatever.... I would then of course go SHOPPING... for what... I don't know, but whatever I wanted!!

THEN... I would get my hair, nails, pedicure... whatever done. Something I don't splurge on very much. Time for me? No kids? I don't know what to do!!! Get together with friends and have a scrapbook retreat at a hotel... stay over, eat junk, scrapbook, laugh til' we wet our pants, maybe even get some sleep. Then I think we could all go SHOPPING... again, and maybe out to a movie or ballet or whatever. I would then get Hunter Dan, and go get the little cuties... because I've been away too long... (and I am pretty attached to them, and am pathetic, and miss them)... and do something fun as a family. Awesome!
What a great 24 hours...IF ONLY!!!!
ummm, do you like shopping? And can I go? Love your signature!!
Love Ya!
Cute daydream- mine actually had my kiddos in it with me, cause I was gone form them this weekend and missed them so much!!
So nice to meet you. Wow---what a fun question..what would I do. I think I would have a date day all day with my husband. I would have us drive to Atlanta and get a beautiful hotel sweet at the Ritz or Four Seasons, and then have brunch, perhaps a spa treatment or two, swim in an indoor pool, see a show, got out to dinner...really live it up.
Love the idea of a scrapbook retreat at a hotel, scrapbook, eating, laughs with friends. Cannot beat that!
Sounds like a fun day!!
Ohhhhhh so nice to meet you and your lovely blog.
What makes you smile? Come and enter the Under the Sheets giveaway contest.
dang that signature is stinkin' cute. =) haha. good thing you have me! love you!
hi...thanks for stopping by..hope your having a nice day..
Sounds like a fun day! If I could plan a day for myself, I would love to start the day with a quiet morning breakfast in my pjs watching my favorite movie. Then I would take the thousand dollars and go shopping for me for a change :) No kids pulling on me to go this way and that. I would also love to get theater tickets for me and the hubby. Also, I can't forget a nice long trip to the book store. You have a very nice blog!!
Hello from SITS... I would definitely go to breakfast than a nice spa... by the way nice bloggy blog
awww, what a fantastic mom you are!!
Hey Tanielle!!
Thanks for your kind comments! :D
Sounds like a great daydream to me! Everyone mom/wife/woman needs a spa day! Have a great Monday!
I will have to try this out next Monday. I like what you did. I enjoy shopping and talking, laughing. Have a great day. Why not daydream it could happen Right?
Oooo that sounds lovely. Funny, I didn't even think about food except for the SUSHI I'd need to eat. I'd also have a personal trainer work me over before stopping for a nice massage, facial, and mani/pedi. Oooo and an expensive good haircut. Maybe I'd even go see a movie. With *good* popcorn. I need a day off.
Let's do it to it!
Love that time with girlfriends when your belly hurts afterwards from laughing so hard! Sounds like the perfect daydream!!
Great daydream! Your a good mom to want to spend time with your want QuIEt!!! No talking, crying, argueing or complaining. I'm daydreaming again, see ya!
scrapbooking retreat with the friends would be fun! you could use all the money for stuff to scrapbook! I go scrapbooking w/ my sister and some friends once a year for 2 or 3's great!
I live for scrapbooking! I even blog about it. I'm just saying...;)
And I live for Hobby Lobby as well, but we don't have Hobby Lobby stores in New York City. =( And there are hardly any scrapbooking stores either, grrr.
That being said, I shop online and visit Hobby Lobby when I visit family...ahhh, this post makes me long for a family visit. :)
Anyway, I liked your scrapbooking retreat idea. I've heard about them though I've never been to one.
You sound like someone I would definitely like to know. I look forward to reading more!
Ooh a trip to Hobby Lobby now that would be fun!
I could spend it all in Hobby Lobby. Great dream day!
I almost said scrapbooking for my FMM...
I'm headed to a scrapbook convention this weekend, so I can't wait!
Great 24 hours!!
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