A few posts ago, was the prom photo tag, go
here for the original post, and to see if those I tagged played along. Now for the answer....
Hubby's prom was 1986...
He was a junior at the time, and he didn't actually go to prom as a senior. He also grew up in a super small town in the four corners area! He has two different prom pics from this dance...two different girls....interesting!!!!
My prom was 1994...
"R" was a senior and I a junior. That was one of the funnest dates ever!!!
Just for fun...this is my prom 1995, as a senior.

Another HUGE dress...loved this one too, and also created by my mom!!
"R" came home from school...(Ricks College)to take me...this was just a little before he left on his mission and this date was very emotional...It was just before graduation(big class of around 68!!!) Just before R was leaving(we'd been together for quite a while by then), and life was just seeming a little more "real", if that makes any sense. Funny how these pictures can take me back to a certain time, bring back all the memories and make me realize how quickly life can change. I loved High School... I really did.. but being a wife and mother is the most amazing experience ever. I am grateful everyday that I have this "job" that I love more than anything!!!Who would have guessed that one year after graduation I would be married, and a year after that I would have my amazing little baby boy!!!
AWWW...each day goes by so quickly...I need to slow down and enjoy them more!!!!
My kiddos have year-round school and are off-track for the next couple of weeks...the weather was beautiful yesterday 71 degrees and it's suppose to be even warmer today!!! Can you say...YARD WORK?! I love being out in the yard and am so excited to get out and dig in the dirt, get the flower beds cleaned up, and get my decor changed. Bug will be so excited when he finds out he "gets" to mow the lawn...best chore ever! I'll post some pics later on to show my front door area.
These are what are in bloom right now!!! Love my tulips!!!
Have a wonderful Tuesday!!!
Your mom was quite the seamstress...she did a great job on your dresses! Do you still have them? What a treasure they'd be! I think I might have quessed the year correctly, but I'm not sure. They'll all very good pictures!
Be sure to drop by today...I'm having a giveaway!
These are great! Your dresses...omg! They're huge. And awesome! Can't believe they were handmade.
Your green dress is very Scarlett O' Hara! Cute pics!
those dresses are awesome!!!
gotta love those huge dresses!
I wish the girls would still wear those awesome big dresses!
Isn't it great to get out in the yard?! I spent most of the day in the yard and it never felt so good to crash into bed.
What great pictures!! I should dig out my old prom pic's!
I think the funniest part is that he is sitting in that chair and she is standing...so odd!
How funny...I grew up in a small town in the Four Corners area, too! Love both dresses BTW!
Wow your mom can SEW! Great pics! I love your tulips! Stunning. Where are these located at your house? I want tulips...go ahead and divide and ship them my way! Thanks in advance!
Have a great week!
The more I learn about you, it is funny to see our similarities. My daughter is also in year round school, that is funny. But she isnt off track right now, she had a two week break in March.
It is supposed to be 100 here?! What? Actually 100 in Phoenix, so here it will be 95. Still hot! I am so jealous of your tulips, my favorite flower.
You are just a Spring chicken! So cute!
I am just loving the weather. I spent the day doing yard work yesterday. And today I'm going to get some flowers to plant. It's so nice outside. Yay!
Have a super day!
Stopping by from SITS, We pretty much have the same story! :) Loved all the prom pics!
The dresses are great!
Fiddle Dee Dee Scarlett! Your mom is quite the seamstress! I love that whole prom thing, where as far as dresses and hair, bigger is better.
Those dresses are incredible! Your mom was amazingly talented!
Love the prom pics!
Those pictures are pure classic! Go Ricks! ;)
Your mom is so talented...I can barely sew a straight line on a square pillow! ;) I love hearing about other people's proms!
Tulips are my favorite flower ever. They are just such a welcoming site after a cold and dreary winter.
Yay, I guess 1994!
It is so much fun to look back and see memories in pictures. I so love your dress. Oh your flowers look wonderful. Have a wonderful day.
awesome pics aunt tani. prom is coming up here quite soon and i really am hoping i don't get asked. oh yeah just so you know...my blog comments works now :] LOVE YA
Hey you are so good at leaving comments :) I really appreciate all the nice things you write to me :) Thanks Again!
Love ya!
oh p.s. I LOVE your prom pictures!
Why I do declare, it's Scarlet!! You look fantastic! I loved those dresses.
xoxo ~Lisa
I can't remember what I guessed, but I think I was close? Have a great time with your kids off of school...I've always wondered how "year round school" works! I hope the beautiful weather continues.
Your blog is so cute!
I love the old prom pictures - Love the dresses. So fun!
Have a GREAT day!
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