Welcome to Extreme Makeover-Me Edition!!! The adorable Amber has this amazing support system going on over at her blog, if you're looking to lose weight, get healthy, or just meet some amazing bloggers, head on over and check it out!
Today's Question....
Share some of the music that you work out to. What helps you rock it!? What gets your blood pumpin?
Well, this is a hard one...actually anything with a fun, and fast beat! I was a drill team and a cheer coach for a few years and I love the music we used. If you can do a cheer comp routine to it, it definitely has a great beat! I can't think of anything specific except NKOTB...sorry folks I listen to them all the time!:) It's Xazmin's fault!!!! IF by some miracle my knees and feet can handle the elliptical, I watch t.v. (too many years of dancing and cheering ruined them both!) Maybe I am just old!
NOW....I am down a pound and a half....not too shabby!! Which is amazing because I am STARVING!!!! Not because I'm not eating well, or getting a good amount of calories...it's just one time a month I seem to be more ravenous than others......

My fridge seems to pull me in too! Shoot I don't have metal fillings though! BUT...the yummy,and healthy fruit will soon be coming in season, and I love me some cantaloupe!!!! I cut it all up into chunks, and put in the fridge. If I get a craving and it's not cut already...chances are....I won't take the time to cut it...and I'll eat ice cream instead.:-)
Last week...
*didn't exercise like I had hoped
*ate pretty good
*drank lots of water
This week...
*exercise, exercise, exercise!!!!!
*Crunches(not the chocolate ones) daily
*water galore
*good snacking
*try to stay positive
Thanks for the support!!!! I REALLY appreciate it!!! Have a great WeDnEsDaY!!!!!
Good for your Tanielle!! Way to go.
Love the cartoon!! I replaced all of my metal fillings in the past few years so I don't have an excuse either!!
I'm psyched for the fruit and veggies coming in season soon too. The fruit & veggie stand by me is the best. It is pricey but sooo worth it in the end for staying on track. I love tomatoes!!!
Not sure how I did this week. Off to WW in a bit. Wish me luck!
Keep up the great work girl!! You did a fantastic job.
Much love from NJ,
Great job on the pound and a half!
I wish I could watch TV while I work out. If I could que up The Real Housewives of New York I could get an hour in at least!
Have a great week!
Congrats on the pound and a half, Tanielle! That's great...keep on keepin' on! When I run on the treadmill, I have to listen to Van Halen and REO Speedwagon! Really gets me movin'!
I think we all have metal in our teeth. I lost your cute Ribbon button when I was trying to do a button scroll thing. I will get it up as soon as I clean up my mess. Happy Earth day.
Congrads on your loss. That is great!! Keep it up!!!!!!
Good job on the weight loss.
Wow, I wish I would've lost a pound and a half this week ~ that is awesome! Food calls my name too, but you're doing great with exercise, woohoo!
Hooray for you! 1-1/2 lbs is awesome, wish I could say the same. and I am right there with you, looking forward to FRESH fruits and veggies! Maybe warmer weather will do the trick for me...
Having healthy snacks and food ready to go are the key! I am so with you on that. I will take the time to cut up the melon, but if I'm hungry I will snack on cookies while I do it!
Thanks for stopping by my little blog :)
NKOTB....flash back to the high school days.
You little ones are adorable...love the descriptions on their side bar photos!
Hope the exercise goes better this week!
BTW - The deleted comment was me...I had some 20 letter typo that killed me...so I put it out of its misery.
I really like doing my warmup and/or cooldown to Britney Spears' Piece of Me. It's hard not to feel good while listening to that song!
Great Job!
Keep it up T!!!! I'm going to have to find out who this group is that you listen to. Just so I can either raz you or applaud...I'm not sure which to do, yet ;)
xoxo ~Lisa
Good job girl! I havent weighed myself in a couple weeks, I dont think I want the news that awaits me lol. I am trying to encourage myself to get that exercise in but it isnt working! Cant ever seem to find unterrupted time!
You're so awesome...you can do it! WE can do it! We are gonna look so hot Donnie and Joey won't know what hit them!!
Fabulous! Way to go on the pound and a half. IF I were to exercise on an elliptical or treadmill, I would probably watch TV, too. I blame my bad knees on basketball in high school, but I think it's genetics...my dad has horrible knees!
You guys crack me up with your NKOTB obsession! ;)
Oh I had to laugh about music I work out with. WELL....I was listening to "HEART" while walking on the treadmill once, and I was walking/running, and singing along....fell off the treadmill. HAHAHAHA
Don't sing while on the treadmill.
Thanks for your eating tips. I always need those.
You go girl!! My goal for this week is to get more than 5 hours of sleep a night. No luck so far, but I keep trying!
That's awesome!! I'm down 1 lb too, which I am SO happy about! I haven't really lost much in the past couple weeks. I hover. lol.
That cartoon is hilarious! I can use that excuse!!
Mmmmmmm, I love fresh fruit too!
You are such a positive person! I love that!! :) I used to coach cheerleading too. :)
Congratulations! I am very impressed! Warmer weather ia a great motivator for me......
I have weeks like that too.. when I am just ravenous for food!
Good for you with all your exercise and water! That's great~!
What a funny cartoon! You are doing great! Very healthy!
You are so positive and good!!!
The cartoon was very funny:-)...I am getting in the mood...and the jeans are way too tight.
Thanks for some motivation!
You have a very pretty name. Keep up the exercising and just put good things in your fridge. I know not as fun! Hugs, Bobbi Jo
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