Just a quick post this morning, I am spending the day with my kiddos... ya know since I worked them to death(so they think) out in the yard, and cleaning the house this week. They are my world and the most amazing little people. It's hard to believe they are mine!(I never said they were perfect, or they don't drive me crazy sometimes, or make me want to pull my hair out)....they are after all still sleeping...so it's still quiet:-) Today will be a computer free day! A day for me and my little monsters. I will check back tonight after they are in bed, and try to get caught up with everyone!!! I love my bloggy friends, and am sooo very grateful for all the amazing women I have met through this outlet of mine, and for the wonderful comments that are left. Thanks to you all!!!!
A few pics and a pole....what is your favorite flower????

FUNNESS!!! MY favs are GERBER Daises!! I love them - so happy and colorful...sigh...Have fun today!!
Mine are pansies. Long ago in another life time, I was having a horrbile horrible time. I had pansies in my little flowerbed. They bloomed and bloomed. Then winter came and the time got harder. And my little pansies, EVEN IN THE SNOW, bloomed all that winter. I knew it was God giving me a little blessing each and every day.
Oh, have an amazing day with those sweet kiddos of yours...make lots of memories...they grow up FAST! I love flowers of all kinds, but I love yellow roses and the smell of magnolia blossoms! Pure yumminess!
Have fun with your children. I love gerber daisies.
Wow, love the flowers! Will you please come to my house and work in my yard?
Have a great day with your monkeys! How fun.
My favorite flower? Paperwhites.
IF those are the flowers from your yard workin' crew...send them over to my place pronto! I love the smell of a lilac in spring, roses on a hot summer day...oh the list goes on and on!
Come on over to my blog...I'm having a giveaway that just may make your day even better!
I LOVE Gerber and Shasta Daisies! They make me smile :)
Actually, my fave flower is a daisy. hmmm do you like them too? lol
I hope you have a wonderful day with your children. I know how you feel I have 2 teens that I would like to farm out at times but I love them all.
The flowers are breathtaking. My favorites are Babies Breath and Sweet Peas.
Have a fun day! Hugs, Bobbi Jo
Have fun with your babies (they'll always be your babies, right??)! My favorite flowers are pink roses, yellow daffodils, tulips, and hydrangea...they're all tied! :)
Daisies! I love them. Any kind. I just love how they look so happy.
Have fun with your kids.
I hope you and the kiddos have a wonderful day!
I love so many different flowers...it's hard to choose just one.
I'm thinkin' I'll go with lily though!
I hope you're having a great day with the family!
I love too many flowers to choose but my favorite that I've never grown are birds of paradise!
Have fun with your kiddos today! I love any flowers as long as they aren't weeds!
My favorite flower is hydrangea. Hope you enjoyed the day with your kids!
Hope you enjoyed your day! I had a computer free day too, went with my big girl on a field trip with her class. Was a beautiful train ride and cant wait to see the pics I took haha
For years...I rejected Roses and said that they were a waste of money and cliche. At that time I claimed my favorite flower was a Daisy.
When I married my husband and it was time to design my bouquet at the flower show....I changed my mind.
My favorite flower is now....Hocus Pocus Roses. They are a dark velvety red with splashes of yellow.
I just found your blog through FMM and have been reading through your posts.
My favorite flower is gladlious flowers of any color!
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