Today's task: 5 things that just really get you fuzzed up (that means makes you mad)

Here are my 5...
1. Parents who don't buckle their babies/kids up in car seats and in seatbelts! Follow the laws kids are sooo precious, I can't risk anything happening to them. I don't think it's because these parents don't love their kids, I am not sure why and I just don't understand!
2. When my house is messy! I like Kasey can't stand my dishes being left in the sink. I can't stand when my bathroom has anything out on the counter. It drives me crazy when the kids eat cookies, and get crumbs all over my kitchen floor or on the counters or through-out the house( when they aren't suppose to eat out of the kitchen)and don't clean it up. I could go on and on, that's where my OCD comes in.
3. When my kiddos or hubby leave dirty clothes around instead of just putting them in the laundry basket.
4. When my hubby leaves the toilet seat up, when I have asked him sooo politely to put it down. EVERYDAY!!!
5. When people think they are too good for others. Women are pretty bad at being petty, and snotty, I just wish we would seriously use the golden rule and wouldn't hurt anyones feelings! I am sensitive...what can I say?!?! I also need to be more careful...I truly hate the thought of someone being mad at me, or thinking that I might have offended someone.
6. Parents who hurt their children...mentally, physically, emotionally. Breaks my heart, and makes me furious! My kids are my world!!!
7. When drivers are rude and don't obey the laws!!! I HATE when people don't pull over for emergency vehicles.
8. It drives me crazy when I don't get everything accomplished that I wanted to on my list! Or when someone else writes on my list!!(obsessive list maker):-)
9. When my wonderful neighbors wake me up in the middle of the night with their partying, and loud music. I would really like to live in the middle of nowhere sometimes. At least I have the dispatch number memorized!
10. When I hear kids(or anyone) swearing and saying inappropriate things around my children. Watch it people, what might be o.k. at your house might not be o.k. at everyone elses!!!!
OOPS, I think I went over my list of 5. Sorry all...Kasey did it so I guess it's o.k. I feel better getting this off my chest!:-) It's great to find out what makes our friends happy, but this is fun to find out what gets our friends "fuzzed up!"
Have a wonderful Monday!
Oooooh, I'm with you on so many things on your list.
Enjoyed your two other posts I missed. polished your toes. Sunshine at our house today. It was wonderful. Darn...heard it was going to snow on tuesday. What is up with this??
Have a great day.
Hey - great list Tanielle! I loved it. I also had some neighbors that were loud partiers. They have kept it down for a while lately though.
And I do not understand people that don't buckle their kids up. That is so crazy!!!
Have a super week!
Dirty Laundry everywhere drived me crazy too!! My hubs and I just had a "pleasant conversation" about that very subject HAHA! Have a great Monday!
I'm your twin with #5 & #8...your words could have been exactly my words. I always tend to be the empathetic one because I hate how it feels to be treated unkindly or rude, and I do everything I can to NOT be the one to do that to others!!
Have a great start to your week!
I can understand. Those make me mad too. Especially number 7. I would love to play along with this sometime.
Have a great Monday!!
I'm with you and the kids safety thing, no seatbelts and abuse. They are precious little people and it's our job to protect them.
Great list...I agree on so many but even if I didn't I wouldn't tell you, I would hate to hurt your feelings ;)
Great list! I would hate to have partiers next door, especially when you have kids. That would make me soooo mad too! I do not like petty or snotty girls either, there is no need for it!
I'm an obsessive list-maker, too. I have so many notebooks; buying a blank notebook makes me happy! I totally agree w/ #6 and 1; it's so awful. I wish I was more OCD about my house. I'm a naturally messy person. I agree with #5, too. Great list!
I think you need to borrow Andrea's cleaning fairy to pick up all those cookie crumbs! LOL!!
Have a great week!
I played along today! ;)
Great list!!!!
That was a great list. These Makin Friends sure help us learn about each other!
I can tell you are a wonderful mom, wife and person. Wasn't conference fabulous?
I thought the list was SUPPOSED to be 10 things.
Great list! I'm in agreement with all of it! I'm an obsessive list maker too. Always have to have a notebook in my purse.
Great List! Ours are pretty similar.
OK, I am soooo with you on #3. However, my family piles their dirty clothes ON TOP OF the hamper. Why can't they just open the lid and put them INSIDE?! Why can't they take that last little step and help Momma out?
Ok well I expect you to hop on a plane and let your OCD come kick into high gear at my house! You just wouldnt even know where to start lol
She's lying everybody...her house is a disaster! Oh wait, that's mine.
Love your spotless house!!! Why don't you come clean mine?
Kids not buckled...oooh! I can't believe I didn't think of that. That one probably makes me more mad than anything!
great list! i am definitely with you on the first one ~ seat belts and car seats are there for a reason ~ use them!!!
have a wonderful day!
We have similar lists. :-) I a mcurrently avoiding the upstairs because I KNOW there ar epiles of laundry in the bathroom and in the hallway from the girls and Rob. It will drive me INSANE so I'm avoiding it until the girls get home and can pick them up. LOL
What is it with people who can't drop their clothes in the dirty clothes basket instead of dropping them on the floor?! It drives me crazy too. I also can't stand the toilet seat being left up...especially in the middle of the night...that's a nice surprise! (NOT!)
Hope you have a marvelous Monday!! ☺
Amen, Amen, Amen!!!! I get fuzzed up about those things too! Just reading about them fuzzes me all up.
Stopping by from SITS to say hi! Stop by my blog for my latest giveaway!
The toilet seat thing drives me insane.. I
Falling in the water... in the middle of the night,,when your half awake...stinks!!!!
Oh, I can't stand it when people don't buckle their babies up! I just want to go buy them a car seat -- it's awful!
I too am fanatical about car seats. My poor nine year old is still in a booster seat and I wish all the kids in her class were. In Germany, the limits were much higher (4ft 8in or 12 years old) and I wish they would up them in the entire US...not just certain states.
I am so happy you feel the same way about children the way I do. Oh I just want to pull every car over when I see a child roaming the back seat. I love your list also.
I am having a Round Robin on Friday April 10th if you want to share a craft idea or something fun.
Love your list. I think I can agree with all of them and wish I would have added some of them to my list. I agree totally with getting mad when people don't buckle their kids in their seatbelts. Do they not think, "What If..." Thanks for sharing and stoping by my blog. Have a great Monday!
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