Fun with the Family....
What a relaxing day yesterday was!!!
*I spent time with Bug going through his summer clothes and realizing,,,this boy better stop growing!!!
*spent time with the girls and their lack of summer clothes.
*fixed something yummy for lunch.
*admired gorgeous chalk art that was done.
*Played this game.....eight hundred and fifty-one times!!! I only won once...SAD!!!

*cut Bug's hair
*bean bag war...this is daily...thanks once again, Michelle!
Nothing fancy...just relaxing, and hangin' out with my munchkins.
When Hunter Dan got home...we had to run a quick errand. Afterwords we went to the video store and rented these...

Hunter Dan...popcorn chicken(from the deli), bag of pork rinds(gross)
Me...(sorry folks no diet tonight)...popcorn chicken, fuze peach/mango drink, almond poppyseed piece of cake.
Bug...2 Jones sodas(cream soda), lunchable, flaming hot cheetos, ice cream bars
Lexlee...lunchable, countrytime strawberry lemonade, 2 kiwis, sweet tarts, ice cream bar
Jibbity...popcorn chicken, bug juice, smarties sucker, 2 strawberry juice pops
Ashie...she ate food from home
We then had a picnic in my bedroom, and watched our movies. Where the Red Fern Grows....not the original, but so cute. I cried and cried, yes I am a baby!!!! I didn't cry for the dogs dying, but for how heart-broken "Billy" was.(ya just look at things differently when you are a mom) Freaky Friday...funny and the kids loved watching all the "oldness" from this one. They laughed really hard!
It was a FUN day...
ABC tag... my cutie niece tagged me for this...
A: Addiction: blogging
B: Breakfast(what you eat): honey nut cheerios(for diet) would prefer eggs benedict
C: Chocolate or Chips: Chips, I LOVE doritos!!!
D: Dessert or Appetizers : Appetizers
E: Essential Items: Make-up, and a bra(not pretty without one!!)
F: Favorite Color :Yellow
G: Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Gummy Worms
H: Hometown: Firth, Idaho
I: Indulgence: crafts, and shopping
J: January or July: July... I Love summertime!!
K: Kids: 4
L: Life isn't complete without: Family, and friends
M: Most exciting memory: when I was sealed in the temple to Hunter Dan, and the births of my babies
N: Number of Brothers and Sisters : 5 brothers, 1 sister
O: Oranges or Apples: Apples
P: Phobias or Fears: I am scared of the dark, tornadoes, and Bigfoot
Q: Quote: Christ is the center of our home, a guest at every meal, and a silent listener to every conversation.
R: Reading: anything good
S: Summer or Spring: Summer
T: Tag 6 people: anyone who wants to play along!!! Come join in!!
U: Unknown Fact About Me: I love to go camping, but pine trees really bother me, I'd rather camp in the quaking aspens. I am scared to death of night-time when camping...we sleep in a tent, and it terrifies me. Basically I am a chicken!!!
V: Vacation I want to go on: someplace on a gorgeous beach
W: Walking or Running: walking
X: X-Ray or Ultrasound: Always wanted a broken bone...never had one, have had x-rays though, it's hard to choose, they are both amazing with what they find out.
Y: Your favorite food: Pizza, and salsa(not together)
Z: Zoo or Bowling: either, they are both fun!!!
Have a great Saturday everyone...Hopefully Bug's soccer game won't be rained out!!
Hey Tanielle! Sounds like you had a fabulous day with the kids! Good for you!
I think I may steal $4 dinner night!
Have a great weekend!
I think that was the best day I have ever heard of! I can't wait to do $4 dinner night with my little girl when she gets older! Thanks for sharing and inspiring!
I think it was a fabulous idea to spend the day with your children like that. I was thinking yesterday that I need to spend more one on one time with my girls.
Love the $4 dinner night. What a hoot to see what they picked. Cute!
I absolutely LOVE the idea of a $4 dinner clever and fun! My girls, even though they're 12 and 17, would LOVE that! We may have to give it a try very soon!
What a fun tag, too! Enjoy your weekend...hope you have great weather!
That sounds like so much fun! Love the idea of $4 dinner night too! I have to admit though I've never seen where the Red Fern Grows!
What a perfect day! I have never heard of $4 dinner night. What a fun idea! And it is stuff like that your kids remember when they grow up.
Oh how I love days like that.
Our version of the game is called The Dinner Game. We have 7 people so we create 7 courses, ie. appetizer, side, main, beverage, dessert, side, appetizer. We put those on little papers and into a hat. Then 7 money amounts on little papers, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 into a hat. Each person draws one from each hat. You now have your part of the meal and the amount of money you must spend. The person going the farthest over or under their money amount has to do the dishes. This is a total blast and usually a very unhealthy meal.
Long comment... fun game!
What fun! I think that sounds like a great day spent with your family. What is the game 'Blink'? I have never heard of that one before. You are such a great mom!
I will have to do this maybe tomorrow. Have a great weekend. I love the Friday meal. It looks like all of you had a fun time. I love how your family is so close.
Hey girl you won the Link back button giveaway -- get in contact with my about what you would like.
Sounds like an absolute perfect day yesterday! I to think I may have to "steal" your $4 dinner night, my boys would LOVE that!
What a fun day with your kids, they will member day like that!
Where do you shop that all of that was only $4? Lunchables alone are almost 4 bucks here!
Love your ABC list, I may join in on that one!
Have a great weekend!
So basically if a tornado came at night and left Bigfoot behind that would be one heck of a scary night for ya?
hehehehe good list
I'll echo the other comments' praise of the $4 dinner idea! How cool is that!? Am sooooo swiping that idea!
Love the original Freaky Friday. I never saw the movie, cried each time I read Where the Red Fern Grows.
I also love love love your Q-quote.
Cute dinner idea! :)
Your tag is great. I love learning more about my blogging friends!
What a great day!! I love days spent with the family...we have movie nights,, love, love Where the Red Fern Grows (this version w/ my absolute favorite man, Dave Matthews)!! Have you guys watched Because of Winn Dixie (love it!!)...enjoy the rest of your weekend :)
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