So...we have three goldfish. That's the sum total of our pets! Bug bought a fish at business day back in October, and the kids were so excited about this "one" pet that I thought..."just go get a couple more, then all of the kids will have a pet, and they will stop buggin' us for dogs and hamsters."
After a quick trip to Wal-mart we had a small tank, rocks, a shark to go in the tank, fish food, and two more fish(costing six cents each, my kind of pet!!!)
On to my story...Lexlee is the tank cleaner. She does a really good job, she takes her time, and makes sure the little home for our pets is perfectly clean! This is a weekly chore of hers, it stinks....seriously stinks soooo bad! I have actually cleaned it a couple of times too, but I have to tie a towel around my nose, and try not to throw-up. YUCK!!!! So last Wednesday I asked miss Lexlee to get the tank cleaned...she went in the kitchen, set up her "fish tank cleaning equipment" and got to work. She of course removes the fishies, and scrubs everything. After a while she calls me into the kitchen saying..."Mom one of the fish are floating on it's side, and the others aren't swimming!" I walked in looked in the tank and I thought..."what the krump?" How do three fish die in a matter of a few minutes! Poor little things were gulping for air, one was at the top on it's side and I looked at Lexlee, and said "honey, I think they are all dead." You'd think she'd have started to cry, but a little side story....a couple of months ago her first fish died...instead of crying she was more than willing to be the one to flush it down the toilet...AND she thought it was cool...what?...keep in mind this is my super sweet, and sensitive daughter. Anyway...Lexlee said, "they were alive and swimming around before I put them in." I pulled the tank closer, and to my surprise the tank felt warm. I thought it was from just being cleaned, but when I opened the lid and felt the water....holy smokes...she was trying to cook them!!!! I guess when she had felt the water before she put it in the tank, it felt just right....while it was running in it continued to get warmer, and she didn't realize it. "Well they're dead"...I thought, but I filled a bowl with cool water, and scooped the fish into it...MIRACLE!!!!!! They started swimming around and were so happy that one jumped right out onto the counter..."get it Lexlee" I screamed...she grabbed it put it in the bowl just as another one jumped out...

HALLELUJAH...they were alive and had become circus performers too! She quickly grabbed it and put it back in and covered the bowl with her hands....they were alive and better then ever!!!! After I re-filled the tank with cool water, and we poured the little fish back in, they were perfectly fine! Poor little things had gone into shock. Now all is fine. What a crazy minute, and I think I will supervise a little bit better when she puts the water in....
Check out these ways to keep your fish....
Key chain?
Jibbity wants this one!!!

That's just weird...but kind of cool?
Maybe someday I'll share the story of how on the very same evening Jibbity dropped my nice CTR ring in the toilet while she was wiping her fell in with the poo. That was fun....I probably won't gross anyone out with that one though....
*Took Ashie into kidscare last night she has Thrush...always something going on!!!
Have a great Sunday...I will be staying home from church.. again! Maybe someday everyone will be healthy!!!:-)
I have to laugh your "trivial" pet dilemmas. Try living here with 3 large breed dogs, 2 guinea pigs, 1 gerbil and 2 fish. Oh did I mention we're breeding our baby girl so in about 12 weeks we can add approximately 7 more little fur balls to this way crazy house!
I do have to admit the fish tanks SMELLS, that's why I have children!
Hope Ashie is better soon, you sure have had your share lately!
I'm so glad your fish survived! My kids STILL bug me about how I killed their fish. (I only killed 1 on purpose, THEY killed the other)!
Thanks for not sharing the CTR ring story with us, I really appreciate it. LOL
Hoping Ashie feels better soon.
I'm cracking up, because if Lexlee did that at 9, how much am an idiot am I, that I did it at 23!!!! I'm glad your fishies are OK.
Oh, and I sure hope Ashie is better soon! Poor baby!
eeewwww...I do not want to hear the potty story!
Upgrade just a tiny bit to a small bowl with a filter system and buy a fish that eats the bad stuff in the water(we always called them sucker fish but that is not there name!) and that will take care of a lot of the stinky problem.
What a funny story. I am happy to hear that the fish are okay.
hahaha that is too funny! I hear ya on the stinky fish tank. We have 3 goldfish and I get the lovely job of cleaning their tank every week, along with the guinea pig cage. I have to say the fish tank actually smells worse than the guinea pig! We have a regular farm going on over here, guinea pig, 3 goldfish and two dogs. Lots of extras to take care of!
Haha! Glad the fish survived!
I actually almost killed my fish yesterday as well! I have blue marbles at the bottom of the container and was convinced that the bright blue water was just reflecting off the marbles! oops!!
I still don't know why that happened but the fish is alive!
Oh my gosh, glad you were there to figure it out!!
I agree on getting one with a filter, and buying one of those sucker fishes. If you ever notice at Walmart, there is one of those fishes in EVERY tank! They get the job done!
And no, I DO NOT want to hear more of the ring story. I think you just told me all that I needed to hear!!
Have a great day! Hope your baby gets better soon.
It's always something, huh? So glad the fishies are alive and thriving. ;)
So glad your fishies are still swimming! Kids are still pestering us for pets, guess they don't think the hermit crabs count - I do like the sink fish tank though, that's way cool!
At first I was like poor little thing. Then BAM -- that was funny! Performing Goldfish! I could just see myself in those shoes -- Hot Mama! LOL TFS
Sienna's fish jumped OUT of the tiny hole in the tank on her 9th birthday and DIED on the floor. I stepped on it. *crunch*
I like the sink one, actually, it's kind of cool!
Poor Ashie!! :-(
Too funny! Cleaning the tank was on of the worst chores ever. I still remember that horrible smell.
Poor Ashie. I hope she is feeling better really soon.
Hope you're having a good weekend. I have an award for you, so please pop over to my place when you get a chance and pick it up.
we had fish for a long time.. but i had grumpy clean the tank..i was a BIG HUGE one! i love the shoe
thanks for coming over to my blog! i have checked on yours before from xazmins..i love your ribbon blossoms boutique.. i also have your button!
It's a MIRACLE! Fishes back from the dead, and performing as well!
I think you just pretend your kids are sick so you can skip church.
At least that's what I told your bishop today.
hahaha, SO glad i got to be there on that momentous occasion! however, i didn't get to see the jibbity CTR ring part... i remember her having it on though! funny.
My daughter would love that sink!
Yay! They're alive!!
I was at my friend's house and her daughter and my daughter tried (unknowningly) to kill her son's fish by overfeeding them. The bowl was overflowing with fish food!
WOW...I'm amazed. Our fish are usually dead by the first bowl cleaning. You have the fish touch!
Have a great day.
You go girl! Save the fish! That fish tank in a shoe...CRAZY!
I,m a big nerd mental and full of crap.
Companies that employ workers to do manual clean-up should be more cautious to prevent human accidents and exposure to hazardous chemicals. But these days, more companies reduce human errors and human exposure to unfavorable conditions by making use of tank cleaning equipment that does the process with greater efficiency and precision.
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