How Bad did YOU mess up?

O.K. so my hubby nor I have family around us, so no yummy dinners to go to. Infact for our delicious Easter feast we had.... enchiladas, which I could live without so whatever. BUT...I also made my oh so hot and wonderful salsa....which I devour...the salsa itself is healthy...the chips however are not!! Luckily this stuff goes through me quickly so it was like a body cleanse(too much info? sorry!) Anyway, Hunter Dan took the last of it to work to share with the guys there, and I am starting fresh! My salsa, and reese's eggs binge is over! IT WAS REALLY GOOD!!!!:-)
So here's this weeks question....
What are you going to do this week to get yourself back on track??
1. Eat less!!! Back on the calorie counting!
2. drink a TON of water
3. exercise!!!!!!!
4. Healthy snacking...fruits, veggies, pretzels...ya know the drill!
5. Be happy...I'm gettin' awesome is that!?!
Next week I will come back with a better report! Holidays can be hard, especially Easter with all that pretty pastel candy...seriously, I love the aisles in the store, decorated for this spring holiday! Back to gettin' fit! YAY!!!! Go link up with Amber and get some awesome support from the ladies that have joined Extreme Makeover-Me Edition!!
I WON, I WON!!!!
I actually won a giveaway! I am soooo excited! Mama-king over at 4 Crazy Kings will be sending me a package of cards that she designed! She is amazing and sooo talented! She comes up with some really great kids projects! Go check her out! How cool is that!? I NEVER win anything!!!! I'll post them when I receive them!
An Award!!!

The adorable Mom...That Girl over at Sunshine and Rainbows gave me the Mom of the Year award. She is so cute and I love her blog! Why she gave me this...I am not sure..I don't
feel like the Mom of the Year, but I do LOVE being a Mom!
The rules of this award are....
Admit one thing you feel awful about involving being a mom.Get it off your shoulders. Once you've written it down, you are No Longer allowed to feel bad. It's over with, it's in the past. Remember, you're a good mom! I feel like I don't have enough time... I always feel at the end of the day that I didn't teach my kiddos enough, or wasn't patient enough, or worried more about how clean the house was, instead of if my kids were happy! I am vowing to be better!
Remind yourself you are a good mom, list seven things you love about your kids, you love doing with your kids, or that your kids love about you.These are the things to remind yourself everyday that you Rock!
1. I love to hear the sound of my kids voices saying, Mom, momma, mommy, and know they are talking to me! How awesome is that!?
2. I love when my son tells me I'm a geek...means the world to me, he's always smilin' when he says that, and I know he likes when I make up weird songs, or do goofy things!
3. I love playing school with Jibbity...she's the teacher, and she's very funny!
4. I love the sweetness of Lexlee, she is so caring and thoughtful. I look to her as an example!
5. Love, love, love snuggling with my little Ashie...she is dependant on me, I love that feeling!
6. I love when we all do things together... simple things, like running around the living room, and having beanbag fights(thanks again Michelle).
7. I am sooo grateful that I have been blessed with them, they are my world!
Send this to five other Mom's of the year that deserve credit for being great moms and remind them that they are the best moms they can be!! Remember to send them a note to let them know you've selected them, and add a link to the person who nominated you.
There are so many of you out there that deserve this is who I chose!
Vivienne at The V Spot
Mama-face at Blog-Ignoramus
Jenny at Jenny- Jenny who can I turn to?
Kelly at Two kids a minivan and a lot of love
JennyKate at JennyKate's Spot
Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! Mine is super Rainy out, but it's gorgeous!!!
Thats great you manage to have a lost while enjoying some delicious treats!! Good Job!!
Thanks for giving me the award! :) I will post about it later today! :)
Ooooh, I love the home made salsa! If only it didn't taste so good with the chips, right? :) Here's to a great week ahead of us!
I know! I had a terrible eating week this week. Easter is a bad time to try to be good! Great list of things you are going to do this week. I especially love the be happy one. I'm going to try that too!
Congrats on being mom of the year. I can tel what a great mom you are from your posts. Your kids are lucky to have you! Have a wonderful day!
You amaze me everyday! Thanks for the award! I'm so glad you found me. I love to read your blog everytime you post. You are also an inspiration in the weight loss arena. I just found long lost friends from about 25 years gone by on face book and I really want to lose before I see them. I can do this, yes I can. You are my example!
I gave you the award because of the things you listed. You are a great mom!!
I haven't received an award in Blog-Land before. Thank you, even though I will have some 'fessin to do. :) I don't know how to add that little graphic or anything, either. (Take one look at my blog and you can see that I'm a stock template kind of girl...)help?
Your loving description of the Reese's egg (and of your kids!) is great.
Enchiladas sound like a great Easter dinner. Will you be sharing your salsa recipe...? :-)
Oh I love those treats. I say I am going to Wal-mart I wonder if they are on sale there. I guess I should walk more instead. Maybe tie them to my little one's stroller it may go faster?
This is definitely the week for getting back on track! I love how you eat the reese's eggs, I eat regular reese's cups the same way! Well when I actually allow myself to eat them anyway. Congrats on the award!
I eat my Reese's eggs and my Peanut butter cups the same exact way. They are sooo good and most def. my fav!!
My husband loves those too! He made sure there were a lot in the kid's Easter baskets! I made sure the kids had a lot of whoppers. That's what i'm obsessed with! ohhhh; a cake dome filled with whoppers. Now thats a dream. haha.
Good post! :) Those peanut butter eggs and I are on good terms. Too good. Like Terms of Endearment. ;)
Your seven points were wonder you got the award!! Indulge, indulge. I'm glad summer is around the corner and all those delicious good for you things are available!
Those Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs should be illegal! Sounds like you've got a good plan to get back on track this week. I should probably try to do that myself. Congrats on your winnings! Thanks for the award! I'll post it soon. ☺
Hope you're having a great day!!
I found a bunch of those king sized Resse's Eggs on clearance at Target for $.24 each. I literally had to talk myself out of it. I wanted to fill my whole cart!
ME? Are you sure?? I cannot believe it! Though it is NOT true, Thank you!
Thanks for your other kind words; I needed that!
I purposely buy candy I don't like for Easter (or other holidays)...little trick I learned a while ago! :-)
Have a wonderful day!
Oooh those peanut butter eggs look so yummy! Easter was soo hard for me. We always have next week though. Just get right back on the wagon.
Congrat on the award. That's great!! You are a wonderful Mommy.
Much love from NJ,
I'm definitely guilty of eating a few too many of those, too!
I LOVE your sleeping pictures from the last post! Oh, I'm still laughing!!!!
The Reeses eggs and cadbury eggs have been KILLING me!
Congrats on winning the giveaway and the award! woohoo! Have a great week!
My son got ONE peanut butter egg... Before I knew it, it was gone. I was stunned; my hubby threw it out. DIDN'T HE KNOW I WAS DROOLING OVER IT!?? The nerve. I guess he saved me from a few unnecessary calories and a lot of guilt!
Happy Easter mama!
Keep up the good work on your make over.
Yes, my dear...we CAN do this!
Maybe we should take turns runnin' laps at the boutique on Saturday!
We could like jog around the whole farm!
Have a good night...happy HEALTHY snacking!!!
Congrats on the giveaway & the award!! That is awesome! And thank you so much for your sweet comments!!
I ate so very many of those reese eggs!! urgh.
haha...i love playing school with jaidee when she is the teacher. she gets so serious about it. she's so darn cute. i love her lot :]
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