Ashie... one year ago, you were the new, beautiful, little baby girl, we'd been

waiting for. Oh, how very excited we all were to finally see you.

You had a little bit of a rough start, and we were so worried about you...

but you pulled through and have been such a joy in our lives.

You had a beautiful blessing day, so tiny and pure, and your Dad was amazing with his new baby girl.

You were beautiful, and your brother and sisters absolutely adored you from the first sight.

Lexlee is like a little mother, and she is always ready to pick you up and take care of you!

Your "tough" Dad thinks you are wonderful!

Now you are a big ONE year old, 18 lbs, and so full of mischief, I love you to the moon a hundred times.

You are so busy and so... fun.

Happy Birthday "little big eyes", that's what your Dad calls you.

We love you so much and are so happy you are here.XOXOXO
Awww, wonderful post!!! Happy Birthday Ashie!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!! I can't believe that she is ONE!!! Hopefully you had a fun time and hopefully we will get to see you sometime soon! I miss my kids! Bob's your uncle!
I can't believe she's a year old already! She's such a stinkin' doll with those big beautiful eyes! I can't wait to come see you guys soon! It's been way too long since I've paid you guys a visit =]
What a beautiful post! Congratulations! My daughter turned 3 today. I can't believe she's 3! Where does the time go???
I adore this post! Happy Birthday, little one. My daughter will be 1 on the 26th.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!I can't believe how fast time goes and the she is one already!!!! She is so cute!
Wow, seeing those baby pictures took me way back! She has grown so much. I love you and the beautiful family you are raising!
What a cutie! Happy Birthday!
Stopped by from SITS! I couldn't resist the daisy. My favorite flower, they're so happy. Love your blog. What a cute family. I read your sunday post and had to smile. OH...I remember how tired I was by the time I got to church when my kids were small. I'm afraid I wasn't as patient as you. Have a great day.
Oh, she's so sweet. Happy birthday to your little girl! And thank you for your sweet comments :)
Hi there!! What a cutie family! And oh, my baby is going to be one in about a week and a half...and I have been dreading it for months!! I love them so small, and it never lasts quite long enough! I love the blog...!!
Oh so sweet! Stopping by from SITS to say hi. Happy Birthday to an adorable little girl!
Visiting from SITS...what sweet pictures. Hope your little one has a fabulous year to come!
Happy birthday- what a cutie!
How precious! I have a baby turning one in June...first birthdays are the best! Thanks for stopping by!
Ahhhh...those are great birthday pictures.
SHe's a little (pretty) peanut!
Stopping by from sits! I love your background (lol, my blog has the same one!). My son turns 1 this June, and I cant wait. Happy birthday!
Stopping by from SITS to say hi. What a beautiful little girl.
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