Here are the rules...
❶ Leave me a comment guessing which Year this photo was taken...(yes the wrong guess might hurt our friendship...LOL...totally just kidding!) I will post the correct year in a few days after a few guesses come fun!
❷ If I TAG you...DIG up your old Prom it and lets guess the date too...(if you really are that self-conscience and don't want us to know the date...maybe we can guess the decade?)
~If you are married to your Prom date let us know!
~If you are not...try to post a Prom picture of your Prom & a second picture of your husbands prom too...let us know where each of your Dates are now...and their relationship status!! (and of course YOU are way cuter than his Prom date!)
~If you are Single...let us know where your Prom date is now!
❸ I am gonna TAG some people...and then those taggers need to keep it going by tagging 5 other people! I can't wait to see all of your pictures! Fun huh!?
My date in the pic was my boyfriend( "R" )for quite a while...even thought I might marry him, but....he went on an LDS mission, and I got married while he was gone. Now he's happily married with some kiddos of his great!!! Wow...that was a while ago....crazy how time flies!!!
I was raised in tiny town Idaho and we are about 25 years behind in styles so this pic could be from 2004...ya never know!:-)
This is my hubby's prom...he is WAY older than me(7 years)have to rub that in! I have no idea about his date other than her boobs were much, much bigger than mine!!!!! (probably why he took!!!) O.k. and she is pretty! Nice light pink bowtie honey! You are HOT!!!!
Heather at Sugar N Spice & Mostly Nice
Juls at Every Day is a Crazee Day
Amanda at Faithchick
Kris at JesseKate Designs
I can't wait to see your gorgeous photos!!!!!
------------------------------------ called and Lexlee's coulture came back positive for strep. Poor wonder she hasn't been able to shake this thing. Now I will be taking in Ashie, she's still fussy, and not sleeping well! Life is never dull....which is good, how boring would that be!??
Have a great FrIdAy!!!!
I am totally lovin' your Southern belle look! You have to remember that I'm originally from Arkansas...can't get more Southern than that! Such a great picture! I did this same tag yesterday...what fun! I even posted a picture of my prom date that I found on the Internet. Yes, I "goggled" him! Times have sure changed!
Hope your kiddos feel better soon...strep is the pits!
Love it, love it love it!!!! I looked at my old prom picture and I looked like a Flamenco dancer or something. At least you look pretty in your's!! And your date is a hottie.
I don't know what happened to my Prom date. Some woman probably shot him because he truned into such a womanizer, lol.
What a great post and I'm going to guess 1984??????
Steady On
Reggie Girl
Holy smokes my hubby isn't even that old. HAHAHAHA
I'm gonna say 1994 or '95. I think Reggie Girl is in big trouble! :) Shoot! Now I'm gonna have to go diggin' through photo albums...this should be interesting. You are gorgeous in your photo by the way. LOVE the dress!
I LOVE the pics! Tell "Hunter Dan" that that is a fabulous pic!!! He looks soo happy!!! Bob's your uncle!
Love the pictures. I like that you got both out there. I did not go to my prom. I am sorry to hear about your little one. Mine is still holding on. Me on the other hand. I am not doing great today. Have a nice day.
Ha ha! Thanks for sharing! I love looking at "old" pics. What memories from the good ol' days. :)
I think it's great that you wanted a big dress and you got one. That color is gorgeous. You look so cute!
I have no idea on the year. I will say 1995?
Have a super weekend!
OH MY SAKE!!!! (that should really say it all)
I love the color of your dress. You and your hubby would of looked fantastic together with the matching pink!
Thanks for the tag. I can't wait to go dig through old photos.
I'm going with 1994.
What a gorgeous dress! A great picture!
Poor Lexlee. Hopefully Ashie doesn't have strep too. I send my love to them to get wel soon!
Oh my gosh now I have to find my prom picture or at least a prom picute.
Cute picture!! I would have to say it is from about 95. Am I right?
Love it! Wow your mom made that dress!! I see now where your creativity stems from! You look great...NO you cannot tell you have bushy eyebrows!
Woo Hoo! Love that you found a picture of Hunter Dan too!
I love your is so beautiful!
You look smokin'!
aww hope the kids feel better soon!!
You looked so cute. I was the prom queen once to. FUNNY!!
I'm gonig to guess 1996.
Have a great day.
First of all, poor Lexlee. Aw, sweetie pie, that sucks!
Second, I'm doing my figuring, starting with the rattan peacock chair Hunter Dan is posed in. In CA, that was circa 1984/1985. You mentioned he's 7 years older, so I am going to guess yours is from 1992.
And you look gorgeous. Shiny, but gorgeous. :-) Love the dress.
bahahaha. i hope some of these comments don't hurt your ego too bad! too bad i really could figure the year so its not fair for me to guess... 1979 maybe? HAHAHA. and i already texted you to let you know how much i appreciate you putting Hunter Dan's up. =) made my day.
1993 is my guess. My 1996 dress needs to remain hidden from the view of the masses. :)
I loved reading these blogs and seeing these old prom pictures. I would never even begin to haphazard a guess to the year...tmi! You looked pretty foxy and your husband looks like this just might not be the best night ever..LOL! My husband is 7 years older too and the difference in styles is amazing. Great pics!
I love looking at people's old pictures! I love the gloves you were wearing...I wanted to wear some but was scared I wouldn't be able to pull off that look. ha.
ohhhh the 90s! This is one of the better dresses I have seen hehe. I guess 1994!
Woo hoo, hott mama!! You look so adorable!!
LOOOOOOOOOOOVe the pink! :)
I should know the year...dang.
Tanielle, you are going to be a crazy woman when you take your girls prom dress shopping. Crazy in a good way. Not crazy like I am!
Perfect timing for your post; prom is next week for the High School here! And Jessie's dress is beautiful. It makes me wonder if we'll laughing about it in 15-20 years! We will probably be back to the truly ugly styles of my era!
I love it!! You are adorable!! I'm lovin' the dress...maybe you could rock that at the NKOTB concert. Your hubby is cute in his pale pink bow tie. Your hot pink dress is way cuter than his date's dress. I'm guessing from the size of those sleeves that it was 1993, possibly 1994. For your hubby, maybe 1986/87.
Oh, and sorry Lexlee has strep. Praying everybody is better soon!!
I am bad at guess, so I hope you'll tell us when your pictures are from. That'd be fun to find out!
I like this tag, I may have to do it myself even without being tagged.
i actually really love the dress! the color is fab. what a fun tag!
Look at you, pretty girl! Love the dress!! So fun that you were voted prom princess. I always wanted a tiara in high never happened.
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