Friday, April 3, 2009

Thrift store frames...

A few weeks ago I went thrift store shopping with Xazmin, and her Mom. We found some great stuff! Xazmin has gone and done some really great things with her finds, check them out here. I on the other hand have let them sit...BUT...I finally got my act together, and did a simple arrangement for my wall going up stairs. I started with these...

I bought the frames at the thrift store for seventy-five cents each. The ribbon was 40% off so I got it for just a couple of dollars, and have some left over. The bamboo sticks were on clearance for 1.29, and the vinyl letters I got at a craft mall for seven dollars.

I wanted something simple but a place where I could put up random, and "story-telling" pics of the kids, hubby, or family, that would remind us of an interesting or special time. These will be easy to change often, and a fun way for my kids to remember certain times.
For instance, the pic on the left is of my three little girlies hands right after Ashie was born. They marveled everyday at how much smaller her hand was than theirs. The pic in the middle was two days after Ashie got out of the hospital from being so sick, and it was St.Patricks Day, we were all so excited that she got to wear her new shirt(like the kids did) instead of being in the hospital. Also, Bug and Lexlee didn't have their braces on yet, and they REALLY like remembering that! The pic on the right is of Ashie's freshly painted toe-nails on her 2 month birthday, it's something silly I've done with all my girls.
I really like how this turned out, and the prices were great!! I got a couple of other things that day, and will post them when I finish those projects!
Hope your Friday is FaBuLoUs!!!


Jen @ said...

Oh, that is so cute. I love it!!!


Heather said...

The ribbon really pulls it all together. It looks fabulous!

Amber Filkins said...

Cute!! Love those vinyl clings, don't you??

shortmama said...

so cute! I wonder if those vinyl things work on textured walls? I haven't every picked them up to read them to see if they would work or if they would just peel right back off?

Small House said...

What a great idea. Hmmm...I might have to copy a bit. And the pictures are priceless.
Have a great day.

Boy Mom said...


I have been thinking of creating something similar for awhile, you've inspired me to get serious. I'll have to post pictures.

Shawn said...

I love that and have the perfect place in my office for something similar.

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

Love the picture frames and the stories they tell. I might have to steal your idea, it's just too cute.

Amy said...

Great finds and story.

Annikke said...

That turned out SO cute!

Rachel Lundy said...

I really like the way you hung the pictures on the wall. Very creative, and very cute! I'm filing this idea away. :)

Heidi Boos said...

What a creative way to display pictures. And, I love that you choose "random" photos, but ones that hold memories, and that you can switch out often if you want.

Super cute about painting toenails on your girls' 2 month birthday!

Have a great weekend!

Krissy said...

Wanted to let you know I gave you the lemonade stand award over on my blog.

Love the picture display! It looks wonderful!

kimert said...

Love that!!!
Great blog. :)

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

I love that! I may have to do something similar. You rock!

Momza said...

Very cute ideas! thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments! Have a super weekend!

Anonymous said...

Very creative. I love it.

Cathy said...

Oh my goodness what a lovely idea. I'd never think of something like that.
I ask if I could take your idea and use it only I couldn't put it together anyway.

thanks for popping in on my blog, I wish I knew how to find others so i could do the same. cheers.

Xazmin said...

Ahhh...I love it! Thanks for linking to me! You always come up with the best ideas, and this turned out really fabulous!


Anonymous said...

it beautiful! I really like the font of the letters. I might have to do something like that. I LOVE vinyl lettering right now. Anyways found you off of a site I follow, went to someone else and then saw your daisy picture and was like hmmmm I love daisy.....GUESS WHAT we are on SITS together SO, I am NOT a stalker I SWEAR!!!

SouthernDogwoods said...

Love it! Great idea! Looks fabulous!

Jenny-Jenny said...

Can I copy that? So cute, I love it.

Jaclynn_kyuss said...

I LOVE your picture frame idea!

heidi said...

That is AWESOME! I wish I had an *ounce* of your creativity!!!

Anonymous said...

Tanielle....I absolutely LOVE your crafts...I wish I had that talent!! Allison England Rhead! ;)