Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Displaying Those Treasures...

I saw some cute magnets at a craft show this weekend...they were so simple, but a fun way to display those never ending beautiful artwork papers you get from your kiddos. My fridge is a constant art display and I have to clean it weekly to make room for the next weeks treasures.

I decided to make some of these magnets for myself. Jibbity is especially excited to use the new craft project we painted together to hang her MANY masterpieces I get each week. Super easy, and fun for the kids to help with.

*these are made out of wood. I just used some scrap wood I had around. It's about 3/4 inch by 1 1/4 inch. They are 6 inches long. I used my big sander to add some texture on the sides. We then painted, I used a white paint pen for the stars, polka dots, hearts, and swirls, and a sharpie to write the words. Then I sanded again to distress all the edges. Hot glued some magnets on the back, and there you go. Easy and fun for those little monsters to help with! You could personalize them or make them a lot fancier. I thought about doing sports theme for Bug, ladybugs for Lexlee, and flowers for Jibbity. Maybe another time. I thought the simple turned out cute too.*
Gotta get ready for another craft boutique
this weekend. Oh...and be sure to keep checking Ribbon Blossoms ...we are adding a bunch of new products.

Have a WoNdErFuL WeDnEsDaY!!!


Jen @ said...

Cute magnets!!! I love what they say - what a fun thing to use for the kids artwork. It would make them feel so special.

Great work!


That Girl said...

is that wood? They are super cute and I would be interested in making them.

Kimi said...

Those are cute! How did you make them?

shortmama said...

love them!!

shortmama said...

Thanks for the congrats today! Oh and I have you beat on the weather...its sunny and supposed to be 85 here today!

The Sharp Family said...

I love the magnets! Very cute idea! I need to make some for my fridge, Luke would love that!
I NEED YOUR HELP!!!! I am trying to figure out how to make hairbows for Tay and apparently I didn't get the family trait of being super crafty and talented and I have NO idea how to make these things! PLEASE HELP!!!!!
Love ya!

Annikke said...

Those are so adorable! I love them!

Laura said...

These magnets are darling! What a fantastic way to show off the masterpieces of your little artists!

Kelli said...

I love those! And they sound pretty simple. I love displaying my kids' work so I might just have to try this. Thanks for sharing...creative!

Amy said...

That is really a neat idea. Have fun at the craft fair.

Kally said...

Cute! This sounds like so much fun I might try it out.

Sounds like crafting is going to go on everywhere this weekend. I'm going to Seattle w/a friend for an event Saturday :)

Anonymous said...

cute ideas...Im going to have to go make me some...After I figure out what I want to write on them since I don't have and kiddos with beautiful artwork yet! If you have any ideas for me you should help me out!! Love ya Talk to you soon!

Shawn said...

Very creative and cute! You are the craft queen!

Trina said...

Crashing in from SITS. Those are adorable. I do something similar but on my wall. It's my wall of fame and I put all my kids achievements.

FaithChick said...

What a cute idea! My fridge is getting a little crowded as well.

Heidi Boos said...

Great idea with the magnets! And I love that you decided just to create them yourself...very crafty! I'm sure I'll be needing some of these in the future as my kiddos get older. Projects galore, right?? Hope you're having a great week!

Diva Scrapper said...

Oh these are just adorable. I love them. You should post a tutorial on them. Too cute! I've got a little one and I would love to create something like this!

Shey said...

Awesome idea, very cute. Waiting for the tutorial.

Screamin' Mama said...

Those magnets are just too cute! I love them!