6. Freedom...I love this country sooo much, and even though we don't all agree on everything that is going on here, we live in an amazing country!!! 7. Warm summer days...we can have picnics outside, and spend all day out in the fresh air...playing, jumping on the trampoline, swinging, swimming, on and on.
8. Being able to kiss... my handsome husband and beautiful children...oh how I love them soooo much!
9. The changes in the seasons...this pic is actually of my Maple tree right now...which yes I would love it to be covered in leaves, but it sure looks pretty.
10. The beautiful Temple... where I was married to my hubby, and am blessed with the joys of en eternal family. My greatest blessing ever!!!
What a great way to start my Monday morning, remembering a few of the amazing things I have to be thankful for. Thanks Kasey, I love FMM!!!!
Have a great day everyone. I gotta take the kiddos to school, since it's a blizzard outside!!!!
You do have a lot to be thankful for!!
I can't believe you are in blizzard conditions!! It is 80 here and we are going swimming tomorrow!
Beautiful! I'm thankful for this beautiful day we have in Northern Indiana today :)
Your list is beautiful. Is that you in #*? It' always fun to put a face with a blog-friend.
Drive careful in that blizzard.
I really like the costumes of the kids. Very creative. Did you make them?
Hi Tanielle!
Great list! I love the pics of your cute kiddos! I know - can you believe this weather????
Have a super week!
Great list and I love your photos! :)
You have alot to be thankful for...and I love your pics! Hey, I'm doing my first giveway...come by and leave your favorite quote or phrase to win! Have a great day!
Love those pictures of you kiddos!! What a great looking family you have there!!
Thanks for sharing your fun list!
I really like your listed and pictures that went along. I hope you made it through the blizzard.
great costumes! I too love the changes of the seasons!
I love the kissy-face! This weather stinks! I'm sooo longing for those picnicks in the back yard!
Cute list. I think I might have to work on this one today!
The Hubby walked into the room as I was reading this and said, "Scroll back up!" "Man that's a nice deer," he said with drool coming out of his mouth! MEN!!
I love your necklace in this kissy face picture! :)
I,m happy for you. Thanks for sharing.
Will post mine later tonight.
Cute kids, beautiful family!
Hey Tanielle,
Great list! Love the kiddos all dressed up...Your first pic of your son made me lOL...wasn't expecting that as I scrolled down! We share very similar goals for this year I noticed in your "About me"!
great list! i love all the pictures ~ your kids are adorable!
have a wonderful week!
Remembering to be thankful is always a great idea! I'm glad you have so much to be thankful for! I'm always quite aware what my list is, too! So many blessings!
What a fantastic list! We should all put smooching and freedom on our lists -- great things to be thankful for! Thanks for always putting a smile on my face!
Great new look!! Loved your list.
great list! i love all the pictures!!! i really like your background, too.
the halloween pictures are cute!!
what a wonderful list. i hope your weather improves soon.
Um.....what!? Was that just a picture of you!? Love it!! Don't love that dead deer up there, but I'll forgive you for that one. :)
Great list!
What a great list. I to am thankful for freedom. Glad that you mentioned it because I think sometimes we take it for granted and we never should. Have a great day.
Hi, new to MMF love your list and you have a very lovely family. Loved the post about the daffodil. Ours are just peeking out of the ground.
What a wonderful list. I just love all of the pictures and your kids are super cute! I agree with you about being thankful for super tough husband that are deep down sweethearts. Thanks for dropping by my blog! Hope you have a blessed day!
Such a creative list! I'm one to take for granted our freedom, even though I appreciate it tremendously. Also, smooching!! That's so super cute!! Those Halloween pictures of your kids are adorable!
Thanks for coming on by my blog to visit!
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